Pew Research Center survey reports, demographic studies and data-driven analysis

January 17, 2019

Generation Z Looks a Lot Like Millennials on Key Social and Political Issues

As Gen Z moves toward adulthood, their views mirror those of Millennials on a range of issues, from Trump’s presidency to the role of government to racial equality. Among Republicans, Gen Z stands out on some key issues.

Internet & TechJanuary 16, 2019

Facebook Algorithms and Personal Data

About half of Facebook users say they are not comfortable when they see how the platform categorizes them, and 27% maintain the site’s classifications do not accurately represent them

GlobalJanuary 9, 2019

International Publics Brace for Cyberattacks on Elections, Infrastructure, National Security

People across 26 countries say it is likely their country will be targeted by a cyberattack, but they are divided over whether their nation is well prepared to handle one.

ReligionJanuary 3, 2019

Faith on the Hill

The new, 116th Congress includes the first two Muslim women ever to serve in the House of Representatives, and is, overall, slightly more religiously diverse than the prior Congress.

ScienceDecember 31, 2018

The Year in Science—and What Americans Thought about It

Pew polls reveal a public divided on climate, supportive of NASA and wary of AI and genetic engineering

December 17, 2018

Gender and Jobs in Online Image Searches

Men are overrepresented in online image search results across a majority of jobs examined; women appear lower than men in such search results for many jobs

U.S. PoliticsDecember 17, 2018

Most Voters Have Positive Views of Their Midterm Voting Experiences

Voters approached the 2018 midterm elections with some trepidation about the voting process and many had concerns that U.S. election systems may be hacked. After the election, however, most say it was “very easy” to vote and confidence in election security has increased.

Internet & TechDecember 10, 2018

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humans

Experts say the rise of artificial intelligence will make most people better off over the next decade, but many have concerns about how advances in AI will affect what it means to be human, to be productive and to exercise free will.

GlobalDecember 6, 2018

Image of Putin, Russia Suffers Internationally

People around the world broadly think Russia plays a more important role in international affairs than it did a decade ago. But increased stature does not mean being better liked.

ScienceDecember 6, 2018

What Do Americans Think about Food Additives and GMOs?

About half think they’re unhealthy; the other half aren’t especially concerned