In a tweet on Tuesday, the president-elect suggested those who desecrate the flag should be jailed or stripped of their citizenship.

The Green Party candidate continued her effort to revisit the vote in a trio of states won by President-elect Donald Trump.

The daily update.

  • Washington Post Staff
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  • 14 hours ago
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A new team at the top means...the same Trump.

The four are among a growing number seeking to lead the Democratic Party in a time of diminished power.

Despite Trump’s pledge to “drain the swamp” of special interests, wealthy financial backers are helping to shape his administration.

In a blow to the Green Party candidate Jill Stein, a judge ruled that the procedure does not have to happen entirely by hand.

It is unclear which of the president-elect's proposals would have kept the student out of the United States.

  • Washington Post Staff
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  • 22 hours ago
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Romney acknowledged that Trump had done what he had failed to do: win.

The special rewards being offered to Trump's biggest backers could cut against his pledge to “drain the swamp” and run an administration free from the influence of wealthy interests.

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