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Wang Xiangwei

Wang Xiangwei was the Post's editor-in-chief from 2012-2015. He started his 20-year career at the China Daily, before moving to the UK, where he worked at a number of news organisations, including the BBC Chinese Service. He moved to Hong Kong in 1993 and worked at the Eastern Express before joining the Post in 1996 as China business reporter. He became China editor in 2000 and deputy editor in 2007, a position he held for four years prior to being promoted to Editor-in-Chief. He has a master's degree in journalism, and a bachelor's degree in English.
Wang Xiangwei
Wang Xiangwei was the Post's editor-in-chief from 2012-2015. He started his 20-year career at the China Daily, before moving to the UK, where he worked at a number of news organisations, including the BBC Chinese Service. He moved to Hong Kong in 1993 and worked at the Eastern Express before joining the Post in 1996 as China business reporter. He became China editor in 2000 and deputy editor in 2007, a position he held for four years prior to being promoted to Editor-in-Chief. He has a master's degree in journalism, and a bachelor's degree in English.

Latest from Wang Xiangwei

China Briefing | China’s solution to Trump’s trade tantrums? Treat him like a natural disaster

Last week’s decision to devalue the yuan against the dollar sent turbulence through international markets, but Washington should be aware that Beijing knows how to match Trump’s brinkmanship, writes Wang Xiangwei.

10 Aug 2019 - 11:51PM

Last week’s decision to devalue the yuan against the dollar sent turbulence through international markets, but Washington should be aware that Beijing knows how to match Trump’s brinkmanship, writes Wang Xiangwei.

China’s solution to Trump’s trade tantrums? Treat him like a natural disaster
China Briefing | Hong Kong needn’t fear the PLA, even if it is a US-China battleground

This is no Tiananmen moment – despite delusional radicals on both left and right itching for a military intervention, Beijing is likely to wait these protests out.

3 Aug 2019 - 8:05PM

This is no Tiananmen moment – despite delusional radicals on both left and right itching for a military intervention, Beijing is likely to wait these protests out.

Hong Kong needn’t fear the PLA, even if it is a US-China battleground
China Briefing | Xi Jinping’s ZTE concession to Donald Trump still haunts Chinese negotiators in US trade talks

Xi Jinping reportedly agreed to allow a compliance department chosen by the US to be embedded into the firm, but the move has only emboldened Washington.

27 Jul 2019 - 4:37PM

Xi Jinping reportedly agreed to allow a compliance department chosen by the US to be embedded into the firm, but the move has only emboldened Washington.

Xi Jinping’s ZTE concession to Donald Trump still haunts Chinese negotiators in US trade talks
China Briefing | This is not alarmist talk: Hong Kong is heading for a breakdown in law and order

Beijing has become increasingly alarmed by the way radicals have hijacked the previously peaceful demonstrations, while the city’s police have become the most hated in the eyes of many Hongkongers.

20 Jul 2019 - 6:27PM

Beijing has become increasingly alarmed by the way radicals have hijacked the previously peaceful demonstrations, while the city’s police have become the most hated in the eyes of many Hongkongers.

This is not alarmist talk: Hong Kong is heading for a breakdown in law and order
China Briefing | China’s legal system has a long way to go before it can be trusted

Examples abound of the country’s opaque and corruption-ridden law enforcement and judiciary system. Moves are being made to build public confidence, but will they be enough?

13 Jul 2019 - 7:59PM

Examples abound of the country’s opaque and corruption-ridden law enforcement and judiciary system. Moves are being made to build public confidence, but will they be enough?

China’s legal system has a long way to go before it can be trusted
China Briefing | US-China trade war: hardliners in Beijing are gaining influence

Chinese urging concessions for Washington have been attacked by the media, businesses are being forced to change foreign-sounding names, and a war film called The Eight Hundred has been cancelled.

6 Jul 2019 - 5:36PM

Chinese urging concessions for Washington have been attacked by the media, businesses are being forced to change foreign-sounding names, and a war film called The Eight Hundred has been cancelled.

US-China trade war: hardliners in Beijing are gaining influence
China Briefing | Hong Kong’s extradition protests: one country, two systems and a vicious circle of mistrust with Beijing

In Hong Kong, residents are worried about Beijing’s attempts to tighten its grip on the city, while central government officials are more concerned with losing control, says Wang Xiangwei.

