PublicationsDecember 20, 2016

In Election’s Wake, Partisans Assess the State of Their Parties

In the wake of the election, Republicans are feeling more optimistic about their party’s future. By contrast, Democrats’ optimism about the Democratic Party’s future has declined.

MultimediaDecember 15, 2016

Video: Americans Name the Top Historic Events of Their Lifetimes

Shared experiences define what it means to be an American. The Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks were such a unifying event for modern Americans. Nothing else has come close to being as important or as memorable, according to a new survey conducted by Pew Research Center in association with A+E Networks’ HISTORY.

PublicationsDecember 15, 2016

Americans Name the 10 Most Significant Historic Events of Their Lifetimes

Three-quarters of Americans say Sept. 11 was one of the 10 events in their lives that had the greatest impact on the country, with many also citing Obama’s election and the tech revolution.

PublicationsDecember 15, 2016

Americans Name the Top Historic Events of Their Lifetimes

The Pew Research Center survey, conducted in association with A+E Networks’ HISTORY, asked everyone from Millennials to members of the Greatest Generation to list the events that most profoundly affected America.

PublicationsDecember 14, 2016

Obama Leaves Office on High Note, But Public Has Mixed Views of Accomplishments

Survey Report With just a few weeks left in Barack Obama’s presidency, Americans’ early judgments of his place in history are more positive than negative. Obama is poised to leave office on a high note: Current assessments of both the president and the first lady are among the most favorable since they arrived in the […]

PublicationsDecember 8, 2016

Low Approval of Trump’s Transition but Outlook for His Presidency Improves

Nearly a month after Donald Trump’s election as president, the public views his transition to the White House less positively than those of past presidents-elect.

PublicationsNovember 21, 2016

Low Marks for Major Players in 2016 Election – Including the Winner

For most voters, the 2016 presidential campaign was one to forget.

PublicationsNovember 10, 2016

A Divided and Pessimistic Electorate

Survey report Beyond their disagreements over specific policy issues, voters who supported President-elect Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton also differed over the seriousness of a wide array of problems facing the nation, from immigration and crime to inequality and racism. And while voters generally said little progress has been made over the last eight years […]

PublicationsOctober 27, 2016

As Election Nears, Voters Divided Over Democracy and ‘Respect’

As the presidential campaign enters its final days, opinions about American democracy and the candidates’ respect for democratic institutions – as well their respect for women, minorities and other groups in society– have emerged as political flashpoints. Donald Trump is widely seen as having little or no respect for Muslims, women, Hispanics and blacks. Moreover, […]

PublicationsOctober 19, 2016

Video: How Republican and Democratic voters have changed since 1992

The two parties look less alike today than at any point over the last quarter-century.

PublicationsOctober 18, 2016

Most Trump, Clinton Backers Say Spouses Share Their Vote Preferences

As the 2016 campaign enters its final weeks, very few voters who support either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton expect their spouse or partner to cross the aisle and vote for the other candidate.

PublicationsOctober 14, 2016

In Presidential Contest, Voters Say ‘Basic Facts,’ Not Just Policies, Are in Dispute

n the contentious weeks leading up to Election Day, voters are deeply divided over the candidates, major issues and the nation’s past and future course. And, in a new survey, most voters say these differences even extend to disputes over basic facts.

PublicationsOctober 6, 2016

With a Month to Go, Nearly Half of Voters Say They Have Been Contacted by 2016 Campaigns

Survey report In the final month before the election, the presidential campaigns are expected to dramatically intensify their voter outreach efforts. Even so, almost half of registered voters (47%) had already received some form of contact from one of the campaigns or groups supporting them as of last month. Some forms of outreach are more […]

PublicationsSeptember 21, 2016

In Their Own Words: Why Voters Support – and Have Concerns About – Clinton and Trump

Voters who support Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump offer a variety of reasons why they do so, ranging from the candidates’ issue positions to their personal backgrounds.

PublicationsSeptember 13, 2016

The Parties on the Eve of the 2016 Election: Two Coalitions, Moving Further Apart

Ahead of the presidential election, the demographic profiles of the Republican and Democratic parties are strikingly different.

PublicationsSeptember 7, 2016

15 Years After 9/11, a Sharp Partisan Divide on Ability of Terrorists to Strike U.S.

As the 15th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, partisan differences over the ability of terrorists to launch a major attack on the United States are now as wide as at any point dating back to 2002.

Survey ReportsAugust 26, 2016

Opinions on Gun Policy and the 2016 Campaign

For the past several years, large majorities of both Democrats and Republicans have favored making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks.

PublicationsAugust 25, 2016

On Immigration Policy, Partisan Differences but Also Some Common Ground

The public is divided over many aspects of U.S. immigration policy.

Survey ReportsAugust 18, 2016

Clinton, Trump Supporters Have Starkly Different Views of a Changing Nation

Supporters of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump disagree on a range of policy issues, from terrorism to free trade. Yet they also have more fundamental differences over long-term changes in the country and the next generation’s future prospects.

PublicationsAugust 3, 2016

Few Clinton or Trump Supporters Have Close Friends in the Other Camp

In an increasingly contentious presidential campaign, just a quarter of voters who support Donald Trump in the general election say they have a lot or some close friends who are supporters of Hillary Clinton. Even fewer Clinton backers (18%) say they have at least some friends who support Trump.