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Washington, DC
Unit: març de 2009


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  1. Tuit fixat
    21 de març

    By 2050, majorities of Americans predict: 📉a weaker economy 📈a burgeoning national debt 📈a growing income divide 🌎a degraded environment 🗳️a broken political system 🤖 a workforce threatened by automation 🏥 less affordable health care

  2. ha retuitat
    fa 34 minuts

    Overall, 116 lawmakers today are nonwhite (including blacks, Hispanics, Asians/Pacific Islanders and Native Americans). This represents an 84% increase over the 107th Congress of 2001-03, which had 63 minority members.

  3. fa 38 minuts

    While a narrow majority of Americans say they are at least somewhat optimistic about America’s future, hope gives way to doubt when the focus turns to specific issues.

  4. fa 1 hora

    Much of the has been explained by measurable factors such as educational attainment, occupational segregation & work experience. But other factors difficult to measure, like gender discrimination, may also contribute to the wage discrepancy.

  5. ha retuitat
    fa 7 hores

    European countries lack confidence in Xi Jinping as he looks to bring China’s to Europe, but many already receive investment from Beijing

  6. ha retuitat
    fa 7 hores

    New parental punishment: Digital Grounding.... 57% of parents take away their teen's mobile phone/internet privileges as a punishment ... And 57% often/sometimes limit how long their kid can use the phone or be online -- per report

  7. ha retuitat
    fa 3 hores

    More people in emerging and developing nations say mobile phones and social media have been good for them personally than say they have been good for society

  8. fa 2 hores

    4 facts about religion in New Zealand

  9. fa 3 hores

    Public confidence in the scientific community stands out as among the most stable of about 13 institutions rated in the General Social Survey since the mid-1970s.

  10. fa 3 hores

    There is a sense in Europe that German power is rising, while French and British power is stable or declining

  11. fa 4 hores

    Public confidence in scientists has remained stable for decades

  12. ha retuitat
    fa 6 hores

    Parents of teens ages 13 to 14 are significantly more likely than parents of older teens to monitor their teen’s digital activities or enforce screen time restrictions

  13. ha retuitat
    fa 4 hores

    Update with 2018 GSS and data shows public trust in remains stable

  14. ha retuitat
    fa 4 hores

    I dug into the recently released 2018 GSS with . Here is what we found on public confidence in the scientific community:

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  15. fa 4 hores

    Americans with less education are more likely to say the work they do will be automated in the future: 47% of those with a high school diploma or less say this, compared with 38% of those with some college and 27% of those with a college degree

  16. fa 4 hores

    For a deeper explanation of the many factors behind the gender pay gap, watch our 2014 video:

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  17. ha retuitat
    fa 7 hores

    Most think robots and computers will take over many jobs now done by humans in the next 50 years 🇬🇷Greece 91% 🇯🇵Japan 89% 🇨🇦Canada 84% 🇦🇷Argentina 82% 🇵🇱Poland 79% 🇧🇷Brazil 79% 🇿🇦South Africa 73% 🇮🇹Italy 73% 🇭🇺Hungary 66% 🇺🇲U.S. 65%

  18. ha retuitat
    fa 5 hores
  19. fa 5 hores

    In 2018, women earned 85% of what men earned, according to our analysis of median hourly earnings of both full- and part-time workers in the U.S. Based on this estimate, it would take an extra 39 days of work for women to earn what men did in 2018.

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  20. ha retuitat
    fa 5 hores

    The narrowing, but persistent, gender gap in pay

  21. fa 5 hores

    6-in-10 Americans predict another 9/11 – or worse – by 2050


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