'This is not going away': Virginia Roberts' lawyer urges Prince Andrew to 'come clean' over his involvement with Jeffrey Epstein and warns he may SUE the royal

  • Lawyer David Boies said Prince Andrew should 'come clean' about allegations
  • Boies, who represents alleged Jeffrey Epstein victim, said he may sue the prince
  • He added that the case is 'not going away' because there is 'too much evidence'
  • Prince Andrew denied any relationship with Virginia Roberts when she was 17

A lawyer representing alleged victims of Jeffrey Epstein is considering suing Prince Andrew and urged him to 'just come clean' over his relationship with the disgraced billionaire. 

David Boies, whose clients include Epstein's 'sex slave' Virginia Roberts, revealed he would consider bringing a lawsuit against the Duke of York if he does not answer questions posed by US authorities.

He added that it would be in Andrew's interests to speak to him if the royal 'really has nothing to hide'. 

Speaking to Sky News, Boies said the prince's position that he was 'totally unaware' of the convicted sex offender's lifestyle is 'very hard' to keep up.

Boies said that even if Prince Andrew continues to 'delay and obfuscate' the case is 'not going away' because there is 'too much evidence'. 

Virginia Roberts photographed with Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell in early 2001 in west London 

David Boies, a lawyer representing an alleged Jeffrey Epstein victim, said he would consider suing Prince Andrew if he did not answer questions about his relationship with the billionaire 

Virginia Roberts (center in blue) arriving at court with lawyer David Boies who is also representing sisters Annie and Maria Farmer. She sued Epstein in 2015 claiming she was held as his sex slave

The Queen's second son was pictured with a 17-year-old Virginia Roberts, as she was known at the time, in 2001 in a photograph taken by Epstein at Ghislaine Maxwell's west London home. 

Virginia Roberts Giuffre has previously alleged in court papers in Florida that she had sex with Andrew 'three times, including one orgy' at Epstein's home and on his private island in the Caribbean. 

However, a judge struck out this claim against the Duke of York in 2015, describing them as 'immaterial and impertinent'. 

Giuffre appeared on the court steps of Manhattan federal court on Tuesday to tell the media the prince knew 'exactly what he has done' and urged him to 'come clean' after speaking at a hearing with around 29 other Epstein victims.

The mother-of-three, who now lives in Cairns in Australia, sued Epstein in 2015 and claims she had sex with Prince Andrew in London when she was 17. 

Prince Andrew has 'emphatically' denied any relationship with Giuffre 'in any form' and that he does not recall the 2001 pictured being taken. 

Buckingham Palace added that 'any suggestion of impropriety with underage minors is categorically untrue'. 

The criminal sex trafficking case against Epstein was formally closed by prosecutors in New York after the financier was found hanging in his jail cell earlier this month.  

A prison-issue mug shot of financier Jeffrey Epstein, taken in 2017. His death in Manhattan Correction Center was ruled a suicide 

Prince Andrew waving goodbye to Katherine Keating from Jeffrey Epstein's Manhattan mansion in 2010 - two years after the financier was convicted of having sex with a child

The 66-year-old, who once counted US President Donald Trump and former President Bill Clinton as friends, was arrested on July 6 and pleaded not guilty to federal charges of sex trafficking involving dozens of girls as young as 14. 

Since his death, an angry Attorney General William Barr vowed that anyone who aided Epstein in sex trafficking will be pursued in a continuing investigation. 

Sources close to the prince allege the picture taken in 2001 could have been altered as part of a 'witch hunt', claiming it does not show Andrew's fingers because his are 'chubbier' and the pair's respective height's are wrong. 

After Epstein's death, Prince Andrew issued a statement saying he was 'appalled' by the allegations against Epstein and insisted he only 'saw him infrequently and probably no more than only once or twice a year'.

Prince Andrew's statement issued after Epstein's death claiming he did not witness or suspect any criminal behavior

Boies, who represents Giuffre as well as sisters Annie and Maria Farmer who claim to have been victims of Epstein, told Sky News: 'The testimony of people at the mansion [in New York] is that nobody could be at that mansion and not understand that Jeffrey Epstein had a number of unusual relationships with young women.'

Warning of potential legal action against the Prince, he added: 'One of the options is to bring a lawsuit. I think we and other counsel in the US are exploring what the options and possibilities are.

'I hope we don't have to go down that road but we'd be willing to consider it.'

Speaking about the infamous 2001 picture of Roberts with the prince, Boies added: 'That has to have an explanation. He can't say he didn't know her. He can't say he wasn't friendly with her.

'I think it's hard to look at that picture and say that you had no idea that she was young.'

Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of disgraced media mogul Robert, previously dated Epstein and after they broke up they remained close.

She connected him with high-profile friends such as Andrew, magician David Copperfield, disgraced film tycoon Harvey Weinstein and Donald Trump. 

Roberts fought back tears as she gave a statement outside a Manhattan court on Tuesday after the hearing in which victims and lawyers spoke

Buckingham Palace said Prince Andrew was willing to cooperate with investigators on both sides of the Atlantic 

Jeffrey Epstein and British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell attend de Grisogono Sponsors in 2005. Maxwell has been accused of procuring young girls for Epstein 

Giuffre and other alleged victims claim Maxwell acted as a 'madam' for Epstein and 'lured' young girls to work as masseuses before 'lending' them to wealthy older men.

Epstein was convicted and previously been jailed for 18 months in Florida in 2008 on charges of soliciting a minor for prostitution.

But that sentence, which was agreed in a plea deal with prosecutors, was widely criticized as it allowed the billionaire to leave his cell on a private wing six days a week for 12 hours a day on work release.

Despite the conviction, Prince Andrew continued to associate with Epstein and was pictured staying with him at his mansion in Manhattan in 2010.

He was pictured waving to a woman leaving the multi-million dollar home. It was subsequently revealed he was gesturing to the daughter to former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating, Katherine. 

In 2011 Prince Andrew was forced to quit as UK trade envoy over his controversial friendship with Epstein.

The FBI are currently investigating both the charges against Epstein and the circumstances around his death.

Buckingham Palace aides made clear last week that Prince Andrew would be willing to help authorities on both sides of the Atlantic if approached.


Victims' lawyer urges Prince Andrew to 'come clean' over Jeffrey Epstein and warns he may SUE him

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