How wine protects your liver and helps you live longer

Drinking wine in moderation – no more than two glasses a day – has many health benefits. It can help with mental health in the elderly and even prevent tooth decay.

2 hours ago
Sperm freezing: why more millennial men are putting their swimmers on ice

New anxiety about sperm health among young American men is funding a whole crop of new fertility services from sperm freezing to home testing kits, but some doctors believe sperm freezing for the masses is overkill.

New anxiety about sperm health among young American men is funding a whole crop of new fertility services from sperm freezing to home testing kits, but some doctors believe sperm freezing for the masses is overkill.

1 May 2019 - 4:06AM
Sperm freezing: why more millennial men are putting their swimmers on ice
Do certain sounds make your blood boil? You could suffer from this

Misophonia, or the ‘hatred of sounds’, can see perfectly ordinary people fly into a rage at every chew, tap, slurp, gurgle or whistle they hear. Unfortunately, there is no agreed-upon measurement or treatment of the problem.

Misophonia, or the ‘hatred of sounds’, can see perfectly ordinary people fly into a rage at every chew, tap, slurp, gurgle or whistle they hear. Unfortunately, there is no agreed-upon measurement or treatment of the problem.

1 May 2019 - 7:10PM
Do certain sounds make your blood boil? You could suffer from this
The ‘secret ingredient’ in soil that makes gardening a stress-buster

Gardening puts many people in a positive frame of mind, helps them relax, and gives them the chance to reconnect with nature – but at least some of that could be to do with a mood-boosting microorganism found in soil.

Gardening puts many people in a positive frame of mind, helps them relax, and gives them the chance to reconnect with nature – but at least some of that could be to do with a mood-boosting microorganism found in soil.

29 Apr 2019 - 7:56PM
The ‘secret ingredient’ in soil that makes gardening a stress-buster
Pancreatic cancer survivor tries wellness therapy with positive results

A Post contributor, who has stage four pancreatic cancer, explains the benefits she found from attending a wellness centre in India.

A Post contributor, who has stage four pancreatic cancer, explains the benefits she found from attending a wellness centre in India.

29 Apr 2019 - 7:56PM
Pancreatic cancer survivor tries wellness therapy with positive results


The Naked Truth | Why women can lose interest in sex, and what to do about it

Sexual dysfunction in women is perfectly normal, and has a variety of causes; Asian and Middle Eastern women are more likely to experience it, but it can affect all women. Explore new ways to create desire with your partner.

21 Apr 2019 - 5:00AM
Inside Out | If we are what we eat, then we are on the path to an early death
David Dodwell
15 Apr 2019 - 9:23AM
Language Matters | World Autism Awareness Day – how the disorder was named
Lisa Lim
2 Apr 2019 - 10:36AM
The Naked Truth | Why women can lose interest in sex, and what to do about it

Sexual dysfunction in women is perfectly normal, and has a variety of causes; Asian and Middle Eastern women are more likely to experience it, but it can affect all women. Explore new ways to create desire with your partner.

21 Apr 2019 - 5:00AM
Inside Out | If we are what we eat, then we are on the path to an early death
15 Apr 2019 - 9:23AM
Language Matters | World Autism Awareness Day – how the disorder was named
2 Apr 2019 - 10:36AM
Opinion | Obesity isn’t a behaviour and we should stop fat shaming
28 Mar 2019 - 9:37PM
Blowing Water | On a health kick? In the Year of the Pig, why not stop eating pork?

A flexible approach and cutting down on our meat consumption will help battle the threat of global warming – plus a plant-based diet is better for you.

4 Feb 2019 - 5:06PM
Inside Out | How much digital clutter do we need? Go on a detox and find out
20 Jan 2019 - 9:49PM
Inside Out | If Bill Gates can get animated over a jar of poop, so should the world
11 Nov 2018 - 3:10PM
The Naked Truth | Dating again after a bad relationship – should you, and how soon?

You may not feel like looking for romance if your last relationship or marriage failed, but leave it a while and you probably will; experts offer tips on how to find love again.

