The owner of Hotel Victor Bar and Grill, which is near the terminal, said there were far fewer customers than normal. “We should be booming right now,” he said. Credit Brian Harkin for The New York Times

HOBOKEN, N.J. — It is happy hour at the Hotel Victor Bar and Grill on a Friday and the place is nearly empty. The evening commuters who would normally be emerging from the PATH train station across the street about this time, filling streets with thousands of potential customers, are nowhere in sight.

“We should be booming right now,” David Rousso, the bar’s owner, said.

Hurricane Sandy inflicted an estimated $7 billion in damage on transit systems across the region. Harder to calculate is the toll on the economy leveled by commuter disruptions.

And perhaps no place has felt that impact more acutely than Hoboken. This city of 50,000 on the banks of the Hudson River thrives on its easy access to trains, buses and ferries into Manhattan. According to census surveys, an estimated 56 percent workers here use public transportation every day, surpassing New York City as the most transit-reliant community in the nation.

That convenience has played a crucial role in the city’s evolution from a rough-hewed factory town to an enclave of upscale bars and restaurants and pricey condominiums with unfettered views of the Manhattan skyline.

But as the hurricane ripped through the region, seawater flooded half the city, and crippled the PATH station at Hoboken Terminal. Now, even as commuter services have returned to normal in much of the region, the station remains closed, severing a critical artery for workers traveling to and from Manhattan.

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Nearly 30,000 passengers use the station every weekday, according to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which operates the PATH system.

Many who use the station come from neighboring communities to connect to the PATH — that is, when it is open.

Closed, it has cast a pall over the city, doubling commute times for residents, many of whom are having to pay more for transit alternatives like ferries. It has also slowed the foot traffic around the terminal that is critical to downtown businesses. In interviews, downtown business owners who were lucky enough not to lose their store to flooding reported drops in sales of 25 percent to 70 percent.

Adding to the frustration is the uncertainty over when the station will reopen. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has declined to give estimates, saying only that it could take weeks.

“Nobody is telling anybody anything,” said Mr. Rousso, a former Wall Street trader who opened the bar in April after spending thousands of dollars to renovate it. “There’s been nothing from government. There’s been nothing from the Port Authority. So we’re sitting here in the dark. How long do you stick it out.”

Mr. Rousso estimates that business is down by more than half on any given day in what should be one of the busiest times of the year.

“Holiday time usually picks up your first three months of the new year, because those are slow,” he said.

By chance, Mr. Rousso produced a commercial for the bar before the storm hit. It began airing on local television last week but has so far “fallen on deaf ears,” he said.

Hurricane Sandy crippled the PATH terminal in Hoboken, severing a critical artery to Manhattan leaving many residents having to find alternative ways, like ferries, to get to work. Credit Brian Harkin for The New York Times

No one has tallied the economic losses of transit disruptions across the region. But in a 2011 report for New York State, Dr. Klaus H. Jacob, a climate scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University, estimated that a storm like Hurricane Sandy could cause $10 billion in physical damage to the region’s public transportation systems and another $48 billion in economic damages caused by transportation disruptions.

By the time everything is counted, he said in an interview, “I believe our predictions will be eerily close.”

Even businesses blocks away from the Hoboken Terminal have had a significant drop in sales.

Hoboken on Rye, a kosher-style deli on First Street, sits about halfway between the PATH terminal and the Second Street station of the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail, which many people take to Hoboken to transfer to the PATH, as the Port Authority Trans-Hudson railway is known.

“When the PATH is running, they go from there and they have to go past my building,” said Dennis Blair, 63, who owns the deli with his son. “It’s like cattle.”

Without that foot traffic, Mr. Blair said, business is down about 25 percent. A sign in his window reads: “Shop Local, Help Rebuild Hoboken.”

The sign is one of many that have appeared in city storefronts after the storm. Seven weeks later, the physical damage is still apparent. Shops going west along First Street past Garden Street, which became a river during the storm, remain shuttered, their floors and walls stripped out.

Signs on the city’s flooded Multi-Service Community Center, which houses a number of city services, directs people to makeshift locations. The city estimates it suffered about $10 million dollars of damage to its buildings and infrastructure, not including losses to private businesses and homes.

Officials are still trying to assess the total damage the storm wrought on the city. “We don’t have total estimates yet,” the city’s mayor, Dawn Zimmer, said. “But I know from walking around, from talking to different business owners, that they’re definitely hard hit.”

The ripples are being felt across the Hudson River in New York.

Vibeke Koszeghy, an architect who lives in Hoboken, used to take the 8 a.m. PATH train to arrive at her Union Square office by 8:30. Now, to get to work on time, she said, she takes a 6:20 or 6:30 a.m. bus.

 “I just changed my life,” she said waiting for a bus along Washington Street early on a recent morning.

It’s also changed her evening routine, sharply reducing the amount of time she spends in Manhattan to take advantage of her limited travel options back home. A regular arts patron, she recently gave away tickets to Lincoln Center.

“It has changed people’s lives to the point they no longer do anything in the city,” she said. “That’s really hurting both people’s social lives and New York business.”

At the WindMill, a New Jersey fast-food franchise half a block from the terminal, the owners have sharply cut back the hours of their 20 employees. The restaurant typically stays open until 1 a.m. on weekdays and 4 a.m. on weekends, and depends on the nearby bar crowd for late-night customers.

“Hoboken is known as a bar town,” said Tim Cochrane, another former Wall Street trader and one of the co-owners. “The price of a drink here is half the price of a drink in Manhattan. So you get a lot of young professionals who come over on the PATH and hit the bars. And what better than chili cheese fries and a hot dog before you go home?”

Come 2 a.m. on a typical Friday or Saturday night, “and you can’t get through here,” he said. “So we’ve lost that.”

Correction: December 20, 2012

An article on Monday about Hoboken’s struggles after Hurricane Sandy referred incorrectly to the location of Hoboken on Rye, a kosher-style deli that is one of many businesses that have seen a drop in sales since the storm. It is on First Street (not Avenue).

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