Ballotpedia:Biographical information submission form

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Do you have information that you'd like to see added to Ballotpedia? You can do that via the submission forms below. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
See also: Ballotpedia:Submit a link

Photo submission

Do you have a photo that could be appropriate for a candidate or elected official's page? If so, click here to submit it for this profile.

  • Photos must be a head shot of the candidate/official.
  • The photo cannot contain any extra words, signs or people.
  • We can only upload files in the following formats: png, gif, jpg, and jpeg.
  • If you are not the candidate or official, we need to verify the photo before we post it. Are you from the campaign, or are you a friend or relative? Please let us know where you got the photo.

Ballotpedia does its best to find the most professional, representative image for the subjects of its articles. The availability of such images may at times result in varying levels of quality. If you are the copyright holder, you can submit a replacement for an image by emailing [email protected] and including a link to the page in question.

Ballot measure information

If you are a ballot measure sponsor, campaign manager or supporter/opponent, we encourage you to submit ballot information (state or local ballot measures, ballot law) that can be incorporated in related articles on Ballotpedia. To submit your information, please contact us at [email protected].

Incumbents, candidates, and former elected officials

If you're an elected official, former elected official or a candidate for election, we'd like to encourage you to submit biographical information that can be incorporated into your profile page on Ballotpedia. We also encourage you to verify your resume with our background screening partner, CandidateVerification. The cost is free to all candidates and we will provide links to your verified background report for our readers. To verify your resume, please click here.

Ballotpedia candidate profiles will be created shortly after the filing deadline for the election in which the candidate is running. His or her name will be added to Ballotpedia's list of candidates at that time.

Submit your bio

To submit your information fill out the form below.