Why expat kids go to China’s public schools, and how they deal with it

High international school fees and a hope that their kids will become fluent in Mandarin are driving some expat parents in China to opt for public schools, but language and cultural barriers can be big problems.

57 minutes ago
Top students on getting an IB diploma perfect score – is it overrated?

Four Hong Kong IB diploma graduates discuss whether achieving the perfect 45 score benefited them at university or will prepare them better for jobs, and give tips on balancing study and life.

Four Hong Kong IB diploma graduates discuss whether achieving the perfect 45 score benefited them at university or will prepare them better for jobs, and give tips on balancing study and life.

23 Apr 2019 - 7:16AM
Top students on getting an IB diploma perfect score – is it overrated?
How porn, phones, Tinder affect sex and relationships: therapists share

Sex therapists’ couches are becoming increasingly busy these days, and the clients ever younger, plagued with problems caused by things like social media, dating apps and pornography.

Sex therapists’ couches are becoming increasingly busy these days, and the clients ever younger, plagued with problems caused by things like social media, dating apps and pornography.

23 Apr 2019 - 3:40AM
How porn, phones, Tinder affect sex and relationships: therapists share
Digging up the dead: the Thai tradition to honour neglected spirits

Thais exhume the bones of the nameless dead, who have no one else to care for them, at a graveyard in the beach town of Pattaya. They perform a ceremony on the remains to aid the deceased in their spiritual rebirths.

Thais exhume the bones of the nameless dead, who have no one else to care for them, at a graveyard in the beach town of Pattaya. They perform a ceremony on the remains to aid the deceased in their spiritual rebirths.

22 Apr 2019 - 12:46PM
Digging up the dead: the Thai tradition to honour neglected spirits
LGBT Indonesians condemned by religion and law

The Muslim-majority nation is using a pornography law to target LGBT people, with public humiliation a ritual punishment, forcing those infected with HIV underground and sparking fears of an epidemic

The Muslim-majority nation is using a pornography law to target LGBT people, with public humiliation a ritual punishment, forcing those infected with HIV underground and sparking fears of an epidemic

8 Apr 2019 - 9:52AM
LGBT Indonesians condemned by religion and law


The Naked Truth | How to heal emotional scars from breaking up and come back stronger

When fitness blogger Zanna van Dijk happily displays her surgical scar to the world, it’s an example of how we should treat emotional wounds too. Learning to live with heartbreak not only strengthens us, it teaches us to be proud of flaunting all our own imperfections.

28 Apr 2019 - 11:15AM
The Naked Truth | Why women can lose interest in sex, and what to do about it

Sexual dysfunction in women is perfectly normal, and has a variety of causes; Asian and Middle Eastern women are more likely to experience it, but it can affect all women. Explore new ways to create desire with your partner.

21 Apr 2019 - 5:00AM
The Naked Truth | Why erectile dysfunction does not mean the end of your sex life

Every man experiences some erection problems due to physical, emotional and lifestyle issues; if you don’t put pressure on yourself and explore other ways to be intimate, fun in the bedroom can still be had.

14 Apr 2019 - 5:00AM
The Naked Truth | How to heal emotional scars from breaking up and come back stronger

When fitness blogger Zanna van Dijk happily displays her surgical scar to the world, it’s an example of how we should treat emotional wounds too. Learning to live with heartbreak not only strengthens us, it teaches us to be proud of flaunting all our own imperfections.

28 Apr 2019 - 11:15AM
The Naked Truth | Why women can lose interest in sex, and what to do about it

Sexual dysfunction in women is perfectly normal, and has a variety of causes; Asian and Middle Eastern women are more likely to experience it, but it can affect all women. Explore new ways to create desire with your partner.

21 Apr 2019 - 5:00AM
The Naked Truth | Why erectile dysfunction does not mean the end of your sex life

Every man experiences some erection problems due to physical, emotional and lifestyle issues; if you don’t put pressure on yourself and explore other ways to be intimate, fun in the bedroom can still be had.

14 Apr 2019 - 5:00AM
The Naked Truth | When to talk to kids about sex and benefits of regular open discussion

It is healthier to have many little conversations from a young age, rather than one big sex talk at a certain age, says a Hong Kong clinical psychologist, as long as discussion is factual, honest, mature and accepting.

