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The military’s new transgender policy is a ban, no matter how the Pentagon spins it
By Nathaniel Frank Los Angeles Times The Pentagon last week released its latest policy memo on transgender military service, an effort to bring President Donald Trump’s tweeted ban in line with court rulings that had blocked the administration from implementing it. There are numerous problems with the policy, but... Read more
Bombs Away: Best photos of our military for March 15th, 2019
From live exercises in Europe to training here in the states, this week’s best photos features both land and air units that are stationed both foriegn and domestic. In one photo we see a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System test a live rocket in the Adazi Training Area in... Read more
Trump requests largest-ever Pentagon budget, criticized by analysts as dead on arrival
Corey Dickstein Stars and Stripes The Pentagon on Tuesday unveiled its largest-ever budget request, asking Congress for $718.3 billion that emphasizes the need to modernize the aging U.S. inventory of weapons, begins building a Space Force and would boost troop pay by 3.1 percent. President Donald Trump’s plan to... Read more
Don’t Fear the Military Technothriller
An award-winning short story by a top U.S. Navy intelligence officer serves as a thinly-veiled warning. The Navy, and the country it serves, must better prepare for war with China. And if they don’t, America will lose aircraft carriers, destroyers, presumably thousands of sailors … and the war. Capt.... Read more
This 1964 Swiss Army Propaganda Film Got an Oscar Nod
Dutch director John Fernhout’s short film Wehrhafte Schweiz — that’s Fortified Switzerland in English — is a magnificent depiction of the Swiss armed forces in action in the early 1960s. Filmed at a cost of between one and three million Swiss Francs, the 20-minute-long film features the combined arms... Read more
‘Red Dead Redemption 2’ and the End of the New Left
It’s 1899 in America and the West is dying. Cowboys, rustlers and outlaws of all types are falling to the thresher of progress and westward expansion. Federal law enforcement isn’t yet a thing, but agents for the Pinkerton detective agency are hunting the remnants of America’s criminal gangs to... Read more
No Nazi Zombie Movie Should Be as Boring as ‘Overlord’ Is
Nazis and the occult are like peas and carrots—they just go well together. From Return to Castle Wolfenstein to Dead Snow, there’s a grand tradition of the undead Third Reich trampling through American pop culture. There’s been multiple movies about Nazi zombies, but none with as high a budget... Read more
Nuclear Arms Control as Metaphor in ‘The Expanse’
This post contains spoilers for all three seasons of The Expanse. The United States pulled out of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and kicked off a new nuclear arms race. America and Russia are modernizing their arsenals by reducing the number of warheads and reshaping what remains into far more... Read more
Video Games Have Always Trivialized Violence and ‘Fallout 76’ Is No Different
The world established in the video game series Fallout isn’t one any of us would want to live in. In an alternate timeline where the 1950s never ended and nuclear technology took prominence over miniaturized electronics, China and America fought a great war that ended in nuclear hellfire. It’s... Read more
‘Assassination Nation’ Digs Up the Roots of America’s Second Civil War
Teenage girls catch a lot of shit today. Turn on YouTube, go see a hacky comedian, or read any number of blogs and you’ll turn up a bunch of bad opinions about how teenage girls are the patient zero of modern society’s perceived narcissism epidemic. Men with fedoras swirl... Read more
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