As Choi Hung’s New Horizons building reaches its last days, Christian Action’s Cheung-Ang Siew Mei reflects on happy times working with those escaping unhappy situations.
The Australian teen singer of ‘Younger’ and ‘Don’t Tell Me’ sat down with Young Post before his debut concert in Hong Kong.
The Free Clinic was launched to offer free services to households with a monthly median income of HK$8,000 or less.
The co-founder of non-profit organisation We Need Diverse Books cites his mother and young people as inspiration for his writing.
The 500-metre aperture spherical telescope in Guizhou province is the largest single radio dish on the planet, but was not designed to look at the signals that black holes emit.
What do you know about monarchs' seats from across history and around the globe?
1. B 2.The results of the survey/that most primary students in Hong Kong spend more than an hour doing homework and four per cent take four hours or more.
Have you heard of any stories on lake monsters before?
Have you heard of any stories on lake monsters before?
The scheme allows secondary students to see the city's highest ranked officials at work.
The open-world action adventure game is fun but the gameplay loop is fairly repetitive.
Students and tutors agree the exam wasn’t very complicated and contained the usual hot topics, with only one ‘difficult’ question.
The six-year-old, who did not perform at Ocean Theatre, had been unwell for a week.
Each week we’ll choose readers’ responses to share. This week we want to know:
As Choi Hung’s New Horizons building reaches its last days, Christian Action’s Cheung-Ang Siew Mei reflects on happy times working with those escaping unhappy situations.
Pro-democracy organisers estimate as many 130,000 protesters took part.
Sibling rivalry, magical beings, vibrant subplots ... like 'Game of Thrones', this Young Adult series gives readers everything they want from the genre.


Northern fulmars puke on other birds.
We're still slogging our way across the Gulf of Alaska, alone except for the occasional whale and the constant company of seabirds. One of the most common birds looks like...
A small crew of sailors will navigate a boat through the Canadian Arctic, where icebergs and polar bears still rule the land. I am the...
The Silent Sound is on her way to the Canadian Arctic. We left Canada on June 6 and are sailing north. Our friends and family were there to see us off, and although it was...
Four people have left their jobs, homes, family and friends to spend four months on a small boat in cold, wet weather.
If someone tells you they are going sailing, you usually imagine them jumping off the bow for a swim and enjoying the sun. Aboard the Silent Sound on our way to the Arctic, we're thinking about ice.
A small crew of sailors will navigate a boat through the Canadian Arctic, where icebergs and polar bears still rule the land. I am the captain of the Silent Sound, and I will be telling you...
Off the port bow! That's something we've been shouting out nearly every day lately. As Silent Sound has pointed her bow west and begun crossing the Gulf of Alaska, we've seen several whales...
Dreams Voices: Nick Walton and Rachel Crowther
Dreams All of us dream. Some of us remember our dreams quite clearly while others never remember them. Listen to these six people talking about the dreams they have had recently and then answer the...
ZOE: Hello, I’m Young Post reporter Zoe Mak and this is Listening Plus. Today’we’ll be talking with Timothy Chui who is reporting on South China Morning Post National News Desk Editor Ting Shi’s wrap...
Author Mark Twain once said: 'I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.'
In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler said: 'The great masses of the people ... will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.'
Confucius said: Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This also applies to school life, which can be a bit like climbing The Dragon's Back - it has its ups and downs.
To be an effective independent learner, you need to be good at communicating what you know. Developing your presentation skills is very important, not just for exams but also for...
To be an effective independent learner, you need to introduce yourself to the 1.5kg mass of jelly in your head known as the brain. The brain is your thinking centre. To succeed in school and in life..


Hong Kong Airlines Embrace the World Student Sponsorship Programme 2016/17 is taking nine local secondary school students on a trip of a lifetime, and Young Post is tagging along for the ride.
Thank you for writing for us. Here is information and a few guidelines and explanations to make the process smoother.
Think about the person you were 10 years ago, and you’ll realise that the person you’ll be 10 years from now will be completely different.
One in every 38 Hongkongers is a US dollar millionaire, one of the highest rates in the world. We asked our readers how they would change their lifestyle if they were ever lucky enough to reach that...
Koalas and kangaroos! Oh my! Hong Kong Airlines Embrace the World Student Sponsorship Programme 2016/17 is taking nine local secondary school students on a trip of a lifetime, and Young Post is...
Here is the plain truth: being able to do everything thanks to good time management is a lie. A sham. A scam.
The NBA is back with a bang after a drama-filled opening night.
April's adventures extend beyond college and the "Claremont Bubble".
Having lived in Claremont, Calif. for three months now, I find it easy to be “stuck” in our comfortable “Claremont bubble”, whose tranquil cafés, bakeries, and froyo shops have become lovely weekend...
Pass the time before school starts again by trying your hand at one of these fun online games.
Make sure you're fully prepared for any eventuality by downloading these apps before you leave Hong Kong's and its excellent internet coverage.
While linguistics at its core is - to quote Shakespeare - "words, words, words", those that master this field know that words carry deeper meaning.
Three physically demanding activities made for a fun but exhausting day on the Hong Kong Airlines Embrace the World Student Sponsorship Programme 2016/17.
Read the finalists' stories! &nbsp
Off their game_L
Most films adapted from video games miss the mark. Maybe it's the nature of video games or maybe video games are cursed...
"Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away..." Oh, Frank Sinatra, I knew you'd pop into my head at least once on this trip.


Rewrite all the rules as a cute 8-bit goat-rabbit creature in this awesome puzzle game from Finnish indie developer Arvi Teikari.
The 16-year-old Kellett School student has just come off a successful debut on the HK Lacrosse Open Women’s Under 19 team.
In this modern era of technology and smartphone addiction, it is easy to fall into a sedentary lifestyle.

What's the best way to de-stress from exam prep?
