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Frequently Asked Questions

Dear BTVA visitor, thanks for visiting!

If you have a question concerning the site please see our FAQ. If your question is not listed please visit the forums or message an administrator.

- BTVA Team

Why aren't my favorite voice actors listed on this site?

Our database is not complete so we are still missing a number voice actors.

If you would like you see your favorite voice actors added, please request them in the forums and we will try to add them asap.
Why do some voice actors have no photo?

Unfortunately not all voice actors have photos of themselves available to the public or have done limited on-camera acting so obtaining a photo can sometimes be difficult.

If you own a photo or can link us a confirmed photo of the person we would be more than happy to add their photo to the site. You can either message a BTVA administrator or post it in our forums.

However some voice actors have requested that we not post any photos of them and we will respect their decision.
You've made a mistake and you have the wrong photo for this voice actor!

Sometimes we do make a mistake but of course it can be corrected if you provide us with a real photo of the voice actor by either posting it in the forums or messaging an administrator.
Why are some pics different sizes or bad quality?

Some pics on our site are from the very first version of the site where the dimensions were smaller. The bad quality pics are either because that's all we could get at the time or the source we got it from was bad quality. One of our goals is to update every picture on this site to our current better quality standards and larger dimensions.
Why can't I copy/download any images off this site?

The majority of the character images you see on BTVA were each screencapped, cropped, resized and uploaded to the site. This process requires effort, time, dedication and passion. For these reasons, we don't make our images easily available. If you would like to use our images under the condition that you credit BTVA, please make a request in the forums.

If you see an identical character image that is 210x240 on Facebook, a Wikia or another website, it was likely taken from BTVA.
You forgot to add these characters for this title!

We do eventually add as many characters as possible. If you want to get our attention faster please post images in the forums but know that they might not be a high priority so don't expect the characters to be added instantly.
This voice actor is missing TONS of roles

We are well aware that many voice actors are missing a lot of credits which is why we have "Credited Roles On BTVA So Far" listed on each voice actor's profile.

Other sites might claim to be up-to-date but anybody can write words; gathering pictures and verifying credits takes a lot of time and effort.

Listing another site isn't as helpful as you think it is. It's not going to make the work go any faster and chances are the site staff already know what hasn't been added yet; a little credit please? Some team members used to contribute for those sites you're linking!

We are in no way currently up-to-date with every voice actor's career but someday we hope to be and that you'll enjoy seeing the site grow and develop!
You have the wrong image for this character

Mistakes happen. Please post the correct image in the forums and we'll try to fix our error asap.
This character wasn't in this title. It needs to be transferred to this title.

Let us know which character(s) need to be transferred in the forums.
Why don't you have my favorite TV Show, Movie or Video Game added yet?

There are thousands of things we'd love to add but it's all very time consuming and there are only a few team members who add content regularly.

BTVA isn't a full-time website; meaning all the site staff either have jobs or are still in school. It's a site for fans and run by fans in their spare time.

We also want to complete as much existing content as possible before adding tons of new stuff. You can always post pictures in the forums, but please understand that it may be some time before you see them added to the site.
Why do some characters have no voice actors credited to them?

Sometimes multiple sources conflict with each other. One source will say a certain voice actor did the work while another source will claim another voice actor did the work. This leads to additional work on our part to find out the truth. We will eventually credit these characters with a voice actor but it might take some time.

It should be noted that there are some characters who don't have any voice actor at all because they are non-speaking characters.
I think you made a mistake, your voice actor credit is wrong for this specific character

Our site is not perfect and we do make some mistakes, but unlike user submitted sites like imdb and wikipedia our sources come from official voice actor websites, voice actor resumes, DVD/Blu-ray ending credits and from conversations with the voice actors & voice directors who actually worked on the titles.