22 Jun 2019 - 3:42PM

In Hong Kong, residents are worried about Beijing’s attempts to tighten its grip on the city, while central government officials are more concerned with losing control, says Wang Xiangwei.

Hong Kong’s extradition protests: one country, two systems and a vicious circle of mistrust with Beijing
China Briefing | Hong Kong’s extradition law mess: don’t blame Beijing, blame naive Carrie Lam

The chief executive could have avoided much of this quagmire had she not bypassed proper procedures and, instead, consulted the public. In underestimating the pushback, she has shown a lack of political antennae.

17 Jun 2019 - 12:14PM

The chief executive could have avoided much of this quagmire had she not bypassed proper procedures and, instead, consulted the public. In underestimating the pushback, she has shown a lack of political antennae.

Hong Kong’s extradition law mess: don’t blame Beijing, blame naive Carrie Lam
China Briefing | Will Macau casinos be targeted in US-China trade war? The odds are shortening for Sheldon Adelson, Trump’s ‘Patron-in-Chief’

American casino licences could be brought into play as trade tensions worsen – not least because bosses like Sheldon Adelson and Steve Wynn have influence with US President Donald Trump.

11 Jun 2019 - 9:35PM

American casino licences could be brought into play as trade tensions worsen – not least because bosses like Sheldon Adelson and Steve Wynn have influence with US President Donald Trump.

Will Macau casinos be targeted in US-China trade war? The odds are shortening for Sheldon Adelson, Trump’s ‘Patron-in-Chief’
China Briefing | The bold zero-tariff plan that could settle the US-China trade war in Beijing’s favour

Former Chinese official Huang Qifan argues that the elimination of tariffs, barriers and subsidies is key for any country that wants to dominate world trade. But will the powers-that-be sit up and take notice?

1 Jun 2019 - 5:36PM

Former Chinese official Huang Qifan argues that the elimination of tariffs, barriers and subsidies is key for any country that wants to dominate world trade. But will the powers-that-be sit up and take notice?

The bold zero-tariff plan that could settle the US-China trade war in Beijing’s favour
China Briefing | Why China shouldn’t retaliate against US firms after Huawei ban

Blacklisting the tech giant from buying American-made software and parts points to a sinister effort by Washington to halt China’s technological growth. But Beijing would be wise not to follow suit.

25 May 2019 - 5:28PM

Blacklisting the tech giant from buying American-made software and parts points to a sinister effort by Washington to halt China’s technological growth. But Beijing would be wise not to follow suit.

Why China shouldn’t retaliate against US firms after Huawei ban
China Briefing | Ignore the bravado, a US-China trade deal is still possible. But it’ll take a Xi-Trump one-on-one

Defiant statements by the US and China as the latest set of trade talks unravel look suspiciously like psychological negotiating tactics.

19 May 2019 - 2:39AM

Defiant statements by the US and China as the latest set of trade talks unravel look suspiciously like psychological negotiating tactics.

Ignore the bravado, a US-China trade deal is still possible. But it’ll take a Xi-Trump one-on-one
China Briefing | ‘Sleepy Joe’ Biden is one of the few US politicians who’s wide awake about China

When the Obama-era vice-president said China was ‘not competition’ for the US, the backlash was enough to make him walk back his comments, but the challenges facing President Xi Jinping, from the economy to wrangling the country’s bureaucrats, are vast

11 May 2019 - 9:15AM

When the Obama-era vice-president said China was ‘not competition’ for the US, the backlash was enough to make him walk back his comments, but the challenges facing President Xi Jinping, from the economy to wrangling the country’s bureaucrats, are vast

‘Sleepy Joe’ Biden is one of the few US politicians who’s wide awake about China
China Briefing | China’s May 4 and June 4 Tiananmen protests: Communist Party only sees patriotism where it suits

China on Saturday marks 100 years since the May Fourth Movement. Love for the nation was also at the core of 1989’s student protests, but officials have been trying their best to obscure that legacy.

5 Jun 2019 - 5:27AM

China on Saturday marks 100 years since the May Fourth Movement. Love for the nation was also at the core of 1989’s student protests, but officials have been trying their best to obscure that legacy.

China’s May 4 and June 4 Tiananmen protests: Communist Party only sees patriotism where it suits
China Briefing | In the US, paranoid officials see Chinese spies around every corner

An increasingly hawkish US has been closing its doors to Chinese investors, students and academics. But such disengagement reeks of paranoia that could worsen already strained ties between the world’s two largest economies.

