Jeff Horn is now the undisputed main attraction of Australian boxing after comprehensively ending the era of Anthony Mundine — but who's next for the Hornet?

The 21-year-old was attempting to cut a tree with a chainsaw when it fell and trapped him in an accident the Premier says shows the dangers of bushfires. It comes as more than 100 fires continue to burn across the state.

Scientists say bushfires are burning more intensely than they have before, the season is extending and heatwaves are getting worse. Their message? Climate change is changing fire in Australia, take notice.

In eight minutes we would see the flash, in 10 minutes particle radiation could bombard our planes and satellites, and in half a day power grids could be at risk — the Sun has never felt so close.

Jeff Horn takes Anthony Mundine out in emphatic style, knocking the boxing icon out in the first round in the River City Rumble in Brisbane.

Jeff Horn sends Anthony Mundine crashing to the canvas inside the first two minutes of their much-hyped fight at Lang Park. Look back at how the action unfolded.

Residents of Sarina Beach in north Queensland recall the terrifying moment they were woken in the middle of the night and ordered to flee their homes in the face of a ferocious bushfire.

Residents in the path of a large fire that "poses a threat to all lives directly in its path" in north Queensland are urged to seek shelter immediately as it is too late to evacuate.

Students defy the Prime Minister's calls to stay in school and instead gather in their thousands to protest against inaction on climate change. But the Federal Government says all they're learning how to do is "join the dole queue".

Anthony Mundine has done his best to put Jeff Horn off his game ahead of their Lang Park fight, but the man they call 'the Hornet' has his eyes on bigger prizes beyond his veteran opponent.

Residents describe running for their lives after thousands are forced from their homes during the central Queensland bushfire crisis. With more than 100 fires still raging across the state and extreme weather conditions expected to continue into next week, locals are being warned to remain on alert.

Emergency authorities warn there will be no let-up in heatwave conditions for at least five more days, as three of Queensland's 130 fires remain of significant concern.

A physical altercation between Anthony Mundine and Jeff Horn provides the fireworks at the weigh-in ahead of Friday night's River City Rumble.

Students across Australia are taking time out of the classroom to rally for action on climate change. The PM wants "more learning" and "less activism in schools", but experts say it's "all part of a civics education".

Get ready for a hot and dry summer, with the bureau expecting warmer-than-normal days and nights for most of the country.

After an "inappropriate" recovery in a maternity ward following the stillbirth of their child, a south-east Queensland couple may be one of the last as the state continues to roll out purpose-built facilities to help with the traumatic event.

First it was fodder, now Victorian-grown Christmas trees are being trucked north to alleviate a shortage in drought-stricken states.

Parts of central Queensland are on fire and New South Wales is flooding. It's the second time in a fortnight things have gone awry and it's all linked.

Despite being advised that the Cullen Group has defaulted on a $75,000 debt, the Queensland Building and Construction Commission allows the company to keep trading, leading to one of the state's biggest building industry collapses.

Firefighters battling "horrendous" blazes in central Queensland are facing "conditions never seen before" with reports property has been lost at Finch Hatton and another fire emergency is declared at Ambrose, west of Gladstone.


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