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    You've just discovered the book that will change your life and how you see the world forever. It exposes the real methods people use to control others. By the end of this book, your eyes will have been opened and you will understand more than you ever expected.

    People will bow to your will, rely on you to show them the way and unknowingly follow your every whim. You can take what you want when you want and where you want. Nothing will be able to stand in your way!

    This book walks you through the most powerful dark psychology techniques ever created. You will learn advanced techniques for persuasion, NLP, CBT, social manipulation, subliminal messaging, psychological warfare, body language, and deception. Can you handle that kind of power?

    This book will launch you into command of every situation and allow you to control every person you meet. It will teach you how to protect your allies and annihilate your enemies. You will become an unstoppable force of order and control in this mad world.

    These methods are no trivial matter. Many have died or otherwise suffered at the hands of people discovering them. The world is a darker and scarier place because of the presence of this knowledge.

    Even if you don't plan to dominate the world and rule with an iron fist, the techniques within this book will serve you well. They will reveal the plots and ploys your enemies will use to try and take you out, giving you the chance to react before it's too late.

    I share this knowledge in the hopes that it will protect others from it. Once a person can identify the methods of control, they can work to overcome them. You can make the world better or continue the dark legacy of our past, the choice is yours.

    So consider your choices and understand that others have this power as well. The game of life is long and the rules are complex. Don't let others take advantage of you any longer.

    Learn how to control people and bend them to your will, willingly or not. Seize the power all great leader possess for yourself today. After all, you deserve to win!

    “This book is not just a bargain, it’s a steal. It’s filled with practical, workable advice for anyone wanting to build wealth.”—Mike Summey, co-author of the bestselling The Weekend Millionaire’s Secrets to Investing in Real Estate

    Anyone who seeks financial wealth must first learn the fundamental truths and models that drive it. The Millionaire Real Estate Investor represents the collected wisdom and experience of over 100 millionaire investors from all walks of life who pursued financial wealth and achieved the life-changing freedom it delivers. This book--in straightforward, no nonsense, easy-to-read style--reveals their proven strategies.

    The Millionaire Real Estate Investor is your handbook to the tried and true financial wealth building vehicle that rewards patience and perseverance and is available to all--real estate. You'll learn:

    Myths about money and investing that hold people back and how to develop the mindset of a millionaire investor How to develop sound criteria for identifying great real estate investment opportunities How to zero in on the key terms of any transaction and achieve the best possible deals How to develop the "dream team" that will help you build your millionaire investment business Proven models and strategies millionaire investors use to track their net worth, understand their finances, build their network, lead generate for properties and acquire them

    The Millionaire Real Estate Investor is about you and your money. It's about your financial potential. It's about discovering the millionaire investor in you.

    How to Develop Self-Discipline, Resist Temptations and Reach Your Long-Terms Goals

    If you want to make positive changes in your life and achieve your long-term goals, I can’t think of a better way to do it than to learn how to become more self-disciplined.

    Science has figured out a lot of interesting aspects of self-discipline and willpower, but most of this knowledge is buried deep inside long and boring scientific papers.

    If you’d like to benefit from these studies without actually reading them, this book is for you. I’ve done the job for you and researched the most useful and viable scientific findings that will help you improve your self-discipline.

    Here are just a couple things you will learn from the book:

    - what a bank robber with lemon juice on his face can teach you about self-control. The story will make you laugh out loud, but its implications will make you think twice about your ability to control your urges.

    - how $50 chocolate bars can motivate you to keep going when faced with an overwhelming temptation to give in.

    - why President Obama wears only gray and blue suits and what it has to do with self-control (it’s also a possible reason why the poor stay poor).

    - why the popular way of visualization can actually prevent you from reaching your goals and destroy your self-control (and what to do instead).

    - what dopamine is and why it’s crucial to understand its role to break your bad habits and form good ones.

    - 5 practical ways to train your self-discipline. Discover some of the most important techniques to increase your self-control and become better at resisting instant gratification.

    - why the status quo bias will threaten your goals and what to do to reduce its effect on your resolutions.

    - why extreme diets help people achieve long-term results, and how to apply these findings in your own life.

    - why and when indulging yourself can actually help you build your self-discipline. Yes, you can stuff yourself (from time to time) and still lose weight.

    Instead of sharing with you the detailed "why" (with confusing and boring descriptions of studies), I will share with you the "how" – advice that will change your life if you decide to follow it.

    You too can master the art of self-discipline and learn how to resist temptations. Your long term goals are worth it. Scroll up and buy the book now.

    As a gift for buying my book, you'll get my another book, "Grit: How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up."


