Minority Rights Group International (MRG) is committed to ensuring the privacy of all our users. This policy explains how we collect, use and process your personal data when you visit our website. By using the Minority Rights Group International website, you consent to the terms of this privacy policy.

About Minority Rights Group International

Minority Rights Group International (MRG) campaigns with partners in over 60 countries to ensure that disadvantaged minorities and indigenous peoples, often the poorest of the poor, can make their voices heard. Through training and education, legal cases, publications and the media and cultural programmes we support minority and indigenous people as they strive to maintain their rights – to the land they live on, the languages they speak, to equal opportunities in education and employment, and to full participation in public life.

What information do we collect?

When you visit the MRG website, we do not collect your personal data (such as name, address, phone number, email) unless you choose to provide it, for instance to join our mailing list, to make a donation, etc.. In such cases, the personal data may be processed via external secure sites which are committed to confidentiality (e.g. Mailchimp or Paypal). In this way, the MRG website may be linked to the websites/applications of other parties. We will ensure that any such external third parties have their own privacy policies which are in line with our commitments to you under this policy.

Anonymised information is collected during user visits to the MRG website, and processed by Google Analytics – this includes data on device types, time spent, links followed, etc., and helps us make ongoing improvements to our website.Google Analytics generates cookies (please see our cookies policy below for more information) that identify whether you’ve visited the website before, which pages you visit etc. These cookies cannot be used to identify individuals; they are used for statistical purposes only and the data never shows any confidential information. The data itself is only visible to the website owner (MRG), the website provider (e.g. WordPress and HandsUp) and the relevant team at Google.  We do share anonymised statistics on e.g. the numbers of unique users visiting our site with our donors and supporters more widely.

You can restrict or block cookies used by the website through your browser settings but this will impact your user experience on some websites. You can visit www.aboutcookies.org which provides directions on how to block cookies on all major browsers. This site also explains how you can delete cookies that have already been stored on your computer as well as general information about cookies.

Do we share your data with anyone outside MRG?

MRG does not share personal data from our website with third parties such as marketing and research companies, fundraisers or other charities. The only parties who would ever have access to your data are those companies we use to help us to process data to carry out our charitable objectives.  We do not have plans to do share data with any other external parties, and in the unlikely event that we decided to consider doing this, we would not do so without first obtaining your express permission.

How can you access the data we hold on you?

You may be entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that we hold. Email any requests or complaints to our Data Protection Officer, Shobha Das, at [email protected]. More information is available about your rights to view, amend or delete your personal data on the website of the Information Commissioner’s Office: https://ico.org.uk/concerns/.

Changes to this privacy notice

This policy was written on 24 May 2018, and will be reviewed no later than 23 May 2019.


This website uses cookies. By continuing to use the site you are agreeing to its use of cookies. You can find out more below.

Cookies are small text files stored by your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Chrome) on your computer, tablet or mobile phone to enable functionality on a website (for example storing user preferences).

How does this website use cookies?

The website creates a ‘user session’ cookie for each user who visits. This cookie doesn’t store any personal information – it simply allows the website to distinguish between one anonymous user and another when serving website pages. This allows the website to provide basic functionality such as a browsing history for a particular user, or to be able count of the total number of users currently viewing the site.

If this website allows users to log in to the site, or has a shop, the user session cookie will allow the website to link the current user to their account and/or to their shopping basket.

This website also uses Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a tool that allows the behaviour of users on a website to be analysed, to help a website owner to provide the best user experience. Google Analytics generates cookies that identify whether you’ve visited the website before, which pages you visit etc. These cookies cannot be used to identify individuals; they are used for statistical purposes only and the data never shows any confidential information. The data itself is only visible to the website owner, the website provider Tincan and the relevant team at Google.

If this website includes functionality to interact with social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Disqus, or uses Share This or Add This services that allow interaction with a wide range of third party social media websites, you should be aware that those sites may set cookies while you’re using this website. For more details please consult the privacy policies of the services in question.

If this website includes video/audio content from You Tube or Vimeo you should be aware that those sites may set cookies while you’re using this website. For more details please consult the privacy policies of the services in question.

You can restrict or block the cookies used by the website through your browser settings but this will impact your user experience. The Help function within your browser should tell you how.

Alternatively, you can visit www.aboutcookies.org which provides directions on how to block cookies on all major browsers. This site also explains how you can delete cookies that have already been stored on your computer as well as general information about cookies.

You should be aware though that restricting cookies may impact on the functionality of the websites you visit. Why we’re interested

The information we gather helps us to send you the right thing at the right time – to fulfil orders, or send you updates.

We may also use your details to contact you some time in the future to tell you about our work. If there’s a disaster overseas, we may write to you to tell you about the need for more funds, or we may write to tell you about a big campaign about which we think you might want to know more.

Our policy is to email you only if you have said that you want electronic communication from us. This is in accordance with the Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations. All our emails will offer you the chance to decline future emails.

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