MultimediaOctober 25, 2018

Trust in the Digital Era

Senior Researcher Jacob Poushter presented findings on social media use around the world, international views on the future of work, and trust in technology companies among Americans at the Embassy of Sweden in Washington, DC on October 24, 2018. The event was co-hosted by the USC Center on Public Diplomacy. The presentation is based on […]

CommentaryOctober 18, 2018

Liberal Democracy’s Crisis of Confidence

Special to the Journal of Democracy Liberal democracy is experiencing a crisis of confidence. Scholars and pundits may disagree about the nature and depth of the problem, but few would argue that nothing is amiss. Commentators decry an increasingly familiar list of trends, including weakening civil liberties, eroding democratic norms, rising nativism, and growing support […]

Survey ReportsOctober 17, 2018

Many Around the World Are Disengaged From Politics

But could be motivated to participate on issues like health care, poverty and education

Sortable TableOctober 9, 2018

How African countries compare with others in internet use, mobile phone ownership, smartphone ownership and social media use

This sortable table provides data for levels of internet use, cellphone ownership, smartphone ownership and social media usage from 2013 to 2017 by country, highlighting the countries surveyed in sub-Saharan Africa.

Survey ReportsOctober 9, 2018

Internet Connectivity Seen as Having Positive Impact on Life in Sub-Saharan Africa

But digital divides persist

InteractiveOctober 1, 2018

Build your own chart: Tracking U.S. favorability and confidence in the U.S. president, 2002 to 2018

Compare different countries’ opinions of the United States and its president since 2002.

Survey ReportsOctober 1, 2018

Trump’s International Ratings Remain Low, Especially Among Key Allies

Most still want U.S. as top global power, but see China on the rise

Survey ReportsSeptember 26, 2018

Americans, Like Many in Other Advanced Economies, Not Convinced of Trade’s Benefits

Emerging market publics more likely to link trade to more jobs, better wages

InteractiveSeptember 18, 2018

A decade of migration across Mediterranean to Europe's shores

Monthly number of migrant detections by sea (January 2009 to August 2018), by route

Survey ReportsSeptember 18, 2018

A Decade After the Financial Crisis, Economic Confidence Rebounds in Many Countries

But pessimism about the future lingers, as does a sense that economic conditions were better pre-crisis

Survey ReportsSeptember 13, 2018

In Advanced and Emerging Economies Alike, Worries About Job Automation

Many fear robots, computers will eliminate jobs, increase inequality

InteractiveSeptember 12, 2018

Exploring traditional and populist party support in 8 Western European countries

People in Western Europe differ in their attitudes about major political parties and on key policy issues based on their ideology and whether their views are more populist or mainstream.

Survey ReportsAugust 28, 2018

As Trade Tensions Rise, Fewer Americans See China Favorably

Concerns about China include economic threats, cyberattacks, environmental damage and human rights

Survey ReportsAugust 21, 2018

Russians Say Their Government Did Not Try to Influence U.S. Presidential Election

Most say Russia is playing an increasingly important role in world affairs

CommentaryAugust 17, 2018

‘Nativism’ and the upcoming Swedish and Bavarian elections

Special to EUObserver Swedes head to the polls in September in a national parliamentary election. Bavarians vote in October in a state election. The Swedish outcome will determine the composition of the next government in Stockholm, and the influence of the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats, currently the second-largest party. The Bavarian voting may challenge the control […]

CommentaryAugust 17, 2018

Is Italy a Foretaste of What’s to Come For European Populism?

Special to RealClearWorld Support for many populist parties is on the rise in Europe. Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) is now the third largest political party in Germany, with seats in the German Bundestag for the first time. Italy’s anti-immigrant League is the country’s third-largest party and became co-leader of the government after this spring’s national election. And in […]

CommentaryJuly 30, 2018

What do Americans really think about the U.S.-EU trade tiff?

Special to the Washington Post Former British prime minister Harold Macmillan once trenchantly observed that: “Jaw, jaw is better than war, war.” The announcement on July 25 by President Trump and European Union President Jean-Claude Juncker that the United States and the European Union would work together to reduce tariffs and other trade barriers was a tacit acknowledgment of […]

MultimediaJuly 26, 2018

How has populism disrupted the left-right divide in Western Europe?

Director of Global Attitudes Research Richard Wike presented findings addressing the question of “How has populism disrupted the left-right divide in Western Europe?”

PublicationsJuly 18, 2018

Unemployment rate in EU countries, 2000-2018

Explore interactive charts on unemployment rates in the 28 countries that make up the European Union.

MultimediaJuly 16, 2018

The Roots of Modern Nationalism and the Populist Backlash

Director of Global Economic Attitudes Bruce Stokes presented findings from various Pew Research Center public opinion surveys on the roots of modern nationalism and the rise of populism in Europe and the United States at the Aspen Ministers Forum on June 25-27 in Versailles, France. The forum is an annual gathering of former foreign ministers chaired by […]

CommentaryJuly 12, 2018

First They Came for the Immigrants. Then They Came for the Robots.

Special to Foreign Policy The phrase “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet” has been used as the title of several pop songs and a French film. It could also aptly describe the future of politics across the globe as the twin specters of nationalism and populism intensify and people grapple with the social and economic impacts of […]

Survey ReportsJuly 12, 2018

In Western Europe, Populist Parties Tap Anti-Establishment Frustration but Have Little Appeal Across Ideological Divide

Ideology remains a powerful factor in how Europeans view key policy questions

Sortable TableJune 19, 2018

Explore global rates of internet use, smartphone ownership and social media use over time

This sortable table provides data for levels of internet use, smartphone ownership and social media usage from 2013 to 2017 by country.

Survey ReportsJune 19, 2018

Social Media Use Continues to Rise in Developing Countries but Plateaus Across Developed Ones

Digital divides remain, both within and across countries

MultimediaJune 4, 2018

OECD Forum 2018 Thought Leader Survey

At the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s annual Economic Forum on May 29, 2018, Director of Global Economic Attitudes Bruce Stokes presented findings from a Pew Research Center survey of OECD Economic Forum attendees. The invitation-only online survey, which focused on views of economic conditions, faith in the multilateral system and the future of work, was […]

CommentaryMay 29, 2018

Why Europeans Turned Against Trump

Special to The Atlantic With the Trump administration’s recent withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, the already rocky relationship between the United States and its European allies has become even more tenuous. For many Europeans, Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Iran accord crystallizes what they dislike about his approach to […]

CommentaryMay 23, 2018

A Fundamental Challenge to U.S. Leadership Abroad

Special to RealClear World In the weeks ahead, and in the wake of Washington visits by French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, there is much at stake for the United States and its key allies in Europe. The U.S. decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal raises questions about future […]

PublicationsMay 17, 2018

Fact Sheets: News Media and Political Attitudes in Western Europe

Findings about news media views and habits in Western Europe from a survey about media, political attitudes and populist views in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK.

Sortable TableMay 14, 2018

Western Europeans who hold populist views rate the news media less positively than those with non-populist views

Ratings on how well the media perform on several core functions, like investigating the actions of the government and getting the facts right, differ between those who hold populist views and those who do not.

InteractiveMay 14, 2018

Ideological placement of news outlets in Western Europe

Explore where users of news outlets in eight Western European countries place these outlets on a left-right spectrum, based on their perception of their ideological leanings.