    Develop self discipline, willpower and self discipline, self-discipline, self control books, stress, reach your goals, self-control, achieve your goals, instant gratification, long term goals, goal setting success, goal setting books, how to reach your goals, how to achieve your goals, persistence, how not to give up, stick to a diet, stay motivated, build habits, delayed gratification, personal development

    Read the Wall Street Journal Bestseller for "cultivating intense focus" for fast, powerful performance results for achieving success and true meaning in one's professional life (Adam Grant, author of Give and Take).

    Deep work is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. It's a skill that allows you to quickly master complicated information and produce better results in less time. Deep Work will make you better at what you do and provide the sense of true fulfillment that comes from craftsmanship. In short, deep work is like a super power in our increasingly competitive twenty-first century economy. And yet, most people have lost the ability to go deep-spending their days instead in a frantic blur of e-mail and social media, not even realizing there's a better way.

    In Deep Work, author and professor Cal Newport flips the narrative on impact in a connected age. Instead of arguing distraction is bad, he instead celebrates the power of its opposite. Dividing this book into two parts, he first makes the case that in almost any profession, cultivating a deep work ethic will produce massive benefits. He then presents a rigorous training regimen, presented as a series of four "rules," for transforming your mind and habits to support this skill.

    1. Work Deeply
    2. Embrace Boredom
    3. Quit Social Media
    4. Drain the Shallows

    A mix of cultural criticism and actionable advice, Deep Work takes the reader on a journey through memorable stories-from Carl Jung building a stone tower in the woods to focus his mind, to a social media pioneer buying a round-trip business class ticket to Tokyo to write a book free from distraction in the air-and no-nonsense advice, such as the claim that most serious professionals should quit social media and that you should practice being bored. Deep Work is an indispensable guide to anyone seeking focused success in a distracted world.

    An Amazon Best Book of 2016 Pick in Business & Leadership
    Wall Street Journal Business Bestseller
    A Business Book of the Week at 800-CEO-READ
    New ideas, strategies and resources to help you prosper in both up and down markets

    This new edition of Stock Investing for Dummies gives you proven strategies for selecting the stock of solid, winning companies and help you build your portfolio for either growth, cashflow (dividends) or both. Long-term stock investing has been a reliable and foundational part of most wealth-building plans for over a century and you can benefit from profitable, actionable tactics, tips and successful strategies in this edition.

    You will be able to navigate confidently through the post-pandemic period and through the market's rollercoaster ride and end up more prosperous than most stock investors. You'll also learn which types of stocks are best in a recession or stagnant economy.

    With the help of this guide, you'll quickly learn how to profit despite the turbulence and uncertainty with plain-English tips and information on both stocks and ETFs, new tax rules, exchanges, and investment vehicles, as well as the latest guidance on the global market landscape.

    Find out...

    The best approaches for investing in stocks (chapter 3) How to successfully invest in stocks with less than $100 (chapter 19) How to make your stock portfolio a "cash flow machine" for retirement (chapter 9) Learn how to minimize losses and maximize gains (chapter 17) The 10 features of a great stock to buy for long-term success (chapter 22) 10 ways to successful invest when the market is down (chapter 23) See the "right numbers" inside the company for safer stock choices (chapter 11) Need more income? Find out how to choose solid dividend-paying stocks (chapter 9) Explore new investment opportunities (chapter 13) Don't just make gains & income...learn how to keep more after taxes (chapter 21)

    Stock Investing for Dummies is an essential guide for anyone looking for trusted, comprehensive guidance to ensure their stock investments keep growing.

    Discover the Life-Changing Strategy of This Worldwide Bestseller in 17 Languages!

    UPDATED: Includes the best habit tracking apps of 2017.

    Lasting Change For Early Quitters, Burnouts, The Unmotivated, And Everyone Else Too 

    When I decided to start exercising consistently 10 years ago, this is what actually happened: 

    I tried "getting motivated." It worked sometimes.I tried setting audacious big goals. I almost always failed them.I tried to make changes last. They didn't.

    Like most people who try to change and fail, I assumed that I was the problem.

    Then one afternoon--after another failed attempt to get motivated to exercise--I (accidentally) started my first mini habit. I initially committed to do one push-up, and it turned into a full workout. I was shocked. This "stupid idea" wasn't supposed to work. I was shocked again when my success with this strategy continued for months (and to this day).

    I had to consider that maybe I wasn't the problem in those 10 years of mediocre results. Maybe it was my prior strategies that were ineffective, despite being oft-repeated as "the way to change" in countless books and blogs.

    My suspicions were correct.

    Is There A Scientific Explanation For This?
    As I sought understanding, I found a plethora of scientific studies that had answers, with nobody to interpret them correctly. Based on the science--which you'll find peppered throughout Mini Habits--we've been doing it all wrong.

