PublicationsDecember 4, 1991

On the Eve of ’92: Fault Lines In the Electorate

Report Summary Dissatisfaction with the way things are going in the country has now reached pre-Reagan economic recovery levels with over six in ten expressing fundamental discontent with the country’s course. Yet the President’s rating at 55% approve, 33% disapprove is at least as good if not better than that of recent GOP predecessors who […]

PublicationsOctober 13, 1991

Two In Three Want Candidates To Discuss Economic Issues

Report Summary A survey by the Times Mirror Center for the People and the Press finds a public far more interested in the state of the economy than in any other potential issue in the 1992 presidential campaign. Voters say they want to hear more about where presidential candidates stand on issues than they have […]

PublicationsJuly 18, 1991

Thomas Court Appointment Stirs Large Interest

Report Summary The nomination of Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court and stories relating to the condition of the economy were the most closely followed news events of the past four weeks. Thirty-five percent of the public said they were following news about the economy very closely and 33% said they were following news […]

PublicationsMay 23, 1991

Press Unfair to Quayle; Kennedy Coverage Blasted

Report Summary According to the latest Times Mirror monthly News Interest Index, most Americans (55%) think that the press is unfair in the way it covers the Vice President. Only one in three Americans (33%) regard coverage of him as fair. Republicans and Independents were more likely than Democrats to be critical of the way […]

PublicationsMarch 25, 1991

In the Gulf: Part II

Report Summary In the afterglow of victory in the Gulf the public offers little criticism of the press for the way it covered the war and shows almost no reservations about the military restrictions placed on war news. Over eight in ten Americans rated news coverage of the war as excellent or good, with fully […]

PublicationsMarch 22, 1991

GOP Collects Big War Dividend

Report Summary The military victory in the Gulf has positioned Republicans to establish the GOP as the dominant national political party. The latest nationwide survey by the Times Mirror Center For The People & The Press finds more Americans calling themselves Republicans than Democrats and shows the GOP with a 10 percentage point lead in […]

PublicationsJanuary 31, 1991

The People, The Press and The War in The Gulf

Report Summary The American public gives high marks to media coverage of the war in the Gulf at the same time as it calls for increased military control of how the news is covered. A fifty-seven percent majority believes that the military should increase its control over reporting of the war while 34% believe that […]

PublicationsJanuary 10, 1991

Divided Public Focused on Gulf News: Braced For Bloody War

Report Summary As the crisis in the Persian Gulf approaches its climax, the public remains riveted to the story, with 59 percent of survey respondents saying they are following developments very closely and 66 percent saying they have given a great deal of thought to the question of using military force against Iraq.