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Xiaomi’s growing success in South Korea paves way for Chinese products

Rising demand for Chinese mobile phones by South Koreans may shatter long-standing domestic loyalties for home-grown brands such as Samsung and LG.

30 Apr 2019 - 5:12PM
Sino File | Hang on, investors – it’s too early to cheer the start of China’s bull run

Spurred by fiscal stimulus and a softening of its deleveraging campaign, China has seen a rebound in growth – but it is too early to conclude that the economy is back on a sustainable recovering trajectory.

29 Apr 2019 - 11:00AM
Abacus | Weaponising the US dollar will backfire, and China’s yuan is ready to fill the void

Hawkish US sanctions on Iran have had an unanticipated side effect – they’re helping to promote the formation of a new informal Asian monetary bloc centred on the yuan, at the expense of the US dollar.

29 Apr 2019 - 8:58AM
Inside Out | More than a chill, swine fever to affect China pork sector for two years

News that African Swine Fever has swept into China has massive ramifications not just for millions of pig farmers and the world’s largest consumer market for pork, but for industries across the world, whether it is German sausage makers, or Iowan soybean exporters.

29 Apr 2019 - 6:31AM
Malaysia gears up for durian duel with Thailand as Chinese demand spikes

On the sidelines of the Belt and Road Forum, Malaysian companies promoted home-grown durian chocolates, mooncakes and more ahead of expected new rules allowing them to sell whole, frozen durians to China.

28 Apr 2019 - 1:33PM
China’s belt and road extends to Kyrgyzstan, but is it worth the debt?

Beijing’s partners in Europe and Southeast Asia command much attention at the Belt and Road Forum, but there is much China-backed development in Central Asia – and much concern over whether Kyrgyzstan will pay back the billions it has borrowed.

27 Apr 2019 - 8:43PM
Can Mahathir run Malaysia’s economy without blaming ‘1MDB mess’?

Mahathir’s May 9 speech has been billed as a ‘state-of-the-union type of speech’, but a falling approval ratings and doubts over his government’s economic management mean there is still much left on his to-do list.

30 Apr 2019 - 4:47PM
In India, can Amazon avoid a repeat of its China withdrawal?

The American retail behemoth has repeatedly said that it is in for the long-haul in India. But stiff competition and an increasingly hostile regulatory environment could stop it in its tracks.

26 Apr 2019 - 6:00PM
exclusive | China ‘can do business with Philippines, if it respects our sovereignty’

Speaking before the Belt and Road Forum, Ramon Lopez’s comments come after President Rodrigo Duterte threatened to deploy soldiers after Beijing allowed vessels to sail near a Philippine-claimed island in the South China Sea.

25 Apr 2019 - 11:25PM
If China funds Thailand’s high-speed rail, will the debt be too much?

The Export-Import Bank of China has offered Thailand a low-interest loan for the construction of a belt and road project linking the country with Kunming and Laos. But analysts are also debating whether the project will turn a profit.

25 Apr 2019 - 11:54AM
Asian business leaders see China as dominant regional force: surveys

The country’s influence is only expected to expand, despite earlier predictions that it would be overtaken by India, according to two new surveys.

24 Apr 2019 - 12:14PM
Bangladesh looks for alternatives to China’s belt and road loans

Speaking ahead of the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing on Thursday, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Mohammed Shahriar said any amount of debt can be “dangerous” for countries not achieving high economic growth.

24 Apr 2019 - 5:13PM
Abacus | Forget the hype: why 5G is about to disappoint you

Frenzied media reports suggest we are on the verge of a world-changing revolution with self-driving cars and superfast mobile speeds. History, mathematics and economics suggest something far less impressive.

22 Apr 2019 - 12:16PM
The Chinese developers to watch in Singapore

These are some of the most recognisable players among the Chinese developers who have entered the Singapore market over the past decade

21 Apr 2019 - 1:30PM
Why Hong Kong-linked developer can’t sell flats on a US$600m Singapore property

Kingsford Development once made headlines for the opulence of its chairman’s US$24 million Singapore home. Now its shoddy work at an estate it bought for US$600 million has it back in the news for all the wrong reasons.

21 Apr 2019 - 4:27PM
Sino File | If China thinks it’s overtaking US any time soon, here’s a wake-up call

There’s no guarantee that China’s economy will surpass America’s – and even if there was, it wouldn’t mean much

23 Apr 2019 - 4:34AM
How Huawei beat US 5G propaganda war in Southeast Asia

Huawei’s 5G technology is under fire in the West, but there is a region of the world where Washington’s anti-China propaganda war was lost long ago: Southeast Asia.

22 Apr 2019 - 10:29AM
My way or the Huawei: how US ultimatum fell flat in Southeast Asia

5G technology is coming to Southeast Asia, and the odds are Huawei’s technology will be driving it. That’s despite the US trying to poison the well against its Chinese competitor. So why is no-one listening to Uncle Sam?

23 Apr 2019 - 1:01PM
What’s China got to do with elections in India’s southernmost town?

Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu state is the proposed site of a new US$4.8 billion port, being touted as part of New Delhi’s answer to Beijing’s Sri Lankan investments.

19 Apr 2019 - 9:46PM