    You can succeed without the guilt, intimidation, and repeated failure associated with such strategies as "getting motivated," New Year's Resolutions, or even "just doing it." In fact, you need to stop using those strategies if they aren't giving you great results.

    Most popular strategies don't work well because they require you to fight against your subconscious brain (a fight not easily won). It's only when you start playing by your brain's rules and taking your human limitations seriously--as mini habits show you how to do--that you can achieve lasting change.

    What's A Mini Habit?
    A mini habit is a very small positive behavior that you force yourself to do every day; its "too small to fail" nature makes it weightless, deceptively powerful, and a superior habit-building strategy. You will have no choice but to believe in yourself when you're always moving forward.

    The barrier to the first step is so low that even depressed or "stuck" people can find early success and begin to reverse their lives right away. And if you think one push-up a day is too small to matter, I've got one heck of a story for you!

    Aim For The First Step
    They say when you aim for the moon, you'll land among the stars. Well, that doesn't make sense, as the moon is closer than the stars. I digress. 

    The message is that you should aim very high and even if you fall short, you'll still get somewhere. I've found the opposite to be true in regards to productivity and healthy behaviors. When you aim for the moon, you won't do anything because it's too far away. But when you aim for the step in front of you, you might keep going and reach the moon.

    I've used the Mini Habits strategy to get into the best shape of my life, read 10x more books, and write 4x as many words. It started from requiring one push-up from myself every day. How ridiculous is that? Not so ridiculous when you consider the science of the brain, habits, and willpower.

    The Mini Habits system works because it's how our brains are designed to change.

    Note: This book isn't for eliminating bad habits (some principles could be useful for breaking habits). Mini Habits is a strategy to create permanent healthy habits in: exercise, writing, reading, thinking positively, meditating, drinking water, eating healthy foods, etc.

    Lasting change won't happen until you take that first step into a strategy that works. Give Mini Habits a try. You won't look back.

    #1 Personal Finance book of all time... translated into dozens of languages and sold around the world.

    Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert's story of growing up with two dads - his real father and the father of his best friend, his rich dad - and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. The book explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich and explains the difference between working for money and having your money work for you.

    20 Years... 20/20 Hindsight

    In the 20th Anniversary Edition of this classic, Robert offers an update on what we’ve seen over the past 20 years related to money, investing, and the global economy. Sidebars throughout the book will take readers “fast forward” - from 1997 to today - as Robert assesses how the principles taught by his rich dad have stood the test of time.

    In many ways, the messages of Rich Dad Poor Dad , messages that were criticized and challenged two decades ago, are more meaningful, relevant and important today than they were 20 years ago.

    As always, readers can expect that Robert will be candid, insightful... and continue to rock more than a few boats in his retrospective.

    Will there be a few surprises? Count on it.

    Rich Dad Poor Dad...

    • Explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich
    • Challenges the belief that your house is an asset
    • Shows parents why they can't rely on the school system to teach their kids about money
    • Defines once and for all an asset and a liability
    • Teaches you what to teach your kids about money for their future financial success
    A Wall Street Journal Bestseller

    In a world of unrelenting change and unprecedented challenges, we need organizations that are resilient and daring.

    Unfortunately, most organizations, overburdened by bureaucracy, are sluggish and timid. In the age of upheaval, top-down power structures and rule-choked management systems are a liability. They crush creativity and stifle initiative. As leaders, employees, investors, and citizens, we deserve better. We need organizations that are bold, entrepreneurial, and as nimble as change itself. Hence this book.

    In Humanocracy, Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini make a passionate, data-driven argument for excising bureaucracy and replacing it with something better. Drawing on more than a decade of research and packed with practical examples, Humanocracy lays out a detailed blueprint for creating organizations that are as inspired and ingenious as the human beings inside them.

    Critical building blocks include:

    Motivation: Rallying colleagues to the challenge of busting bureaucracy
    Models: Leveraging the experience of organizations that have profitably challenged the bureaucratic status quo
    Mindsets: Escaping the industrial age thinking that frustrates progress
    Mobilization: Activating a pro-change coalition to hack outmoded management systems and processes
    Migration: Embedding the principles of humanocracy—ownership, markets, meritocracy, community, openness, experimentation, and paradox—in your organization's DNA

    If you've finally run out of patience with bureaucratic bullshit . . .
    If you want to build an organization that can outrun change . . .
    If you're committed to giving every team member the chance to learn, grow, and contribute . . .
    . . . then this book's for you.

    Whatever your role or title, Humanocracy will show you how to launch an unstoppable movement to equip and empower everyone in your organization to be their best and to do their best. The ultimate prize: an organization that's fit for the future and fit for human beings.

