MRG’s Donors in 2017

We would like to thank the following organizations for their generous support towards our work:

  • Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Blanes Trust
  • DanchurchAid
  • Commonwealth Foundation for Democracy
  • Ericson Trust
  • Eva Reckitt Trust
  • Evan Cornish Foundation
  • European Commission
  • European Cultural Foundation
  • F.C.O.
  • Freedom Fund
  • Garden Court Chambers
  • Netherlands Foreign Ministry
  • Pilkington Charitable Trust
  • Prevo Trust
  • Prince Claus Fund
  • Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation (SIDA)
  • Swedish PostCode Lottery
  • Swiss Embassy in Thailand
  • T.H. Brunner Charitable Trust
  • Unity Theatre Trust
  • US D.R.L.

We also would like to take this opportunity to thank all our individual donors who have supported us generously over the last year.

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