9 Nov 2018 - 6:20AM
Blowing Water | Adopting dogs in need in Hong Kong is win-win for owners and pets

Luisa Tam details humans’ deep bond with the loyal creatures, and urges against abandoning them as if they were disposable.

1 Oct 2018 - 9:19PM
How is Hong Kong responding to growing measles outbreak in Asia

An outbreak of measles that has infected thousands of people across Asia and continues to spread is sparking concerns in Hong Kong about the preparedness of travellers, especially over the recent Easter holiday.

27 Apr 2019 - 9:15AM
Genetic tendency to obesity stops some people losing weight

A study looked at how genetics affected body weight, compared it to a large database of people and scored each person. 10 per cent of adults with the highest scores were 25 times as likely to be severely obese than those with the lowest scores.

A study looked at how genetics affected body weight, compared it to a large database of people and scored each person. 10 per cent of adults with the highest scores were 25 times as likely to be severely obese than those with the lowest scores.

27 Apr 2019 - 7:58PM
Genetic tendency to obesity stops some people losing weight
Dread Pap smears? The DIY cervical cancer test that puts women in charge

Thousands of Malaysian women are benefiting from Project Rose, a cervical cancer screening programme. Unlike the conventional Pap smear, it allows women to take a cell sample in the privacy of their own homes, and receive their test results by phone.

Thousands of Malaysian women are benefiting from Project Rose, a cervical cancer screening programme. Unlike the conventional Pap smear, it allows women to take a cell sample in the privacy of their own homes, and receive their test results by phone.

26 Apr 2019 - 7:15AM
Dread Pap smears? The DIY cervical cancer test that puts women in charge
No screen time for babies, 1 hour for children under 5, WHO guidelines say

Critics say WHO recommendations fail to consider potential benefits of digital media. Agency also says infants less than one year old should spend at least half an hour every day on their stomachs.

Critics say WHO recommendations fail to consider potential benefits of digital media. Agency also says infants less than one year old should spend at least half an hour every day on their stomachs.

25 Apr 2019 - 10:41PM
No screen time for babies, 1 hour for children under 5, WHO guidelines say
China’s plant-based meat makers look to take on the world

Whole Perfect Food is among 10 Chinese plant-based meat manufacturers and distributors featuring at Meat Fest in Shanghai on Saturday. The festival hopes to raise the profile of China’s plant-based meat manufacturers.

Whole Perfect Food is among 10 Chinese plant-based meat manufacturers and distributors featuring at Meat Fest in Shanghai on Saturday. The festival hopes to raise the profile of China’s plant-based meat manufacturers.

25 Apr 2019 - 4:39AM
China’s plant-based meat makers look to take on the world
No excuse now: light exercise like housework could keep brain young

Even light exertions may slow down ageing of brain, reveals new report, proving even a little exercise helps. The results were based on activity-tracker data from 2,354 middle-aged adults, combined with participants’ brain scans.

Even light exertions may slow down ageing of brain, reveals new report, proving even a little exercise helps. The results were based on activity-tracker data from 2,354 middle-aged adults, combined with participants’ brain scans.

24 Apr 2019 - 7:55PM
No excuse now: light exercise like housework could keep brain young
Flye Dance Fitparty: how to get fit and make friends

An Australian ballroom dancer and a Chinese Panamanian lover of Latin dancing combined their love of music and fitness to open Flye Dance Fitparty. Sessions are 55 minutes and include various musical genres, and are for young professionals who don’t like working out in the gym.

An Australian ballroom dancer and a Chinese Panamanian lover of Latin dancing combined their love of music and fitness to open Flye Dance Fitparty. Sessions are 55 minutes and include various musical genres, and are for young professionals who don’t like working out in the gym.

23 Apr 2019 - 7:13PM
Flye Dance Fitparty: how to get fit and make friends
How porn, phones, Tinder affect sex and relationships: therapists share

Sex therapists’ couches are becoming increasingly busy these days, and the clients ever younger, plagued with problems caused by things like social media, dating apps and pornography.

