Princess Charlotte starts school next week: Parents Prince William and Kate Middleton will take young royal for her first day at St Thomas's in Battersea with brother Prince George

  • Charlotte, four, will start school at Thomas's, Battersea, on September 5 
  • Her brother George, six, has already been at the school for two years 
  • They will be joined by their parents who are paying nearly £20k a year for each

Princess Charlotte will start school at the same £18,000-a-year institution as her brother accompanied by her mother and father next Thursday, Kensington Palace has confirmed.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will take their daughter, four, and her brother George, six, to school on her first day at Thomas's in Battersea, south London on September 5.   

Her teachers and classmates will refer to her as Charlotte Cambridge, with her mother Kate Middleton, 37, saying she is 'very excited to join her big brother' there.

Princess Charlotte (right) will attend her first day at school at Thomas's in Battersea, south London, accompanied by her parents Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge and her brother Prince George (second left) on September 5 

Prince George has been at the school for two years while his sister has been at Willcocks Nursery in Kensington, near the family home, since last January.

When it was announced in May, Simon O'Malley, headmaster at Thomas's said: 'We are delighted that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have decided that Princess Charlotte will join her elder brother, Prince George, at Thomas's Battersea. 

Ballet and a rooftop playground at Thomas's Battersea

  • Thomas's London Day Schools is a group of independent, co-educational preparatory schools in Battersea, Clapham, Fulham and Kensington 
  • It was founded in 1971 when actress Joanna Thomas, a mother of three, started a kindergarten in a church hall
  • Thomas's Battersea branch opened in October 1990 
  • The school has 540 pupils between the ages of four and 13 
  • It occupies a Grade II listed building - which was once a grammar school founded in 1700 - where facilities include a rooftop playground, theatre, ballet room and pottery rooms 
  • The most important school rule is to be kind, while other core values include courtesy, confidence and humility 
  • Former pupils include singer Florence Welch (of Florence & The Machine), model Cara Delevingne and her sisters, Poppy and Chloe

'We greatly look forward to welcoming her and all of our new pupils to the school in September.'

The Cambridges will pay slightly less in school fees for Charlotte than they do for

Usually Thomas's is £6,429 a term or £19,287 a year, but a second child discount means they will only have to contribute £6,305 a term or £18,915 a year this time.  

William, 37, and Kate have said they want all of their children to attend the London private school. 

Thomas's Battersea, which describes itself as a Christian school, open to children of all faiths, believes in 'praise as the greatest motivator'.

Parents are told their children will be in an atmosphere which seeks positive relationships between pupils, teachers and parents. 

Art, ballet, drama, ICT, French, music and physical education are all taught by specialist teachers from a child's first day.

The school is housed in a Grade II listed building, the former Sir Walter St John's Grammar School which dates back to 1700.

American TV presenter Lara Spencer had to apologise after comments she made about George taking ballet lessons sparked a social media backlash.

During a segment on ABC's Good Morning America, she claimed William said his son 'absolutely loves ballet'.

'I have news for you, Prince William: We'll see how long that lasts,' she said. 'I mean, he might.'

Prince William is pictured returning to the Lindo Wing with Prince George, in his Thomas's school uniform, with Princess Charlotte as they prepared to meet their baby brother Louis for the first time in April last year 


Prince George will 'show Princess Charlotte the ropes' when she joins him at £18,000-a-year St Thomas's Battersea, a royal expert claims

By Jessica Rach for MailOnline

Prince George will help his younger sister Princess Charlotte settle into life at his prestigious £18,000-a-year school when she joins him next month, a royal expert has claimed.

Royal biographer Penny Junor, who has written an array of biographies on the family, has described George, 5, as a 'protective older brother' to Charlotte, 4, who will reportedly be known as 'Charlotte Cambridge'.

George will be starting his third year at St Thomas's Battersea next month, while Charlotte will begin her first year at the same school - with mother Kate Middleton, 37, telling onlookers that she is 'very excited to join her big brother', during an engagement in June.

Speaking in this week's Hello magazine, Penny said: 'Prince George is a very protective and lovely older brother.

'I'm sure he'll look after his little sister and take great pride in showing her the ropes'. 

Mumsnet founder Justine Roberts added of their busy summer: 'It seems Kate and William are doing their best to keep a balance between acknowledging the children's roles as future public figures and showing them a private life.'

Princess Charlotte will join her older brother Prince George at the same £6,000-a-term school from September, Kensington Palace announced in May.

Royal biographer Penny Junor, who has written an array of biographies on the family, has described George, 5, as a 'protective older brother' to Charlotte, 4. Pictured: George and Charlotte attending a Royal Charity Polo Day at Billingbear Polo Club last month

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge revealed they are planning to send their four-year-old daughter to Thomas's Battersea in South-West London.

George, six, has been at the school for two years while his sister - who was four on May 2 - has attended Willcocks Nursery in Kensington since last January.

In May Simon O'Malley, headmaster at Thomas's Battersea, said: 'We are delighted that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have decided that Princess Charlotte will join her elder brother, Prince George, at Thomas's Battersea. We greatly look forward to welcoming her and all of our new pupils to the school in September.'

Ad The fees for George are £6,429 a term or £19,287 a year, while for Charlotte they will be £6,305 a term of £18,915 a year - the lower figure being due to a small discount given to a family's second child.

Established by David and Joanna Thomas 40 years ago, Thomas's Battersea has described itself as being 'happy, dynamic and vibrant' and one that prides itself on its 'excellent academic results'.

Pupils are offered afterschool activities, including fencing, philosophy, gardening and pottery.

Thomas's prides itself on a 'rounded education', with as much emphasis on kindness as academic results - although many of its 540 boys and girls, aged four to 13, go on to top public schools such as Eton.


Princess Charlotte starts school at Thomas's Battersea on September 5

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