Looking Back with Aurore Eaton: E.T. Baldwin, elevating music in Manchester

E.T. Baldwin

In June 1861 at the beginning of the Civil War most of the members of Baldwin’s Cornet Band had already arrived in Washington, DC, and were encamped outside the city when their leader, Edwin Thomas “E.T.” Baldwin joined them. He had enlisted in Washington on June 4, 1861, nine days after his bandmates, now organized as the military band for the First N.H. Regiment, had marched through crowds of hostile anti-Union civilians in Baltimore, Md. The band’s bravado in guiding the regiment through the city, led by the colorful drum major “Saxie” Pike, became legendary.

During the following weeks the soldiers of the First N.H. served in Virginia and Maryland but didn’t encounter any significant fighting. The men headed home as soon as their three-month enlistment ended on August 2, 1861. E.T. Baldwin mustered out in Concord on August 9 and returned to Manchester. He did not reenlist.