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Beigetreten März 2009


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    21. März

    By 2050, majorities of Americans predict: 📉a weaker economy 📈a burgeoning national debt 📈a growing income divide 🌎a degraded environment 🗳️a broken political system 🤖 a workforce threatened by automation 🏥 less affordable health care

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  2. There is widespread concern about emigration in southern European nations: large majorities say people leaving their countries is a problem in Greece, Spain, Hungary and Italy

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  3. 6-in-10 Americans predict that the U.S. will be less important in the world in 2050, a view more widely held by whites and those with more education

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  4. Greeks continue to have chilly views of the EU: just 37% view the institution favorably

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  5. What should the federal government do to improve the lives of future Americans? Democrats are more likely to say health care for all, while Republicans say reducing the flow of undocumented immigrants

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  6. 58% of Americans predict health care will be less affordable in 2050 than it is today

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  7. More Europeans say immigration increases the risk of terrorism in their countries than say it does not

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  8. Large majorities of people in Greece, Italy and Spain say average people are worse off financially than they were 20 years ago

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  9. Greeks and Hungarians overwhelmingly say immigrants are a burden on their countries

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  10. Chart: Who Americans say will help solve the nation’s biggest problems in the future

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  11. Lower-income Republicans are more likely than higher-income Republicans to prioritize affordable health care for all, reducing inequality, and increased spending on education and entitlement programs

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  12. hat retweetet
    22. März

    Device distractions aren't unique to teens - parents also report struggling with spending too much time on their phone, losing focus

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  13. hat retweetet

    Between 2008 and 2017, newsroom employment in the US declined by 23%, with newspapers seeing the largest decline.

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  14. hat retweetet
    vor 23 Stunden

    A year ago, 88% of liberal Democrats said members of Trump administration definitely or probably had improper contact w/ Russia during 2016 campaign; 83% of conservative Republicans said they definitely or probably didn't.

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  15. hat retweetet
    vor 23 Stunden

    In Jan., 55% of public expressed confidence in Mueller to conduct a fair investigation into Russia involvement in 2016 election; 37% had confidence in Trump to handle situation appropriately.

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  16. Our January survey found 37% of Americans were very or somewhat confident in Trump to handle matters related to the Mueller investigation appropriately; 60% were not too or not at all confident in Trump to do this

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  17. Views of the Mueller investigation – and Trump’s handling of the matter – remained deeply partisan in our January survey.

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  18. How parents feel about – and manage – their teens’ online behavior and screen time

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  19. hat retweetet
    22. März

    Overall, 116 lawmakers today are nonwhite (including blacks, Hispanics, Asians/Pacific Islanders and Native Americans). This represents an 84% increase over the 107th Congress of 2001-03, which had 63 minority members.

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  20. 22. März

    While a narrow majority of Americans say they are at least somewhat optimistic about America’s future, hope gives way to doubt when the focus turns to specific issues.

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  21. 22. März

    Much of the has been explained by measurable factors such as educational attainment, occupational segregation & work experience. But other factors difficult to measure, like gender discrimination, may also contribute to the wage discrepancy.

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