Natural Black hair: have you faced discrimination based on your hair?

The Crown Act came into force in Virginia this week, banning racist discrimination based on hairstyles. Tell us about what your hair means to you

Bimi the Fairy Queen does her own hair. She stands in front of the Robert E Lee statue
Bimi the Fairy Queen does her own hair. She stands in front of the Robert E Lee statue. Photograph: Dee Dwyer/The Guardian

Virginia has become the fourth US state, and the first in the south, to pass the Crown Act, banning racist discrimination in the workplace and schools against Black people who wear their hair naturally or in protective hairstyles such as braids, locs and twists.

This Friday marks “Crown Day” – the first anniversary of California becoming the first US state to pass such a law – when campaigners plan to celebrate Black people and their right to wear their natural hair, and to help push for other states to take up the legislation.

The Guardian spoke to Virginians about their experiences of hair discrimination as the law came into effect this week. Now we want to hear from people across the US who wear their hair naturally. What does your hair mean to you and have you faced discrimination over how you choose to wear it?

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