    The New York Times Bestseller
    #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller

    The essential leadership playbook. Learn the principles and guiding philosophies of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, and many others through illuminating conversations about their remarkable lives and careers.

    For the past five years, David M. Rubenstein—author of The American Story, visionary cofounder of The Carlyle Group, and host of The David Rubenstein Show—has spoken with the world’s highest performing leaders about who they are and how they became successful. How to Lead distills these revealing conversations into an indispensable leadership guidebook.

    Gain advice and wisdom from CEOs, presidents, founders, and master performers from the worlds of finance (Warren Buffett, Jamie Dimon, Christine Lagarde, Ken Griffin), tech (Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Eric Schmidt, Tim Cook), entertainment (Oprah Winfrey, Lorne Michaels, Renee Fleming, Yo-Yo Ma), sports (Jack Nicklaus, Adam Silver, Coach K, Phil Knight), government (President Bill Clinton, President George W. Bush, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Nancy Pelosi), and many others.

    -Jeff Bezos harnesses the power of wandering, discovering that his best decisions have been made with heart and intuition, rather than analysis.
    -Richard Branson never goes into a venture looking to make a profit. He aims to make the best in field.
    -Phil Knight views Nike as a marketing company whose product is its most important marketing tool.
    -Marillyn Hewson, who grew up in a fatherless home with four siblings in Kansas, quickly learned the importance of self-reliance and the value of a dollar.

    How to Lead shares the extraordinary stories of these pioneering agents of change. Discover how each luminary got started and how they handle decision making, failure, innovation, change, and crisis. Learn from their decades of experience as pioneers in their field. No two leaders are the same.
    Netflix cofounder Reed Hastings reveals for the first time the unorthodox culture behind one of the world's most innovative, imaginative, and successful companies

    There has never before been a company like Netflix. It has led nothing short of a revolution in the entertainment industries, generating billions of dollars in annual revenue while capturing the imaginations of hundreds of millions of people in over 190 countries. But to reach these great heights, Netflix, which launched in 1998 as an online DVD rental service, has had to reinvent itself over and over again. This type of unprecedented flexibility would have been impossible without the counterintuitive and radical management principles that cofounder Reed Hastings established from the very beginning. Hastings rejected the conventional wisdom under which other companies operate and defied tradition to instead build a culture focused on freedom and responsibility, one that has allowed Netflix to adapt and innovate as the needs of its members and the world have simultaneously transformed.

    Hastings set new standards, valuing people over process, emphasizing innovation over efficiency, and giving employees context, not controls. At Netflix, there are no vacation or expense policies. At Netflix, adequate performance gets a generous severance, and hard work is irrel­evant. At Netflix, you don’t try to please your boss, you give candid feedback instead. At Netflix, employees don’t need approval, and the company pays top of market. When Hastings and his team first devised these unorthodox principles, the implications were unknown and untested. But in just a short period, their methods led to unparalleled speed and boldness, as Netflix quickly became one of the most loved brands in the world.

    Here for the first time, Hastings and Erin Meyer, bestselling author of The Culture Map and one of the world’s most influential business thinkers, dive deep into the controversial ideologies at the heart of the Netflix psyche, which have generated results that are the envy of the business world. Drawing on hundreds of interviews with current and past Netflix employees from around the globe and never-before-told stories of trial and error from Hastings’s own career, No Rules Rules is the fascinating and untold account of the philosophy behind one of the world’s most innovative, imaginative, and successful companies.
    The 10th anniversary edition of the bestselling foundational business training manual for ambitious readers, featuring new concepts and mental models: updated, expanded, and revised.

    Many people assume they need to attend business school to learn how to build a successful business or advance in their career. That's not true. The vast majority of modern business practice requires little more than common sense, simple arithmetic, and knowledge of a few very important ideas and principles.

    The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary Edition provides a clear overview of the essentials of every major business topic: entrepreneurship, product development, marketing, sales, negotiation, accounting, finance, productivity, communication, psychology, leadership, systems design, analysis, and operations management...all in one comprehensive volume.

    Inside you'll learn concepts such as:

    ·         The 5 Parts of Every Business: You can understand and improve any business, large or small, by focusing on five fundamental topics.
    ·         The 12 Forms of Value: Products and services are only two of the twelve ways you can create value for your customers.
    ·         4 Methods to Increase Revenue: There are only four ways for a business to bring in more money. Do you know what they are?

    Business degrees are often a poor investment, but business skills are always useful, no matter how you acquire them.

    The Personal MBA will help you do great work, make good decisions, and take full advantage of your skills, abilities, and available opportunities--no matter what you do (or would like to do) for a living.

    #1 Personal Finance book of all time... translated into dozens of languages and sold around the world.

    Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert's story of growing up with two dads - his real father and the father of his best friend, his rich dad - and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. The book explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich and explains the difference between working for money and having your money work for you.

    20 Years... 20/20 Hindsight

    In the 20th Anniversary Edition of this classic, Robert offers an update on what we’ve seen over the past 20 years related to money, investing, and the global economy. Sidebars throughout the book will take readers “fast forward” - from 1997 to today - as Robert assesses how the principles taught by his rich dad have stood the test of time.

    In many ways, the messages of Rich Dad Poor Dad , messages that were criticized and challenged two decades ago, are more meaningful, relevant and important today than they were 20 years ago.

    As always, readers can expect that Robert will be candid, insightful... and continue to rock more than a few boats in his retrospective.

    Will there be a few surprises? Count on it.

    Rich Dad Poor Dad...

    • Explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich
    • Challenges the belief that your house is an asset
    • Shows parents why they can't rely on the school system to teach their kids about money
    • Defines once and for all an asset and a liability
    • Teaches you what to teach your kids about money for their future financial success
    The #1 New York Times bestseller. Over 1 million copies sold!

    Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results

    No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving--every day. James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results.

    If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. Here, you'll get a proven system that can take you to new heights.

    Clear is known for his ability to distill complex topics into simple behaviors that can be easily applied to daily life and work. Here, he draws on the most proven ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand guide for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible. Along the way, readers will be inspired and entertained with true stories from Olympic gold medalists, award-winning artists, business leaders, life-saving physicians, and star comedians who have used the science of small habits to master their craft and vault to the top of their field.

    Learn how to:
    • make time for new habits (even when life gets crazy);
    • overcome a lack of motivation and willpower;
    • design your environment to make success easier;
    • get back on track when you fall off course;
    ...and much more.

    Atomic Habits will reshape the way you think about progress and success, and give you the tools and strategies you need to transform your habits--whether you are a team looking to win a championship, an organization hoping to redefine an industry, or simply an individual who wishes to quit smoking, lose weight, reduce stress, or achieve any other goal.
    An updated edition of the blockbuster bestselling leadership book that took America and the world by storm, two U.S. Navy SEAL officers who led the most highly decorated special operations unit of the Iraq War demonstrate how to apply powerful leadership principles from the battlefield to business and life.

    Sent to the most violent battlefield in Iraq, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin’s SEAL task unit faced a seemingly impossible mission: help U.S. forces secure Ramadi, a city deemed “all but lost.” In gripping firsthand accounts of heroism, tragic loss, and hard-won victories in SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser, they learned that leadership—at every level—is the most important factor in whether a team succeeds or fails.

    Willink and Babin returned home from deployment and instituted SEAL leadership training that helped forge the next generation of SEAL leaders. After departing the SEAL Teams, they launched Echelon Front, a company that teaches these same leadership principles to businesses and organizations. From promising startups to Fortune 500 companies, Babin and Willink have helped scores of clients across a broad range of industries build their own high-performance teams and dominate their battlefields.

    Now, detailing the mind-set and principles that enable SEAL units to accomplish the most difficult missions in combat, Extreme Ownership shows how to apply them to any team, family or organization. Each chapter focuses on a specific topic such as Cover and Move, Decentralized Command, and Leading Up the Chain, explaining what they are, why they are important, and how to implement them in any leadership environment.

    A compelling narrative with powerful instruction and direct application, Extreme Ownership revolutionizes business management and challenges leaders everywhere to fulfill their ultimate purpose: lead and win.

    New York Times best seller! More than five million copies sold!*

    You CAN take control of your money. Build up your money muscles with America’s favorite finance coach.

    Okay, folks, do you want to turn those fat and flabby expenses into a well-toned budget? Do you want to transform your sad and skinny little bank account into a bulked-up cash machine? Then get with the program, people. There’s one sure way to whip your finances into shape, and that’s with The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition.

    By now, you’ve heard all the nutty get-rich-quick schemes, the fiscal diet fads that leave you with a lot of kooky ideas but not a penny in your pocket. Hey, if you’re tired of the lies and sick of the false promises, take a look at this—it’s the simplest, most straightforward game plan for completely making over your money habits. And it’s based on results, not pie-in-the-sky fantasies. With The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition, you’ll be able to:

    Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt—meaning cars, houses, everythingRecognize the 10 most dangerous money myths (these will kill you)Secure a big, fat nest egg for emergencies and retirement!

    Includes new, expanded “Dave Rants” sidebars tackle marriage conflict, college debt, and more. All-new forms and back-of-the-book resources to make Total Money Makeover a reality.

