Gov. Terry McAuliffe blasts Metro board as “a joke” engaged in “goofy, naive political theater.”

(Katherine Frey / The Washington Post)

Mark Jinks said costs for Metro, schools and sewers require the city to re-prioritize its spending.

Authorities said no one was injured, but a man was arrested.

Today's warmth is about to get kicked out by a cold front. It'll bring more rain in the process.

10 people temporarily displaced by leaking roof; no injuries reported.

He registered blood alcohol concentration of 0.10, police report states.

Authorities are investigating whether there’s a link to a murder that took place days ago.

The department urged people to stay indoors.

Plus, another One Direction member is going to be a dad and Justin Bieber thinks Instagram is "hell."

  • Bryanna Cappadona
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  • 4 hours ago
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Mr. Tinker brought a fresh sophistication to prime time in the 1970s, led NBC turnaround.

A McDonald’s franchisee, he created the flagship item of the global fast-food chain.

A Bowser administration official was allegedly fired to appease a donor to the mayor that lost out on city contracts.

He recently professed his innocence after a former model accused him of raping her three decades ago.

A roundup of news from the Washington region.

  • 6 hours ago
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“Appomattox” statue move unlikely, lawmakers say; Jefferson Davis Highway renaming not yet underway.

City officials say too many are coming from Maryland and Virginia to access shelter.

The drinking water supply and wildlife aren't at risk, local officials say.

Auto dealers fighting Tesla are expected to keep battling the company’s direct sales model.

  • Laura Vozzella
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  • 7 hours ago
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The bill, introduced by council member David Grosso, seeks to prevent businesses from setting salaries based on pay history.

“All they care about is, do you care about them? And they do know we care about them.”

Police still investigating Nov. 25 killing of 16-year-old at Potomac Gardens

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