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加入于 2009年3月


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  1. 置顶推文

    What’s your annual income? Did you vote in the most recent election? Have you ever been addicted to prescription drugs? People tend to give more honest, accurate answers to sensitive questions like these when there isn’t a real, live person asking the question.

  2. Across 10 EU nations, a median of just 21% say the UK is playing a more important role in world affairs than it did in the past; 38% say it is less important

  3. Among Christians, worship attendance and prayer frequency are highest in sub-Saharan Africa, lowest in Western Europe

  4. Eight-in-ten or more in Greece, Spain, Italy and Hungary are worried about people leaving their country for jobs in other countries

  5. 12小时前

    Nice post from and on human rights concerns of UN member countries with data from . China more accepting of comments from Asia & Africa than other regions

  6. 5 facts about the religious lives of African Americans

  7. Countries have different priorities when they review each other’s human rights records

  8. How the religious makeup of Congress has changed since the early 1960s:

  9. 10 facts about Americans and Facebook

  10. In Europe, public concerns about immigration often center around culture and a perceived link to terrorism

  11. To get a sense of differing human rights priorities around the world, examined data from the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a program from the UN Human Rights Council, to see how countries reviewed human rights in the U.S., China and Russia:

  12. Countries have different priorities when they review each other’s human rights records

  13. Few in the 10 European countries surveyed want to allow more immigrants

  14. 20小时前

    Negative views of the EU are especially common among supporters of right-wing populist parties

  15. White mainline Protestants and white Catholics are less approving of Trump’s performance than are white evangelicals, but more approving than religiously unaffiliated Americans – that is, those who identify as atheist, agnostic or nothing in particular.

  16. A majority of U.S. adults trust medical scientists a lot for information about

  17. In the U.S., newsroom employees are more than twice as likely as other workers to be college graduates. But they tend to make less money than college-educated workers in other industries.

  18. How people in 10 European nations view immigrants and immigration

  19. 3月20日

    I just completed the U.S. immigration email mini-course. Sign up to see what I learned:

  20. 20小时前

    On 16th anniversary of start of Iraq war, recalling this. In 2002-2003, majorities of Americans (mistakenly) believed that "Saddam Hussein helped the terrorists in the September 11th attacks."

  21. 21小时前

    As the 2020 census approaches, you might take a look at what has written about how the census works (and what happened during the 2010 census). It's gathered here:



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