    Dive deeper into Dave’s game plan with The Total Money Makeover Workbook: Classic Edition. The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition is also available in Spanish, transformación total de su dinero.

    Major New York Times bestseller
    Winner of the National Academy of Sciences Best Book Award in 2012
    Selected by the New York Times Book Review as one of the ten best books of 2011
    A Globe and Mail Best Books of the Year 2011 Title
    One of The Economist's 2011 Books of the Year
    One of The Wall Street Journal's Best Nonfiction Books of the Year 2011
    2013 Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient
    Kahneman's work with Amos Tversky is the subject of Michael Lewis's The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds

    In the international bestseller, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman, the renowned psychologist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. The impact of overconfidence on corporate strategies, the difficulties of predicting what will make us happy in the future, the profound effect of cognitive biases on everything from playing the stock market to planning our next vacation—each of these can be understood only by knowing how the two systems shape our judgments and decisions.

    Engaging the reader in a lively conversation about how we think, Kahneman reveals where we can and cannot trust our intuitions and how we can tap into the benefits of slow thinking. He offers practical and enlightening insights into how choices are made in both our business and our personal lives—and how we can use different techniques to guard against the mental glitches that often get us into trouble. Winner of the National Academy of Sciences Best Book Award and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and selected by The New York Times Book Review as one of the ten best books of 2011, Thinking, Fast and Slow is destined to be a classic.

    Thinking about starting a photography business? The first thing you need to know is that the rules have changed. Yesterday’s business models have collapsed. Creating a successful business in today’s "Digi-Flat" era requires a sharp new approach, one that Dane Sanders has practiced successfully and taught at Fast Track workshops and seminars all around the world. Some of the things you'll learn in this book:

    How to turn the very technologies that are "killing" professional photography—such as the Internet—into your tools of success

    -How to lead your business, not let your business lead you
    -How systematizing, scaling, and outsourcing are critical concepts even for a one-person business

    -How to radically rethink marketing, sales, and customer service for the 21st century

    -How to hone a creative vision that works—the most powerful step you can take as a businessperson

    The Fast Track Photographer Business Plan is not about building a "traditional" business plan that looks good on paper and impresses investors. It's about creating a vibrant, living business plan that will help you thrive in today's digital "Wild West," where creative content is freely distributed, where no one plays by the rules anymore, and where customers have unprecedented freedom in choosing what to buy and whom to hire. It's a groundbreaking look at running a creative business. Whether you're an amateur looking to go pro or a professional whose business has stalled, Dane's practical, on-the-ground advice will launch you on the fast track to business success.

    Includes free access to Dane's online "stress test" to diagnose your business's strengths—as well as where it needs help!
    What if the real key to a richer and more fulfilling career was not to create and scale a new start-up, but rather, to be able to work for yourself, determine your own hours, and become a (highly profitable) and sustainable company of one? Suppose the better—and smarter—solution is simply to remain small? This book explains how to do just that.

    Company of One is a refreshingly new approach centered on staying small and avoiding growth, for any size business. Not as a freelancer who only gets paid on a per piece basis, and not as an entrepreneurial start-up that wants to scale as soon as possible, but as a small business that is deliberately committed to staying that way. By staying small, one can have freedom to pursue more meaningful pleasures in life, and avoid the headaches that result from dealing with employees, long meetings, or worrying about expansion. Company of One introduces this unique business strategy and explains how to make it work for you, including how to generate cash flow on an ongoing basis.

    Paul Jarvis left the corporate world when he realized that working in a high-pressure, high profile world was not his idea of success. Instead, he now works for himself out of his home on a small, lush island off of Vancouver, and lives a much more rewarding and productive life. He no longer has to contend with an environment that constantly demands more productivity, more output, and more growth.
    In Company of One, Jarvis explains how you can find the right pathway to do the same, including planning how to set up your shop, determining your desired revenues, dealing with unexpected crises, keeping your key clients happy, and of course, doing all of this on your own.
    Now in paperback, revised throughout, with a timely new chapter and title—
    The original How to Connect in Business in 90 Seconds or Less received praise such as: "Nick Boothman's brilliant stroke is to guarantee that within the first 90 seconds of meeting someone you'll be communicating like old trusted friends. But he doesn’t stop there. This book shows how to turn those instant connections into long-lasting, productive business relationships."—Marty Edelston, publisher, BottomLine/Personal. And: "Success in business depends on effectively communicating ideas, at least as much as thinking them up, and Boothman tells us how to do that."—Matthew Bishop, The Economist.

