Help:Report an error

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There are two ways to fix errors or inaccuracies you notice on Ballotpedia:

What constitutes an error

An error, as the term applies to articles on Ballotpedia, is usually grammatical, typographical, or factual; more complex errors are discussed below. Lack of relevant information does not usually constitute an error. There are many sprout pages on Ballotpedia with much less information than would be ideal, and even well-developed pages can nearly always be improved by the addition of more information. Building a comprehensive, up-to-date encyclopedia about the subjects we focus on is the aim of this site, but it is and always will be a work in progress.

If you have a question about a particular article and you can't find the answer on Ballotpedia itself, send an email to [email protected].

Report an error

You can report an error by using one of the following methods:

  • Fill out and submit the form below, making sure to include any information we might need to correct the error.
  • Send an email to Ballotpedia's editor at [email protected] with "Reporting an error" in the subject line.


Significant complaints relating to the content of Ballotpedia articles or about such serious matters as copyright infringement are matters of high priority. Any such complaints or concerns should be communicated to [email protected].