UN Drinking Water Report: Thirsty in Paradise

UN Drinking Water Report Thirsty in Paradise

Millions of people around the world still don't have secure access to drinking water. A new report shows where the situation is most precarious. By Marcel Pauly more... Comment ]

All Our Globe Quizzes Troves and Troves of Data

Did you enjoy taking a BeyondTomorrow quiz but are still hungry for more? Check out our links page to all the globe quizes we have posted so far. more...

Albania: Europe's Last Blue Wonder

Albania Europe's Last Blue Wonder

In Albania, environmentalists, investors and residents are fighting over the construction of new dams. Europe's last remaining wild rivers are imperiled - and with them their unique biotopes. A Multimedia Story by Holger Dambeck and Jonathan Miske more... Comment ]

Open Borders: Uganda Is the Most Refugee-Friendly Country in the World

Open Borders Uganda Is the Most Refugee-Friendly Country in the World

Upon arrival in Uganda, refugees receive a work permit, 900 square meters of land and permission to remain forever. How is the small country in the middle of Africa able to do it? By Christoph Titz and Maria Feck (Photos) in Arua, Uganda more... Comment ]

German Aid in Africa: Berlin Shifts Focus Away from the Poorest of the Poor

German Aid in Africa Berlin Shifts Focus Away from the Poorest of the Poor

Peter Jander drills wells, distributes oxen and builds schools in Africa. Berlin, though, is changing its development aid focus to promote economic growth, particularly in countries on the African migrant route. Do traditional aid projects have a future? By Christoph Titz and Maria Feck (Photos) in Arua, Uganda more... Comment ]

Blood Sisters: Menstrual Cups Help Keep Kenyan Girls in School

Blood Sisters Menstrual Cups Help Keep Kenyan Girls in School

Each month, thousands of girls in Kenya are forced to miss classes because they don't have money for sanitary napkins or tampons. A Kenyan woman has come up with a clever and inexpensive solution to help keep them in school: a menstrual cup. more... Comment ]

The Mica Children: Fighting for Survival in India's Deadly Mines

The Mica Children Fighting for Survival in India's Deadly Mines

They work in India's mines to supply the cosmetics and car paint industries. And sometimes they die. A Visual Story By Marius Münstermann and Christian Werner more...

Women's Rights Quiz: What Country Has the Most Female Managers?

Women's Rights Quiz What Country Has the Most Female Managers?

In many parts of the world, women have a much harder time than men. Compared internationally, the situation isn't as problematic in Germany, but women in many countries are still faring better. Do you know which ones? more...

A Child Bride in India: Ramgani's Fight for Independence

A Child Bride in India Ramgani's Fight for Independence

Ramgani was married when she was just 14, but she refused to quit her schooling as her father demanded. If her in-laws force her to move in with them, she will flee. By Natalia Otero in Rajasthan, India more... Video ]

Shackles of Tradition in Ethiopia: A Child-Bride at the Mercy of Men

Shackles of Tradition in Ethiopia A Child-Bride at the Mercy of Men

Fourteen-year-old Abaynesh wanted to become a doctor. But then she was married and had to break off her schooling to do the housework for her in-laws. It is a fate shared by many girls in Ethiopia. By Natalia Otero in Gindero, Ethiopia more... Video ]

Child Marriages Around the World: The Fifteen-Year-Old Single Mother

Child Marriages Around the World The Fifteen-Year-Old Single Mother

Nayane became a widow and a single mother with a baby when police shot her husband in an incident that is anything but an isolated in her country. A visit to Rio de Janeiro's Maré favela complex. By Natalia Otero in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil more... Video | Comment ]