DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia, Tuesday, Feb. 26— In the most devastating Iraqi stroke of the Persian Gulf war, an Iraqi missile demolished a barracks housing more than 100 American troops on Monday night, killing 27 and wounding 98, the American military command in Riyadh said early today.

Some of those who lived there were women, but a military spokesman said he did not know whether any women were killed or wounded. A pool report said the barracks housed the 475th Quartermaster Group, an Army Reserve unit based in Farrell, Pa., a small town near the Ohio state line.

A television correspondent said he had seen a Patriot defensive missile intercept the Soviet-built Scud, a missile that has been fired again and again into Saudi Arabia or Israel during the war, often on erratic courses. Monday night's attack was the first of the Iraqi surface-to-surface missiles to take a sizable number of lives.

Greg Siegle, a freelance writer, said he saw "a gigantic explosion" 100 feet off the ground, then another as bits of glowing metal fell to the ground and set fire to the barracks, which is situated in Al Khobar, a city a few miles from Dhahran and its big air base. He said the building caught fire at once. Within an hour, it was a charred skeleton.

The American command disputed the accounts of the witnesses. It did not say whether a Patriot missile had been fired, but said the Scud had broken up in flight, as have several others launched in the last few weeks.

Baghdad radio, hailing the attack, said the missile struck "the coward traitors who mortgage the sacred places of the nation and turn Arab youth into shields of flesh."

Many of the occupants of the barracks, a corrugated-metal warehouse that had been converted into temporary housing for British and American troops, were eating dinner or relaxing when the missile hit. Others were apparently working out or sleeping, and many survivors wandered around, in sweatsuits or gym shorts, stunned, during the rescue efforts.

A military policeman said that most of those in the building were Americans from Army transportation and quartermaster units. Not all of the names of the units were immediately available.

In Pennsylvania, an operator taking calls at the Farrell Police Department last night said that members of the 475th Quartermaster Group came from Farrell and many other towns along the Ohio-Pennsylvania border. The operator said she had seen several families gathered outside the group's headquarters at the United States Army Reserve Center on her way to work.

Chaos engulfed the scene moments after the burning debris fell into the converted warehouse. Saudis in the neighborhood followed it down from the sky and quickly ran to the scene, complicating rescue efforts. Mr. Siegle said it took at least 20 minutes for the first fire engines to arrive.

But soon there were several, plus at least two dozen ambulances, military and civilian. Blackhawk medevac helicopters landed nearby and took some of those who were hurt to the 85th Evacuation Hospital in Dhahran.

This morning, under the pitiless glare of portable floodlights, excavating equipment began plowing through the blackened remains of the building. Servicemen joined in the search for the missing, using picks and shovels, as some of the survivors milled about. Many wept.

In a dormitory-turned-morgue, four pairs of boots protruded from under blankets. Sleeping bags and military uniform belts were scattered about on the charred floor.

There was little left of the building but its steel girder frame.

Another missile was fired at the island nation of Bahrain, which is almost visible from Al Khobar. It was knocked from the sky by a Patriot, according to the American command, which presumably had official reports from the Patriot batteries. Scuds are notoriously inaccurate, particularly at long range, so the two may have been pointed at the same target. Attacks on Saudis Have Failed

Repeated Scud firings at Dhahran, Riyadh, King Khalid Military City and other places in Saudi Arabia have been largely ineffective, killing 1 person and wounding 85.

A total of 39 Scud missiles fired at Israel, in 18 separate air raids since Jan. 18, have killed 2 and seriously wounded hundreds. Three elderly Israelis died of heart attacks after their homes were hit. Twelve Israelis have suffocated or died of other causes resulting from the misuse of gas masks or other equipment.

Photos: An Iraqi Scud missile that demolished a barracks yesterday near Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killed 27 American soldiers and wounded 98, according to officials. A soldier told photographers to leave the scene. (pg. A1); An Iraqi missile that demolished a barracks near Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killed 27 American troops and wounded 98, officials said. Rescue workers used cranes to move through the ruins of the building, which a pool report said housed the 475th Quartermaster Group based in Farrell, Pa. (pg. A14) (Associated Press)