Seven Months with Martin Schulz: The Anatomy of a Failed Campaign

Seven Months with Martin Schulz The Anatomy of a Failed Campaign

When he first announced his candidacy, ex-European Parliament President Martin Schulz rocketed upward in the opinion polls. But his slide was just as dramatic. DER SPIEGEL was with him throughout and provides a unique look from the inside of his doomed effort to unseat Angela Merkel. By Markus Feldenkirchen more... Comment ]

Merkel's Challenge: Can Germany Make an Unwieldy Coalition Work?

Merkel's Challenge Can Germany Make an Unwieldy Coalition Work?

With the Social Democrats uninterested in governing with Angela Merkel again, the chancellor is faced with the prospect of assembling a coalition involving four different political parties. The challenges are significant. By DER SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Unwanted Colleagues: Other Parties Mull Best Way To Deal with AfD

Unwanted Colleagues Other Parties Mull Best Way To Deal with AfD

The populist Alternative for Germany will soon be entering the country's parliament. It's a breakthrough for the far-right and the end of an era. The question now is whether lawmakers should sideline them -- or will that just make a difficult situation worse? BY DER SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

They're Here: How the AfD Steamrolled Germany's Mainstream Parties

They're Here How the AfD Steamrolled Germany's Mainstream Parties

Angela Merkel may have been re-elected to a fourth term in office, but the chancellor faces a tough road ahead: Significant setbacks for her conservatives combined with a strong right-wing populist showing and what promises to be an unwieldy governing coalition will test the country's political resilience. BY DER SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Democracy at Stake: Germany's Slide to the Right

Democracy at Stake Germany's Slide to the Right

Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats lost massive support in Sunday's parliamentary election while the right-wing populist performed better than expected. What happens now? A DER SPIEGEL Editorial by Klaus Brinkbäumer more... Comment ]

German Election 2017: How the AfD Steamrolled the CDU and SPD

German Election 2017 How the AfD Steamrolled the CDU and SPD

Angela Merkel may have been re-elected, but the chancellor faces a tough road ahead: Big setbacks for her conservatives combined with a strong right-wing populist showing and what promises to be an unwieldy governing coalition will test the country's political resilience. Our full English-language election analysis. more...

Election Aftermath: A New Germany

Election Aftermath A New Germany

The Alternative for Germany's entry into the German parliament is not normal -- it's an attack on our liberal democracy, one that all the other parties must fight. That's just one reason that going into opposition is the right decision by the Social Democrats. A Commentary By Stefan Kuzmany more... Comment ]

The AfD in the Bundestag: A Populist Upheaval on the Right

The AfD in the Bundestag A Populist Upheaval on the Right

The right-wing Alternative for Germany party is celebrating its first-ever seats in the German parliament and has vowed to shake up Berlin politics. But there are doubts as to whether the party can maintain discipline. By Christian Teevs more... Comment ]

The Price of Success: Merkel Lands Fourth Term, But at What Cost?

The Price of Success Merkel Lands Fourth Term, But at What Cost?

Angela Merkel will serve as Germany's chancellor for a fourth term, but Sunday's win comes at a high price. The right-wing populists are now the third-strongest party in parliament and her negotiations to create a new government are likely to be complicated. By Philipp Wittrock more... Comment ]