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‘Don’t lose people’s trust’: former PAP MP on Singapore’s anti-fake news law

Inderjit Singh, a former parliamentarian from the ruling party, says if new laws to curb deliberate online falsehoods are done right, Singapore could be a world leader in fighting the scourge of fake news

3 hours ago
Asian Angle | Does a navy celebration signal warmer currents between New Delhi and Beijing?

Dealing with China be one of the major foreign policy challenges that confront India’s next government, making it worthwhile for the two to focus on their areas of cooperation, writes Rupakjyoti Borah.

1 May 2019 - 11:09AM
Asian Angle | What do Modi and Trudeau have in common? The power of populism

Never mind the rise of right-wing heads of state. The new breed of leader is progressive, but just as charismatic – meet the alt-populists, writes Richard Heydarian.

30 Apr 2019 - 10:12AM
Ceritalah | In India’s elections, if not Modi, who?

The question has been repeated so often by the incumbent prime minister’s supporters that it has become a catchphrase to rebuke the opposition.

29 Apr 2019 - 8:30PM
Sino File | Hang on, investors – it’s too early to cheer the start of China’s bull run

Spurred by fiscal stimulus and a softening of its deleveraging campaign, China has seen a rebound in growth – but it is too early to conclude that the economy is back on a sustainable recovering trajectory.

29 Apr 2019 - 11:00AM
China Briefing | In America, paranoid officials see Chinese spies around every corner

An increasingly hawkish US has been closing its doors to Chinese investors, students and academics. But such disengagement reeks of paranoia that could worsen already strained ties between the world’s two largest economies.

27 Apr 2019 - 9:30AM
Opinion | China and India learn to agree to disagree on belt and road projects

New Delhi’s absence at the Belt and Road Forum would not have any negative impact on Sino-India ties as the two countries have moved to stabilise their relationship.

25 Apr 2019 - 7:38PM
Opinion | Mahathir’s belt and road balancing act confirms ‘middle power’ aims

Some observers suggest Malaysia has plenty of room to move in negotiations with China. In reality, it finds itself in a tight spot with limited options.

25 Apr 2019 - 12:00PM
Opinion | In Indonesia’s elections, identity politics almost trumped the economy

In some areas, incumbent President Joko Widodo struggled to win votes despite enjoying high approval ratings. The reason? Lies and polarisation, says Yohanes Sulaiman

25 Apr 2019 - 8:48PM
Opinion | Sri Lanka bombings bear hallmarks of Islamic State attack

The coordinated suicide bombings on Easter Sunday show how IS is entering a new phase of global expansion, contrary to assessments that it has been decimated, says Rohan Gunaratna.

23 Apr 2019 - 2:30PM
Ceritalah | How Indonesia’s Islamic grass roots helped secure Jokowi’s win

A decisive factor in the president’s presumptive re-election was his courtship of a huge and amorphous Islamic organisation known as Nahdlatul Ulama.

22 Apr 2019 - 2:35PM
Abacus | Forget the hype: why 5G is about to disappoint you

Frenzied media reports suggest we are on the verge of a world-changing revolution with self-driving cars and superfast mobile speeds. History, mathematics and economics suggest something far less impressive.

22 Apr 2019 - 12:16PM
Sino File | If China thinks it’s overtaking US any time soon, here’s a wake-up call

There’s no guarantee that China’s economy will surpass America’s – and even if there was, it wouldn’t mean much

23 Apr 2019 - 4:34AM
China Briefing | In China, breaking the law is about to get a whole lot costlier

In the past, inadequate punishments often meant committing crimes made more financial sense than compliance. But now the Chinese leadership looks to be getting serious about punitive damages.

20 Apr 2019 - 9:45AM
Ceritalah | Like the profit margins on a lassi, Modi’s magic has evaporated

The chattering classes see the polls as a struggle between the BJP’s Hindutva agenda on one hand and Gandhi’s socialist dreams on the other. But for most people it’s all about jobs, prices, and basic government services.

16 Apr 2019 - 10:25AM
Abacus | In Europe, China’s economic cold war with the West is over before it’s begun

The much-reported strain between the EU and China is exaggerated – Europe has too much to lose to present an effectively assertive front to China over bilateral economic affairs.

15 Apr 2019 - 1:29AM
Sino File | Hu Yaobang: an icon of China’s reform – and of how little has changed

A passionate liberaliser in the 1980s, Hu sought to overturn the remnants of the Maoist era. His death in 1989 triggered widespread public mourning, which snowballed into weeks of student-led pro-democracy protests

14 Apr 2019 - 9:00AM
China Briefing | If US, China sign ‘grandaddy’ of trade deals, here’s what comes next

A pact could help Beijing transform its economy and take the reins on the world stage. And then? Reforming the WTO, joining the new TPP, negotiating free-trade with Japan, Korea and schmoozing Europe should be priorities

16 Apr 2019 - 8:14PM
The real Darkest Hour: Churchill’s role in murdering 3 million Bengalis

But last year, a Churchill biopic glorifying the former British PM was nominated for top honours at the Oscars

12 Apr 2019 - 8:05PM