
HTML 5.1 is a W3C Recommendation

1 November 2016 | Archive

HTML5 logoThe Web Platform Working Group has published a W3C Recommendation of HTML 5.1. This specification defines the 5th major version, first minor revision of the core language of the World Wide Web: the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). In this version, new features continue to be introduced to help Web application authors, new elements continue to be introduced based on research into prevailing authoring practices, and special attention continues to be given to defining clear conformance criteria for user agents in an effort to improve interoperability.

W3C Invites Implementations of Encoding

10 November 2016 | Archive

The Internationalization Working Group has updated the Candidate Recommendation of Encoding. For new protocols and formats, as well as existing formats deployed in new contexts, this specification requires the utf-8 encoding. It also defines a limited set of other legacy encodings so that user agents can convert to and from utf-8 in a standardized and therefore interoperable way.

Geolocation API Specification 2nd Edition is a W3C Edited Recommendation

8 November 2016 | Archive

The Geolocation Working Group has published a W3C Edited Recommendation of Geolocation API Specification 2nd Edition. This specification defines an API that provides scripted access to geographical location information associated with the hosting device. The Edited Recommendation incorporates changes made against the 2013 Recommendation that resolve all the errata.

Call for Review: Content Security Policy Level 2 Proposed Recommendation Published

8 November 2016 | Archive

The Web Application Security Working Group has published a Proposed Recommendation of Content Security Policy Level 2. This document defines a policy language used to declare a set of content restrictions for a web resource, and a mechanism for transmitting the policy from a server to a client where the policy is enforced. Comments are welcome through 9 December 2016.

W3Cx opens CSS Introduction course

7 November 2016 | Archive

CSS intro course logoToday, W3C announced the start of its new W3Cx MOOC: CSS Introduction, designed in cooperation with the Microsoft Corporation. This 5-week long course will teach how to style your Web sites like a pro, with fonts, colors, layout, etc.

If you start now, you will be just in time to celebrate the 20th anniversary of CSS with us on 17 December and create a cool design to say “Happy Birthday, CSS!”. Learn more about W3Cx courses.

First Public Working Draft: Resource Timing Level 2

3 November 2016 | Archive

The Web Performance Working Group has published a First Public Working Draft of Resource Timing Level 2. This specification defines an interface for web applications to access the complete timing information for resources in a document.

Tim Berners-Lee joins the Computer Science Department at the University of Oxford as a Professor

3 November 2016 | Archive

Tim Berners-LeeW3C Director Tim Berners-Lee W3C Director Tim Berners-Lee joins the Computer Science Department at the University of Oxford as a Professor, as announced by Oxford on Thursday. Sir Tim graduated from the University of Oxford with a first-class degree in Physics in 1976 and returns 40 years later to become a member of the Department of Computer Science and carry out computer science research.

Tim continues to shape the future of the web in his role as Director of both the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the World Wide Web Foundation. Tim also continues as a full-time professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, where he is based, and where he leads the Decentralized Information Group research.

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