7 Apr 2019 - 2:00AM
The Naked Truth | Not in the mood for sex? Tips for couples to get primed for passion

From visiting an adult sex shop together to a night on the dance floor, there are many ways for long-term couples to turn up the heat – and in turn experience a more intimate connection.

31 Mar 2019 - 2:00AM
The Naked Truth | Stop making excuses for your partner. Fix things, or move on

�?They’re just too exhausted from work’, �?They’re too stressed’ – don’t fool yourself by thinking these things when your partner is not showing you love. An unbalanced relationship needs to be addressed, or it will tip and collapse.

24 Mar 2019 - 11:00AM
The Naked Truth | Staying friends with an ex? It can have proper benefits, if done correctly

Divorce or the end of a long-term relationship does not have to be fraught with heartache and separation – a lifelong friendship can still blossom. Just be careful not to do it to rekindle an old romance as it will only end in tears.

17 Mar 2019 - 9:30AM
The Naked Truth | Don’t be a coward: how to end a relationship properly

It is important to show respect, decency and love when breaking up with someone, even at the end when love has faded, so that both people can gain closure and move on. Sadly, some people just take the easy way out.

10 Mar 2019 - 2:04AM
Reflections | Incest was a crime in ancient China, most of the time
11 Apr 2019 - 2:51AM
How much sex is normal? Four tipsy women on how much they �?do it’

Surveys are one thing, but how much sex do people really have? Anthea Rowan invites round four friends, plies them with wine, and gets to the bottom of the matter – with more than one surprise on the way.

16 Apr 2019 - 2:36AM
How adults need playtime as much as children do

Whether it’s skating, bouncing on a trampoline or flying a plane, playing is vital to our well-being. Experts say play is as important as sleep for adults and is linked to increased creativity in solving problems.

Whether it’s skating, bouncing on a trampoline or flying a plane, playing is vital to our well-being. Experts say play is as important as sleep for adults and is linked to increased creativity in solving problems.

13 Apr 2019 - 7:21PM
How adults need playtime as much as children do
Lost and found: how men’s ministry helps members heal and grow

David was a sex addict, Andrew was a neglectful dad, Brendan was taught to bottle up emotions; each found the Men’s Fraternity, and a space to share their pain without judgment, and talk through issues around marriage, parenting, money or work.

David was a sex addict, Andrew was a neglectful dad, Brendan was taught to bottle up emotions; each found the Men’s Fraternity, and a space to share their pain without judgment, and talk through issues around marriage, parenting, money or work.

8 Apr 2019 - 7:46AM
Lost and found: how men’s ministry helps members heal and grow
Imagine taking an autistic child on holiday: why families need help

World Autism Awareness Day this week highlighted the need for early diagnosis of the developmental disorder, and a change of mindset to help people with autism lead productive and happy lives.

World Autism Awareness Day this week highlighted the need for early diagnosis of the developmental disorder, and a change of mindset to help people with autism lead productive and happy lives.

4 Apr 2019 - 8:00PM
Imagine taking an autistic child on holiday: why families need help
�?Humble heroes’ quest to counter global media’s diet of despair

Frederique Bedos’ NGO, Le Projet Imagine – The Humble Heroes, has made more than 30 films about people who’ve made a difference. In an era of fake news, she is seeking real heroes in Hong Kong and China whose stories she can tell.

Frederique Bedos’ NGO, Le Projet Imagine – The Humble Heroes, has made more than 30 films about people who’ve made a difference. In an era of fake news, she is seeking real heroes in Hong Kong and China whose stories she can tell.

3 Apr 2019 - 6:28AM
?Humble heroes’ quest to counter global media’s diet of despair
The Naked Truth | Not in the mood for sex? Tips for couples to get primed for passion

From visiting an adult sex shop together to a night on the dance floor, there are many ways for long-term couples to turn up the heat – and in turn experience a more intimate connection.

From visiting an adult sex shop together to a night on the dance floor, there are many ways for long-term couples to turn up the heat – and in turn experience a more intimate connection.

31 Mar 2019 - 2:00AM
Not in the mood for sex? Tips for couples to get primed for passion
My daughter’s maths classes are easy – how can she be challenged?

Children can be streamed, grouped for ability within the classroom, or taught in mixed-ability classes; streaming them in primary school, while possibly beneficial for high-ability learners, can affect the self-esteem of slower learners.

