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Monday, August 31, 1998 Published at 04:20 GMT 05:20 UK


Diana: the people pay tribute

Flowers left at Kensington in solemn tribute

Mourners have been filing past the home of Diana, Princess of Wales, to commemorate the first anniversary of her death.

Hundreds of bouquets, messages and toys have been placed at Kensington Palace - as they have at Buckingham Palace and Althorp House in Northamptonshire.

[ image: Outside Kensington Palace]
Outside Kensington Palace
Katrina Mainwaring and Joanne Green, both 23-year-old nursery nurses - as Diana was before her engagement to Prince Charles - laid flowers at Kensington.

Katrina said: "It is very sad, but it is nice to come and pay tribute and to show that we will never forget her."

Kensington resident Maeve O'Hanlon, 61, said: "People had become less materialistic as a result of Diana's influence over the years.

"I hope people will come here every year - I certainly will."

Across the channel in Paris, at the site of the fatal crash, a candle-lit vigil was held.

[ image: Paris: Candles in the wind ...]
Paris: Candles in the wind ...
It was there, at the Pont d'Alma one year ago that the black Mercedes carrying the Princess, Dodi Fayed, bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones and driver Henri Paul smashed into the 13th pillar of the underpass at 11.25pm BST.

At 4.41am BST the world learned that Diana, Princess of Wales had died.

On Monday at Westminster Abbey, where her funeral was held, prayers will be said for her.

And at Althorp House, her childhood home and final resting place, her brother, the ninth Earl Spencer, his family and estate workers will hold a private service at the lakeside, overlooking her island grave.

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The British Monarchy - Diana, Princess of Wales

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