If you notice any green checkmarks those are confirmed credits. Click the greencheck mark to see the source. Our goal is to have a green checkmark for every single role on the site so fans will know these credits are confirmed. Then you won't have to rely on other sites that don't list any sources at all.
You've made a mistake because this voice actor is actually an alias of this voice actor

We try our best to make sure we get all the aliases of a voice actor to prevent duplicate voice actor pages. However if you know of a duplicate page on our site and can provide proof that it's an alias, we would be more than happy to transfer the credits and delete the duplicate ASAP.

It should be noted that some voice actors have denied being associated with certain names. Their wishes come first even if fans know better. Union and Non-Union stuff can be a messy business and sometimes there are livelihoods at stake.

Some voice actors also can't be directly associated with certain titles with controversial or risque content because it could negatively affect their other work or personal life outside of voice acting.
Why do only some of the characters on a voice actor's profile have sound clips?

Most of the sound clips that are currently on the site are there because they are part of an existing Voice Compare. As more Voice Compares are made more sound clips will be added to their respective pages. We also add sound clips for characters who aren't part of Voice Compares. One of our goals is to eventually upload sound clips for every character on the site.
You forgot to add this voice actor to the voice comparison! I also have requests for Voice Compares I'd like to see be made.

We're working on it. Sometimes it's hard to find an audio clip of a voice actors work. If you can point us in the right direction or send us a clip we'll try to add the voice actor to the voice comparison asap. For new Voice Compares please post your requests in the Voice Compare section of the forums.
Why aren't Japanese or other foreign voice actors included in the Voice Compare?

I guess you could say we're primarily an English site, for the simple fact our team only speaks and understands English. Adding foreign languages to the voice compare would just promote a language war which we would rather avoid, not the mention the extra workload involved to add hundreds of different languages. We do however plan to add Japanese and other foreign language clips to the site such as foreign VA profiles and TMG pages, just not the voice compares.
I can get images and sound clips. How can I help you guys?

For now please post all images and clips in the forums. If you prove yourself a reliable and trustworthy contributor who works well with others, then we'd be happy for you to join the staff.
What are the BTVA Awards?

The BTVA Awards are a celebration of the best voice acting performances and voice-over titles from TV Shows, Anime, Movies and Video Games.

The site staff spend months watching, researching and debating who and what should be nominated from the past year.

Once the nominees are chosen by the staff, the fans have an opportunity to vote for who and what they think are the most deserving from the numerous categories (People's Choice Award).

The site staff also vote among themselves for the VAs and titles they think are most deserving from the numerous categories (Staff's Choice Award)

It's a fun event and we hope you'll participate to support the nominees and the work they do.
Can BTVA help me get voice acting jobs?

Sorry, BTVA is a voice acting fan community and database. We can't help you get paid voice acting work. There are however some fan projects which can be found in the forums.
My friend/family member/client is an aspiring voice actor. How can they be added to the site?

BTVA is not a talent agency. In order to be added to the site a voice actor must have worked on at least one official project. Sorry but independent fan-made projects and fandubs won't be added.
How do I know which member is part of the BTVA Team?

They will be labelled Administrator, Top Moderator or Moderator.

Your best bet is to contact Foxwolf, OptimusSolo, Jackson_H, NCZ or TylerMirage. Then send a Private Message if you have any questions.

Will the voice actors see the messages I post on this site?

We've been fortunate to have some professional voice actors visit the site and on occasion leave public comments of their own, so it's possible.

Just remember to use proper etiquette with your words like you would if you were to actually talk to them in person. We'd like to have BTVA continue to be a friendly and positive community.
Does BTVA have any social media?

Yes we do! Please follow us and help spread awareness!

Facebook Fan Page:

Site Terminology

BTVA: Behind The Voice Actors
VC: Voice Compare
VA: Voice Actor or Voice Actress or Voice Artist
TMG: Shortened form of TV Shows/Movies/Video Games
CharGen: Character Generation
6th Annual BTVA Voice Acting Awards 2016
Voice Compare
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