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Friday, August 12, 2016

Business Day Personal Tech

Minh Uong/The New York Times

From computers to coffee makers, choosing the right devices for students can be tough. Here’s a guide to make back-to-school shopping a little easier.

App Smart

A Beauty Makeover With One Tool: Your Phone

Apps let users see how they would look wearing specific cosmetics, without lifting a brush.

Tech Tips
Tech Tip

Snapping a Flurry of Photos

Many iPhones and other camera-equipped devices have a “burst mode” that takes a batch of pictures in a quick sequence so you can get that action shot.

Tech Tip

Sharing the Laptop’s Screen With the TV

You can watch the video from your laptop on your television, as long as you have the correct cable or other hardware to connect them.

Tech Tip

Personalized Traffic Alerts From Google

Google Maps pulls in data from several places, including crowd-sourced highway reports from its Waze service, to warn you what’s up the road.

Tech Tip

Taking the Windows 10 Express

Microsoft’s Windows 10 Anniversary Update has just landed, but even if you chose the Express Settings during setup, you can still make adjustments.

More App Smart
App Smart

Prisma Adds an Artist’s Touch to Photos

Released less than two months ago, the app has become popular with its ability to remake photos as abstracts, manga cartoons or other styles of art.

App Smart

Recipe for the Home Bartender: Scroll, Tap and Pour

Making a good cocktail can be tricky, but many apps can help you become an expert mixologist.

App Smart

Feed Your Olympic Addiction Without Jetting Off to Rio

Follow the Olympic torch, read the history of the Games and catch up on results on a number of apps, some official and some from sports outlets.

App Smart

Wanderlust by Design: Organizing Your Summer Travel

Sidekix, Clarice and Google Translate can help you discover and navigate new cities and sites, and make the most of your time there.

Tech Fix
Tech Fix

Alexa, What Else Can You Do? Getting More From Amazon Echo

Making Amazon’s voice-activated speaker smarter is not intuitive, but with a little tinkering, consumers can expand its skills.

Tech Fix

What’s the Right Age for a Child to Get a Smartphone?

As more children get phones at 10 and younger, parents face the question of when to allow unfettered access to the internet and all its benefits and perils.

Tech Fix

The Downside to Cord-Cutting

A comparison of popular cable replacement services finds annoyances, like restrictions on content and missing channels.

Tech Fix

While Limited, Wi-Fi-First Phones Are a Good, Frugal Bet

Only some phones work with the services, which seek out Wi-Fi networks to carry call and data before turning to cell towers.

State of the Art
State of the Art

How Companies Like Dollar Shave Club Are Reshaping the Retail Landscape

Dollar Shave Club, recently acquired for $1 billion, typifies online-only companies that have upended traditional models of stores and advertising.

State of the Art

Live Streaming Breaks Through, and Cable News Has Much to Fear

The Philando Castile shooting and its aftermath have catapulted services like Facebook Live and Periscope into the center of the news, challenging cable to adapt.

State of the Art

Facebook, a News Giant That Would Rather Show Us Baby Pictures

The most powerful force in the news industry just said something that should shock everyone in the media business: Its primary purpose isn’t informing users about the world.

State of the Art

Why We Need to Pick Up Alvin Toffler’s Torch

The author of “Future Shock” warned about the dangers of rapid change, and many have come to pass, but advance planning has fallen out of favor.


Fitness Trackers Move to Earphones, Socks and Basketballs

Devices collect more kinds of data from more places, and one stores the energy from your movements for use to power a device.


A Rookie Learns to Fly a Drone

There are many steps before you can get airborne, including finding a safe area and learning the federal and local regulations.

More News and Reviews
State of the Art

Think Amazon’s Drone Delivery Idea Is a Gimmick? Think Again

Amazon doesn’t reveal much, but a little sleuthing suggests that drones may be central to the online retailer’s long-term strategy.

Facebook Blocks Ad Blockers, but It Strives to Make Ads More Relevant

The programs that prevent websites from displaying ads will be rendered useless for those accessing the social network’s desktop site, but not on mobile browsers.

Facebook Helps Develop Software That Puts Students in Charge of Their Lesson Plans

In collaboration with a charter school network, Facebook has developed a student-directed learning platform aimed at public schools.

Heads Up

London Bookstores Go Rogue as No Wi-Fi Zones

A crop of bookshops buck the trend of high-speed Wi-Fi and barista-made coffee in favor of the centuries-old tradition of disconnected browsing.

Self-Service Checkouts Can Turn Customers Into Shoplifters, Study Says

The study of purchases in countries like Britain and the United States suggested that shoppers may find it easy to justify not scanning merchandise and taking it without paying.

Disney Bets on Streaming, Joining With Major League Baseball

BamTech, which handles streaming for baseball teams and Time Warner’s HBO, will help Disney introduce an ESPN-branded subscription service.

Video Games Where It’s About Batman’s Psyche, Not Whiz-Bang Action

Telltale Games has wooed gamers, and Hollywood, by breathing new life into the genre of narrative video games that let players decide how a plot unfolds.

Shocker! Facebook Changes Its Algorithm to Avoid ‘Clickbait’

A change in the social network’s algorithm is meant to identify misleading headlines on news stories and rank them lower, to keep users coming back.