    Boothman's message is central, and in this current business climate, critical: whether selling, interviewing, or motivating a team, success depends on convincing the other person—and the quickest and best way to do that is through what he calls "rapport by design." Using the science of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (built upon body language, attitude, voice, and synchronizing behavior), Boothman shows how to create a winning first impression and, within 90 seconds, a lasting trust. Then, when those 90 seconds are up, he shows how to master the people-to-people skills that are essential to an ongoing business relationship. A new chapter added just for the paperback serves as a communication primer—drawing on his years in advertising, Boothman reveals how to make your message stand out and stick in a world that's already glutted with information.
    This new, revised, and expanded edition of the popular Academic’s Handbook is an essential guide for those planning or beginning an academic career.

    Faculty members, administrators, and professionals with experience at all levels of higher education offer candid, practical advice to help beginning academics understand matters including:
    — The different kinds of institutions of higher learning and expectations of faculty at each.
    — The advantages and disadvantages of teaching at four-year colleges instead of research universities.
    — The ins and outs of the job market.
    — Alternatives to tenure-track, research-oriented positions.
    — Salary and benefits.
    — The tenure system.
    — Pedagogy in both large lecture courses and small, discussion-based seminars.
    — The difficulties facing women and minorities within academia.
    — Corporations, foundations, and the federal government as potential sources of research funds.
    — The challenges of faculty mentoring.
    — The impact of technology on contemporary teaching and learning.
    — Different types of publishers and the publishing process at university presses.
    — The modern research library.
    — The structure of university governance.
    — The role of departments within the university.

    With the inclusion of eight new chapters, this edition of The Academic’s Handbook is designed to ease the transition from graduate school to a well-rounded and rewarding career.

    Contributors. Judith K. Argon, Louis J. Budd, Ronald R. Butters, Norman L. Christensen, Joel Colton, Paul L. Conway, John G. Cross, Fred E. Crossland, Cathy N. Davidson, A. Leigh DeNeef, Beth A. Eastlick, Matthew W. Finkin, Jerry G. Gaff, Edie N. Goldenberg, Craufurd D. Goodwin, Stanley M. Hauerwas, Deborah L. Jakubs, L. Gregory Jones, Nellie Y. McKay, Patrick M. Murphy, Elizabeth Studley Nathans, A. Kenneth Pye, Zachary B. Robbins, Anne Firor Scott, Sudhir Shetty, Samuel Schuman, Philip Stewart, Boyd R. Strain, Emily Toth, P. Aarne Vesilind, Judith S. White, Henry M. Wilbur, Ken Wissoker

    Amazingly, one-third of the American workforce is freelance—that’s 42 million people who have to wrestle with not just doing the work, but finding the work, then getting paid for the work, plus health care, taxes, setting up an office, marketing, and so on. Now help is here, and consultants, independent contractors, the self-employed, “solopreneurs,” and everyone else living a freelancer’s life will never be alone again but instead can be part of a strong and vibrant community.

    Written by the authority on freelance working, Sara Horowitz, MacArthur “Genius” Fellow and founder of the national Freelancers Union and, most recently, the Freelancers Insurance Company, The Freelancer’s Bible will help those new to freelancing learn the ropes, and will help those who’ve been freelancing for a while grow and expand. It’s the one-stop, all-encompassing guide to every practical detail and challenge of being a nimble, flexible, and successful freelancer: the three essentials of getting clients and the three most important ways to keep them happy. Five fee-setting strategies. Thirteen tactics for making it through a prolonged dry spell. Setting up a home office vs. renting space. The one-hour contract. A dozen negotiating dos and don’ts. Building and maintaining your reputation. Dealing with deadbeats. Health Insurance 101. Record-keeping and taxes. Productivity, including a quiz: “What Is Your Ideal Day?” Building a community. Subcontracting and other strategies for taking your freelancing career to the next level. Retirement plans, plans for saving for education, and how to achieve financial freedom.
    You think you have a winning strategy. But do you?

    Executives are bombarded with bestselling ideas and best practices for achieving competitive advantage, but many of these ideas and practices contradict each other. Should you aim to be big or fast? Should you create a blue ocean, be adaptive, play to win—or forget about a sustainable competitive advantage altogether? In a business environment that is changing faster and becoming more uncertain and complex almost by the day, it’s never been more important—or more difficult—to choose the right approach to strategy.

    In this book, The Boston Consulting Group’s Martin Reeves, Knut Haanæs, and Janmejaya Sinha offer a proven method to determine the strategy approach that is best for your company. They start by helping you assess your business environment—how unpredictable it is, how much power you have to change it, and how harsh it is—a critical component of getting strategy right. They show how existing strategy approaches sort into five categories—Be Big, Be Fast, Be First, Be the Orchestrator, or simply Be Viable—depending on the extent of predictability, malleability, and harshness. In-depth explanations of each of these approaches will provide critical insight to help you match your approach to strategy to your environment, determine when and how to execute each one, and avoid a potentially fatal mismatch.

