Who burned down this man's summer home? The great British art quiz

The University of Liverpool’s Victoria Gallery and Museum set today’s quiz, in our series exploring the art collections of British museums closed due to Covid-19

William Hesketh Lever (1851-1925), 1st Viscount Leverhulme, 1918, William Strang (1859-1921), University of Liverpool
Founder of the Lady Lever Art Gallery, William Hesketh Lever, by William Strang (1859-1921). Photograph: Victoria Gallery and Museum, University of Liverpool

This quiz is brought to you in collaboration with Art UK, the online home for the UK’s public art collections, showing art from more than 3,000 venues and by 45,000 artists. Each day, a different collection on Art UK will set the questions. 

Today, our questions are from Victoria Gallery & Museum, University of Liverpool. The collection is rich in watercolours from the Golden Age together with stand-out oil paintings by JMW Turner, Joseph Wright of Derby and John James Audubon. From the 1960s works were purchased by contemporary artists including Elisabeth Frink, Lucian Freud, Gillian Ayres and Euan Uglow. The collection continues to look forward with recent acquisitions, including an artwork by Fiona Banner

You can see art from Victoria Gallery & Museum, University of Liverpool on Art UK here. Find out more on the gallery’s website here.

JMW Turner was drawn to turbulent atmospheric change and dramatic lighting. No wonder he chose to paint this volcanic eruption. Where did he position himself to capture the scene on St Vincent?
Edward Atkinson Hornel is considered one of the "Glasgow Boys" but for most of his life he was part of the artists’ colony in which picturesque Scottish location?
This 16th-century Russian icon depicting St George and the dragon is painted in what medium?
The Sluggard is considered a major influence on the New Sculpture movement of the late 19th century. Who was the artist?
John James Audubon painted this magnificent specimen in 1826 for the illustrated ornithological book he is now most famous for. What type of bird is it?
This jaunty paddle steamer was named after William Huskisson, MP for Liverpool, who met a tragic end in 1830. He was the first person to die in an accident involving which new mode of transport?
Anna Ashton poses for Joseph Wright of Derby in the guise of a shepherdess. She is holding a particular type of straight staff. What is it called?
Viscount Leverhulme was an industrialist, philanthropist and art collector who founded the Lady Lever Art Gallery. His displeased expression may be because his Lancashire summer retreat was burned down in 1913, purportedly by a member of which group?
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