27 Apr 2019 - 9:30AM

An increasingly hawkish US has been closing its doors to Chinese investors, students and academics. But such disengagement reeks of paranoia that could worsen already strained ties between the world’s two largest economies.

In the US, paranoid officials see Chinese spies around every corner
China Briefing | In China, breaking the law is about to get a whole lot costlier

In the past, inadequate punishments often meant committing crimes made more financial sense than compliance. But now the Chinese leadership looks to be getting serious about punitive damages.

20 Apr 2019 - 9:45AM

In the past, inadequate punishments often meant committing crimes made more financial sense than compliance. But now the Chinese leadership looks to be getting serious about punitive damages.

In China, breaking the law is about to get a whole lot costlier
China Briefing | US-China trade war: if Trump and Xi agree ‘grandaddy’ of trade deals, here’s what comes next

A pact could help Beijing transform its economy and take the reins on the world stage. And then? Reforming the WTO, joining the new TPP, negotiating free-trade with Japan, Korea and schmoozing Europe should be priorities

16 Apr 2019 - 8:14PM

A pact could help Beijing transform its economy and take the reins on the world stage. And then? Reforming the WTO, joining the new TPP, negotiating free-trade with Japan, Korea and schmoozing Europe should be priorities

US-China trade war: if Trump and Xi agree ‘grandaddy’ of trade deals, here’s what comes next
China Briefing | Xi Jinping’s speech shows China’s Communist Party is still haunted by the fall of the Soviet Union

The release of a six-year-old speech by the Chinese president, in which he warns of the struggle ahead between socialism and capitalism, comes as the People’s Republic reaches its 70th anniversary – a mark the USSR never passed.

6 Apr 2019 - 10:29AM

The release of a six-year-old speech by the Chinese president, in which he warns of the struggle ahead between socialism and capitalism, comes as the People’s Republic reaches its 70th anniversary – a mark the USSR never passed.

Xi Jinping’s speech shows China’s Communist Party is still haunted by the fall of the Soviet Union
China Briefing | China’s media companies are failing at home, failing abroad and failing Xi Jinping

China is spending billions in an effort to tell its stories to the world. But the official media’s poor coverage of an explosion at a chemical plant in Jiangsu exposes just how clueless its propaganda officials really are

30 Mar 2019 - 9:30AM

China is spending billions in an effort to tell its stories to the world. But the official media’s poor coverage of an explosion at a chemical plant in Jiangsu exposes just how clueless its propaganda officials really are

China’s media companies are failing at home, failing abroad and failing Xi Jinping
China Briefing | China’s bids to improve food safety and welfare for its people are just empty words – until the leadership has skin in the game

The country has had an appalling food safety record over the past decade, with an abundance of public health scandals affecting children. But as long as the ruling class and elites enjoy special privileges, their vows will mean little

17 May 2019 - 10:31AM

The country has had an appalling food safety record over the past decade, with an abundance of public health scandals affecting children. But as long as the ruling class and elites enjoy special privileges, their vows will mean little

China’s bids to improve food safety and welfare for its people are just empty words – until the leadership has skin in the game
China Briefing | ‘Di Jihong’ and ‘Gao Jihei’ are signs China’s flattery of Xi Jinping has gone too far

Going by official media, the intensity of pledges of allegiance to the president were reminiscent of the 1960s heyday of Mao Zedong. But the Chinese people have grown more mature about political indoctrination.

16 Mar 2019 - 9:30AM

Going by official media, the intensity of pledges of allegiance to the president were reminiscent of the 1960s heyday of Mao Zedong. But the Chinese people have grown more mature about political indoctrination.

‘Di Jihong’ and ‘Gao Jihei’ are signs China’s flattery of Xi Jinping has gone too far
China Briefing | US-China trade war: an elephant in the room for Li Keqiang’s NPC work report

Li Keqiang’s 100-minute report to the NPC included US$298 billion in tax and fee cuts to shore up the economy, a promise to leave more to market forces – and plenty of acknowledgement of US pressure.

9 Mar 2019 - 5:36PM

Li Keqiang’s 100-minute report to the NPC included US$298 billion in tax and fee cuts to shore up the economy, a promise to leave more to market forces – and plenty of acknowledgement of US pressure.

