
Pew Research Center President Michael Dimock explains why we are redoubling our focus on the role of information and trust in democratic societies.

Pew Research Center is redoubling its focus on the role of information and trust in democratic societies.

Answer these seven questions to see how your civics knowledge compares with the knowledge of the average American.

Test your civics knowledge by taking our short 7-question quiz.
Being Muslim in the U.S.
How did Pew Research Center identify Twitter bots?
How do you write survey questions that accurately measure public opinion?

As German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrives in Washington to meet with President Donald J. Trump, the German and American publics have some different views about the current state of affairs between their two countries.

Take a look at six charts on how Germans and Americans see one another and how German attitudes toward the United States have shifted in the Trump era.

Americans generally agree on the ideals and values that are important for U.S. democracy, but they see the country falling short in living up to these ideals.

Survey Report At a time of growing stress on democracy around the world, Americans generally agree on democratic ideals and values that are important for the

From migration to marriage to Millennials to multigenerational households, here are 7 demographic trends shaping the U.S. and the world in 2018.

Ahead of the Population Association of America’s annual meeting, read seven important recent demographic findings.

One-in-four parents living with a child in the United States today are unmarried, marking a dramatic change from a half-century ago, when fewer than one-in-ten parents living with their children were unmarried.

At the same time, the profile of unmarried parents has shifted markedly. For instance, solo mothers no longer dominate the ranks of unmarried parents as they once did.

One-in-four parents living with a child in the United States today are unmarried, up from 7% in 1968. A growing share of unmarried parents are cohabiting partners.

When our survey respondents say they don’t believe in God, what are they rejecting? Are they rejecting belief in any higher power or spiritual force in the universe? Or are they rejecting only a traditional Christian idea of God – perhaps recalling images of a bearded man in the sky? Conversely, when respondents say they do believe in God, what do they believe in – God as described in the Bible, or some other spiritual force or supreme being?

Nine-in-ten Americans believe in a higher power, but only a slim majority believe in God as described in the Bible.

Sub-Saharan African immigrants in the U.S. tend to be more highly educated than those living in the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Portugal – Europe’s historically leading destinations among sub-Saharan immigrants. And they are also more highly educated than the U.S. native-born population.

Sub-Saharan immigrants in the United States are also more highly educated than the U.S. native born population.

A larger share of African Americans than whites say they are Christian. And, of all major U.S. racial and ethnic groups, blacks are the most likely to identify as Protestant.

Nearly eight-in-ten black Americans identify as Christian, compared with 70% of whites, 77% of Latinos and just 34% of Asian Americans.

The majority of Americans are resistant to action by the U.S. government to restrict false news online in ways that could also limit Americans’ information freedoms, but they are more open to action from technology companies.

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High intermarriage rates and declining immigration are changing how Americans with Hispanic ancestry see their identity.

High intermarriage rates and declining immigration are changing how some Americans with Hispanic ancestry see their identity.

Explore 20 years of party affiliation data for two dozen demographic subgroups, categorized by gender, race, education, generation, and religious affiliation.

Pew Research Center has been tracking the party affiliation of the general public for over 20 years. Click the buttons or scroll down to explore the party ID data for two dozen demographic subgroups, categorized by gender, race, education, generation, and religious affiliation.

When it comes to sexual harassment in the workplace, more Americans think men getting away with it and female accusers not being believed are major problems than say the same about employers firing men before finding out all the facts or women making false accusations. And while these attitudes differ somewhat by gender, they vary most dramatically between Democrats and Republicans.

Many Americans see new difficulties for men in workplace interactions and little effect on women's career opportunities amid the increased focus on sexual harassment and assault.

President Donald Trump has frequently criticized America’s trade deficit with China, and in recent weeks he has threatened to impose tariffs on Chinese products as a means of reducing that imbalance.

Trump’s emphasis on Beijing is hardly surprising: The United States runs a far larger merchandise trade deficit with China than with any other nation. But when the trade deficit is measured in other ways – including on a per capita basis – the U.S. actually has a larger imbalance with countries other than China.

Looking at America's trade imbalances in different ways puts these numbers in a slightly different light.

There are important similarities — and important differences — between foreign-born and U.S.-born Muslims.

When Pew Research Center surveyed American Muslim adults in 2017, the findings revealed important similarities between foreign-born and U.S.-born Muslims.

Bots are a part of life on #Twitter, but determining just how widespread they are can be tricky. Here's how our Data Labs team tackled the question.

For a recent study on automated accounts and Twitter, we had to answer a fundamental question: Which accounts are bots and which accounts aren’t?