Confused by Chip Credit Cards? Get in Line

Swipe the card. Nope. Dip the card? Maybe. Feel like an idiot? Definitely.

Snapchat Used to Spook Advertisers. Not Anymore.

When the company started offering ads, brands were wary of high prices and vanishing content. Then it let football fans drench themselves in virtual Gatorade.

Instagram Takes a Page From Snapchat, and Takes Aim at It, Too

The new service from Facebook’s photo-sharing app will let people share photos and videos that have a life span of no more than 24 hours with friends who follow them.

On Fantasy Sports

Win for DraftKings and FanDuel Opens Door for Sports Betting in New York

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo signed a bill classifying daily fantasy sports as a game of skill. It is a step toward legalized betting on games.

Do-It-Yourself Fashion Thrives at the McCall Pattern Company

Far from the glitz of the runway, on a cluttered floor of an old Manhattan skyscraper, an iconic brand offers sewing for the Instagram generation.

Bitcoin Plunges After Hacking of Exchange in Hong Kong

Millions of dollars’ worth of the currency was taken from Bitfinex, causing a 20 percent decline in the price, which partially recovered later.

Bitcoin Basics

Bitcoin is both a virtual currency and an online payment system, one that some people believe will transform the global financial system.

China, Not Silicon Valley, Is Cutting Edge in Mobile Tech

American tech companies study Chinese users and apps as a smartphone revolution changes how people interact, buy products and manage their money.

State of the Art

Even Uber Couldn’t Bridge the China Divide

The ride-hailing company joins the top tech giants in failing to overcome the enormous and varied barriers to competing effectively in China.

Didi Chuxing and Uber, Popular in China, Are Now Legal, Too

Although they have had huge success, and billions of dollars in investment, in the country, the ride-hailing services had operated in a legal gray area.

I Was Misinformed

Smile for the Phone, Creep

That nonlethal weapon, the smartphone, can deliver justice. But only if you can unlock it.

Nations of the World Confront the Pokémon Menace

As the popular augmented-reality smartphone game expanded to 26 countries, authorities responded with alarm, bans, charges of espionage and at least one fatwa.

Can’t Catch ’Em All? Hire a Pokémon Trainer.

For underemployed 20-somethings, training newbies in the finer points of Pokémon Go is a fresh career. Or at least, a quick buck.

How to Protect Privacy While Using Pokémon Go and Other Apps

The game’s developer made expansive permission requests — in error, it says, and it uses only basic data — but many apps make similar requests.

Do-It-Yourself Transit Planning, by App

Apps and other technology could complement mass transit by offering passengers alternative ways to travel from home to a transit stop, then on to their final destination.

Critic's Notebook

A Cute Internet Star Flirts. All He Wants Is Your Password.

Jack Johnson asked his Twitter followers to send him their passwords. And tens of thousands did.

Being Batman at Comic-Con, Virtual Cape and Cowl Provided

At the annual convention, media companies are promoting their movies and television shows with virtual reality.

Twitter Bars Milo Yiannopoulos in Wake of Leslie Jones’s Reports of Abuse

The action against Mr. Yiannopoulos, a Breitbart editor, followed a campaign of prolonged abuse against the “Ghostbusters” co-star.

Still Want to Get the News on Facebook? Read All About It

Facebook’s change to its news feed algorithm could mean you’ll see fewer articles, videos or photos shared by the media. But there’s a way around that.

Frugal Traveler

10 Free (or Cheap) Travel Apps Worth Downloading

Let’s be honest: Most travel apps aren’t very good. These are worth your time (and, in a few cases, your money).

Should Your Driverless Car Hit a Pedestrian to Save Your Life?

Surveys show that people generally believe autonomous vehicles should make an emergency decision for the greatest good — except if it might kill them.

The Getaway

How to Survive Being an Airbnb Host

As the writer learned in her stint as an Airbnb host, the hospitality business is one long, grinning, love-me-please tap dance, more easily disparaged than done.

Mark Zuckerberg Covers His Laptop Camera. You Should Consider It, Too.

A photo of Mr. Zuckerberg’s laptop camera covered in tape had curious observers wondering if it was paranoia or just good practice.

Goodbye, Password. Banks Opt to Scan Fingers and Faces Instead.

Frustrated by thieves stealing personal data from millions of customers, banks are investing in biometric technology to offer better security.

Bits Special Section

The Internet Can Be Mean. But Sometimes It Redeems Itself.

The internet has altered global culture almost beyond recognition and is reshaping issues from gender identity to military conflict.

Google Home: A Voice-Activated Device That Already Knows You

A virtual assistant designed to compete with the Echo from Amazon and other artificial intelligence devices coming from Microsoft, Apple and Facebook.

Tech Fix

Google Home vs. Amazon Echo. Let the Battle Begin.

Here’s how Google’s voice-controlled, Internet-connected speaker compares with Amazon’s popular Echo device.

Video Feature: Seeking Pluto’s Frigid Heart

Set foot on an alien world, three billion miles from the warmth of the sun. Visit Pluto in virtual reality.

A Field Guide to Civilian Drones

As consumer and commercial drones increase in popularity, the government is taking more steps to address safety concerns and regulate the aerial vehicles.

Interactive Graphic: How Many Times Has Your Personal Information Been Exposed to Hackers?

Find out which parts of your identity may have been stolen in major hacking attacks over the last two years.

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