Sex therapists’ couches are becoming increasingly busy these days, and the clients ever younger, plagued with problems caused by things like social media, dating apps and pornography.

23 Apr 2019 - 3:40AM
How porn, phones, Tinder affect sex and relationships: therapists share
How plastic surgery improves health and well-being – it’s not all vanity

Frequently mistaken for being driven by a desire to look good, plastic surgery can also improve a person’s physical and mental health and even alleviate depression. But in many places, procedures still carry a certain taboo.

Frequently mistaken for being driven by a desire to look good, plastic surgery can also improve a person’s physical and mental health and even alleviate depression. But in many places, procedures still carry a certain taboo.

22 Apr 2019 - 6:17PM
How plastic surgery improves health and well-being – it’s not all vanity
What blood does, disorders and diseases, and foods to keep it healthy

Blood serves many life-giving functions but it is important to keep it freely moving or risk dangerous clots. Several foods have been proven to maintain blood health and boost circulation, including cayenne pepper, onions and garlic.

Blood serves many life-giving functions but it is important to keep it freely moving or risk dangerous clots. Several foods have been proven to maintain blood health and boost circulation, including cayenne pepper, onions and garlic.

22 Apr 2019 - 6:17PM
What blood does, disorders and diseases, and foods to keep it healthy
Are Philippine children’s deaths linked to dengue vaccine?

A mix of corporate greed and corruption is being blamed for a series of deaths linked to pharmaceutical giant Sanofi’s Dengvaxia vaccine, a mess that has shaken people’s trust in the country’s free immunisation programme, leading to a surge in measles cases.

A mix of corporate greed and corruption is being blamed for a series of deaths linked to pharmaceutical giant Sanofi’s Dengvaxia vaccine, a mess that has shaken people’s trust in the country’s free immunisation programme, leading to a surge in measles cases.

22 Apr 2019 - 11:04AM
Are Philippine children’s deaths linked to dengue vaccine?
How much sex is normal? Four tipsy women on how much they ‘do it’

Surveys are one thing, but how much sex do people really have? Anthea Rowan invites round four friends, plies them with wine, and gets to the bottom of the matter – with more than one surprise on the way.

Surveys are one thing, but how much sex do people really have? Anthea Rowan invites round four friends, plies them with wine, and gets to the bottom of the matter – with more than one surprise on the way.

16 Apr 2019 - 2:36AM
How much sex is normal? Four tipsy women on how much they ‘do it’
How genetics outweigh fitness for marathon runners

Recent studies have shown that long distance running puts an extra strain on the heart and even elite athletes can succumb to heart attacks. Experts advise having a health check-up before taking on a full marathon.

Recent studies have shown that long distance running puts an extra strain on the heart and even elite athletes can succumb to heart attacks. Experts advise having a health check-up before taking on a full marathon.

12 Apr 2019 - 3:15PM
How genetics outweigh fitness for marathon runners
Sex after 60: how to make it exciting, pleasurable and comfortable

There are many things to be celebrated about sex after 60, such as having the time to play and explore, and all kinds of products exist to make it more comfortable on ageing bodies.

There are many things to be celebrated about sex after 60, such as having the time to play and explore, and all kinds of products exist to make it more comfortable on ageing bodies.

23 Mar 2019 - 6:18PM
Sex after 60: how to make it exciting, pleasurable and comfortable
Eating even a moderate amount of red meat raises bowel cancer risk: study

People eating 76g of red or processed meat per day had a 20 per cent higher risk of bowel cancer compared with those who ate 21g, study finds, with the risk increasing by 20 per cent with each extra slice of ham or rasher of bacon eaten.

People eating 76g of red or processed meat per day had a 20 per cent higher risk of bowel cancer compared with those who ate 21g, study finds, with the risk increasing by 20 per cent with each extra slice of ham or rasher of bacon eaten.

21 Apr 2019 - 6:12PM
Eating even a moderate amount of red meat raises bowel cancer risk: study