Demographic profile of Hispanics in
Louisiana, 2014

This profile contains demographic and economic facts about the Hispanic and non-Hispanic populations in the state of Louisiana. All analyses are from Pew Research Center tabulations of the 1% Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) sample of the 2014 American Community Survey 1. For some states where the population of Hispanics or other groups is relatively small, reliable estimates of some indicators cannot be generated. This is indicated by the insertion of "n/a" in the text of this document and in the associated tables.

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Population and national origin

    U.S. rank 2
Total Hispanic population in Louisiana 222,000 31
Hispanics as percent of state population 5% 39
Hispanics as percent of U.S. Hispanic population 0.4% 31
U.S.-born Hispanics (percent of Hispanics) 61% 39
Foreign-born Hispanics (percent of Hispanics) 39% 13
Mexican origin (percent of Hispanics) 43% 34
Non-Mexican origin (percent of Hispanics) 57% 14


  Median age (years)
All Hispanics 28
U.S.-born Hispanics 22
Foreign-born Hispanics 34
Non-Hispanic whites 40
Non-Hispanic blacks 31

Marriage and fertility

Marriage: Persons ages 15 and older Percent married
All Hispanics 44%
U.S.-born Hispanics 41%
Foreign-born Hispanics 48%
Non-Hispanic whites 54%
Non-Hispanic blacks 28%
Fertility: Women 15 to 44
Births to Hispanic women (12 month period prior to survey) 4,000
Hispanic births as a percent of all births in Louisiana 8%
Births to U.S.-born Hispanics 3,000 (68%)
Births to foreign-born Hispanics n/a

Economic status

Earnings: Persons 16
and older with earnings
Median U.S. rank
Annual personal earnings of Hispanics $25,000 6
Annual personal earnings of non-Hispanic whites $35,000 17
Annual personal earnings of non-Hispanic blacks $20,400 29
Poverty Percent in poverty 3
Hispanics 17 and younger 39%
Non-Hispanic whites 17 and younger 14%
Non-Hispanic blacks 17 and younger 46%
Hispanics 18-64 20%
Non-Hispanic whites 18-64 12%
Non-Hispanic blacks 18-64 28%
Homeownership: Householders Homeownership rate U.S. rank
Hispanics 41% 29
Non-Hispanic whites 74% 10
Non-Hispanic blacks 47% 6

Health insurance

Percent uninsured
Hispanics 34%
U.S.-born Hispanics 16%
Foreign-born Hispanics 62%
Non-Hispanic whites 11%
Non-Hispanic blacks 20%
Hispanics 17 and younger 9%
Non-Hispanic whites 17 and younger 4%
Non-Hispanic blacks 17 and younger 6%

School enrollment

U.S. rank
Number of Hispanics enrolled in K-12 40,000 36
Hispanics as percent of all K-12 students 5% 39


Language at home: Persons 5 and older
Only English spoken at home 72,000 (36%)
Language other than only English spoken at home 126,000 (64%)
  1. Users should exercise caution when comparing the 2014 estimates with estimates for previous years. Population estimates in the 2010 ACS and later are based on the latest information from the 2010 decennial census; the 2005 to 2009 ACS estimates are based on the latest information available for those surveys—updates of the 2000 decennial census. The impact of this discontinuity on comparisons between the 2010 ACS and ealier years is discussed in a Pew Research Center report.
  2. National rankings include the District of Columbia as well as the 50 states. Some states may not be ranked due to small sample size.
  3. For detailed information on how poverty status is determined, see Due to the way in which the IPUMS assigns poverty values, these data will differ from those that might be provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.