US-China trade war: an elephant in the room for Li Keqiang’s NPC work report
China Briefing | Chinese must live with a dead Baidu, as Google’s return looks doomed

As Trump teases us with a breakthrough in his US-China trade war talks with Xi Jinping, markets breathe a sigh of relief. But any deal looks unlikely to break down that biggest barrier to China’s digital economy: the Great Firewall

2 Mar 2019 - 10:31AM

As Trump teases us with a breakthrough in his US-China trade war talks with Xi Jinping, markets breathe a sigh of relief. But any deal looks unlikely to break down that biggest barrier to China’s digital economy: the Great Firewall

Chinese must live with a dead Baidu, as Google’s return looks doomed
China Briefing | Huang Xiangmo and Meng Wanzhou today, any other Chinese tomorrow?

The US and Australia have slapped China in the face by hounding these Chinese business figures, but Beijing’s response – and its clumsy public relations skills – have served only to make matters worse

26 Feb 2019 - 10:23AM

The US and Australia have slapped China in the face by hounding these Chinese business figures, but Beijing’s response – and its clumsy public relations skills – have served only to make matters worse

Huang Xiangmo and Meng Wanzhou today, any other Chinese tomorrow?
China Briefing | As US-China trade war talks enter the final stretch, is Beijing ready to tackle its structural issues?

Though there might not be a deal by the time Trump meets Xi, China can address US concerns by improving credibility over everything from IP protection to subsidies for its favoured industries

16 Feb 2019 - 9:47AM

Though there might not be a deal by the time Trump meets Xi, China can address US concerns by improving credibility over everything from IP protection to subsidies for its favoured industries

As US-China trade war talks enter the final stretch, is Beijing ready to tackle its structural issues?
China Briefing | From football to stocks, the meddling Chinese government keeps scoring own goals

What do the departures of China’s national soccer coach Marcello Lippi and its securities watchdog chief Liu Shiyu have in common? More than you might think

2 Feb 2019 - 9:01AM

What do the departures of China’s national soccer coach Marcello Lippi and its securities watchdog chief Liu Shiyu have in common? More than you might think

From football to stocks, the meddling Chinese government keeps scoring own goals
China Briefing | Meet Cui Yongyuan, chat show host: China’s unlikeliest whistle-blower (just ask Fan Bingbing)

Cui Yongyuan, one of China’s most renowned TV chat show hosts from the 1990s has shown he’s not afraid to take on the big guns, whether it’s tax-evading celebrities or judges at China’s highest court

26 Jan 2019 - 9:19AM

Cui Yongyuan, one of China’s most renowned TV chat show hosts from the 1990s has shown he’s not afraid to take on the big guns, whether it’s tax-evading celebrities or judges at China’s highest court

Meet Cui Yongyuan, chat show host: China’s unlikeliest whistle-blower (just ask Fan Bingbing)
China Briefing | As Shaanxi saga shows, even Xi hits China’s bureaucratic brick wall

As the Shaanxi scandal over illegal villas shows, even China’s most powerful leader since Mao struggles with a bureaucracy that has spent centuries ignoring central government. After all, “the sky is high and the emperor is far away”.

19 Jan 2019 - 9:01AM

As the Shaanxi scandal over illegal villas shows, even China’s most powerful leader since Mao struggles with a bureaucracy that has spent centuries ignoring central government. After all, “the sky is high and the emperor is far away”.

As Shaanxi saga shows, even Xi hits China’s bureaucratic brick wall
China Briefing | Spendthrift Chinese tourists show tax is the economy’s real problem

Forget Apple CEO Tim Cook’s claims, Chinese consumer power is not as depressed as widely assumed – as can be seen whenever Chinese travel abroad

12 Jan 2019 - 9:00AM

Forget Apple CEO Tim Cook’s claims, Chinese consumer power is not as depressed as widely assumed – as can be seen whenever Chinese travel abroad

Spendthrift Chinese tourists show tax is the economy’s real problem
China Briefing | Cheer up, crises like the US trade war reform China’s economy

In 1998, China paved the way to economic lift off with World Trade Organisation talks. In 2008, it beat the Global Financial Crisis. So in 2018, on its 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, it’s at a familiar juncture

22 Dec 2018 - 4:15PM

In 1998, China paved the way to economic lift off with World Trade Organisation talks. In 2008, it beat the Global Financial Crisis. So in 2018, on its 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, it’s at a familiar juncture

Cheer up, crises like the US trade war reform China’s economy