Children can be streamed, grouped for ability within the classroom, or taught in mixed-ability classes; streaming them in primary school, while possibly beneficial for high-ability learners, can affect the self-esteem of slower learners.

24 Mar 2019 - 3:00PM
My daughter’s maths classes are easy – how can she be challenged?
To avoid allergy, feed peanuts to babies in first year, doctors say

A new report from the American Academy of Paediatrics suggests introducing peanut-based foods before an infant’s first birthday, even as early as four months – a shift from previous guidance.

A new report from the American Academy of Paediatrics suggests introducing peanut-based foods before an infant’s first birthday, even as early as four months – a shift from previous guidance.

25 Mar 2019 - 4:18PM
To avoid allergy, feed peanuts to babies in first year, doctors say
The Naked Truth | Stop making excuses for your partner. Fix things, or move on

�?They’re just too exhausted from work’, �?They’re too stressed’ – don’t fool yourself by thinking these things when your partner is not showing you love. An unbalanced relationship needs to be addressed, or it will tip and collapse.

�?They’re just too exhausted from work’, �?They’re too stressed’ – don’t fool yourself by thinking these things when your partner is not showing you love. An unbalanced relationship needs to be addressed, or it will tip and collapse.

24 Mar 2019 - 11:00AM
Stop making excuses for your partner. Fix things, or move on
Family ties: Chinese girls reunited with birth parents after years apart

Linde Welberg and Lianna Fogg were given up for adoption in China because of the country’s one-child policy – but vowed to find their birth parents. Both felt pangs of separation, but have finally found closure.

Linde Welberg and Lianna Fogg were given up for adoption in China because of the country’s one-child policy – but vowed to find their birth parents. Both felt pangs of separation, but have finally found closure.

19 Mar 2019 - 10:35AM
Family ties: Chinese girls reunited with birth parents after years apart
The Naked Truth | Staying friends with an ex? It can have proper benefits, if done correctly

Divorce or the end of a long-term relationship does not have to be fraught with heartache and separation – a lifelong friendship can still blossom. Just be careful not to do it to rekindle an old romance as it will only end in tears.

Divorce or the end of a long-term relationship does not have to be fraught with heartache and separation – a lifelong friendship can still blossom. Just be careful not to do it to rekindle an old romance as it will only end in tears.

17 Mar 2019 - 9:30AM
Staying friends with an ex? It can have proper benefits, if done correctly
Family separation and estrangement: the causes and remedies

Sexual, physical and mental abuse, betrayal and poor parenting are the main causes of estrangement in families. An expert recommends reconnection, but only if any abuse has stopped and everyone is ready for it.

Sexual, physical and mental abuse, betrayal and poor parenting are the main causes of estrangement in families. An expert recommends reconnection, but only if any abuse has stopped and everyone is ready for it.

21 Mar 2019 - 8:33PM
Family separation and estrangement: the causes and remedies
One woman’s mission to save Chinese women from joyless marriages

Joy Chen, author of the bestseller �?Do Not Marry Before Age 30’, encourages Chinese women not to feel forced into marriage. One fan did, but after divorcing, she married herself to reinforce her new sense of empowerment.

Joy Chen, author of the bestseller �?Do Not Marry Before Age 30’, encourages Chinese women not to feel forced into marriage. One fan did, but after divorcing, she married herself to reinforce her new sense of empowerment.

13 Mar 2019 - 12:52PM
One woman’s mission to save Chinese women from joyless marriages
The Naked Truth | Don’t be a coward: how to end a relationship properly

It is important to show respect, decency and love when breaking up with someone, even at the end when love has faded, so that both people can gain closure and move on. Sadly, some people just take the easy way out.

It is important to show respect, decency and love when breaking up with someone, even at the end when love has faded, so that both people can gain closure and move on. Sadly, some people just take the easy way out.

10 Mar 2019 - 2:04AM
Don’t be a coward: how to end a relationship properly
Hong Kong corporate culture is stuck in a male-focused rut

Fewer than 3 in 10 senior managers in the city are women, a study recently found; prejudice, cultural barriers are bad policy are to blame, academic says, and study’s co-author says employers have to change.

Fewer than 3 in 10 senior managers in the city are women, a study recently found; prejudice, cultural barriers are bad policy are to blame, academic says, and study’s co-author says employers have to change.

8 Mar 2019 - 7:51AM
Hong Kong corporate culture is stuck in a male-focused rut