    Addressing your most pressing strategic challenges, you’ll be able to answer questions such as:

    • What replaces planning when the annual cycle is obsolete?
    • When can we—and when should we—shape the game to our advantage?
    • How do we simultaneously implement different strategic approaches for different business units?
    • How do we manage the inherent contradictions in formulating and executing different strategies across multiple businesses and geographies?

    Until now, no book brings it all together and offers a practical tool for understanding which strategic approach to apply. Get started today.
    "What does AI mean for your business? Read this book to find out." -- Hal Varian, Chief Economist, Google

    Artificial intelligence does the seemingly impossible, magically bringing machines to life--driving cars, trading stocks, and teaching children. But facing the sea change that AI will bring can be paralyzing. How should companies set strategies, governments design policies, and people plan their lives for a world so different from what we know? In the face of such uncertainty, many analysts either cower in fear or predict an impossibly sunny future.

    But in Prediction Machines, three eminent economists recast the rise of AI as a drop in the cost of prediction. With this single, masterful stroke, they lift the curtain on the AI-is-magic hype and show how basic tools from economics provide clarity about the AI revolution and a basis for action by CEOs, managers, policy makers, investors, and entrepreneurs.

    When AI is framed as cheap prediction, its extraordinary potential becomes clear:

    Prediction is at the heart of making decisions under uncertainty. Our businesses and personal lives are riddled with such decisions.Prediction tools increase productivity--operating machines, handling documents, communicating with customers.Uncertainty constrains strategy. Better prediction creates opportunities for new business structures and strategies to compete.

    Penetrating, fun, and always insightful and practical, Prediction Machines follows its inescapable logic to explain how to navigate the changes on the horizon. The impact of AI will be profound, but the economic framework for understanding it is surprisingly simple.

    Dream Hoarders sparked a national conversation on the dangerous separation between the upper middle class and everyone else. Now in paperback and newly updated for the age of Trump, Brookings Institution senior fellow Richard Reeves is continuing to challenge the class system in America.

    In America, everyone knows that the top 1 percent are the villains. The rest of us, the 99 percent—we are the good guys. Not so, argues Reeves. The real class divide is not between the upper class and the upper middle class: it is between the upper middle class and everyone else.

    The separation of the upper middle class from everyone else is both economic and social, and the practice of “opportunity hoarding”—gaining exclusive access to scarce resources—is especially prevalent among parents who want to perpetuate privilege to the benefit of their children. While many families believe this is just good parenting, it is actually hurting others by reducing their chances of securing these opportunities. There is a glass floor created for each affluent child helped by his or her wealthy, stable family. That glass floor is a glass ceiling for another child.

    Throughout Dream Hoarders, Reeves explores the creation and perpetuation of opportunity hoarding, and what should be done to stop it, including controversial solutions such as ending legacy admissions to school. He offers specific steps toward reducing inequality and asks the upper middle class to pay for it.

    Convinced of their merit, members of the upper middle class believes they are entitled to those tax breaks and hoarded opportunities. After all, they aren’t the 1 percent. The national obsession with the super rich allows the upper middle class to convince themselves that they are just like the rest of America. In Dream Hoarders, Reeves argues that in many ways, they are worse, and that changes in policy and social conscience are the only way to fix the broken system.

    A different kind of matchmaker.Many of the most dynamic public companies, from Alibaba to Facebook to Visa, and the most valuable start-ups, such as Airbnb and Uber, are matchmakers that connect one group of customers with another group of customers. Economists call matchmakers multisided platforms because they provide physical or virtual platforms for multiple groups to get together. Dating sites connect people with potential matches, for example, and ride-sharing apps do the same for drivers and riders. Although matchmakers have been around for millennia, they’re becoming more and more popular—and profitable—due to dramatic advances in technology, and a lot of companies that have managed to crack the code of this business model have become today’s power brokers.

    Don’t let the flashy successes fool you, though. Starting a matchmaker is one of the toughest business challenges, and almost everyone who tries to build one, fails.

    In Matchmakers, David Evans and Richard Schmalensee, two economists who were among the first to analyze multisided platforms and discover their principles, and who’ve consulted for some of the most successful platform businesses in the world, explain how matchmakers work best in practice, why they do what they do, and how entrepreneurs can improve their chances for success.

    Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an investor, a consumer, or an executive, your future will involve more and more multisided platforms, and Matchmakers—rich with stories from platform winners and losers—is the one book you’ll need in order to navigate this appealing but confusing world.
    "We fail to mandate economic sanity," writes Garrett Hardin, "because our brains are addled by...compassion." With such startling assertions, Hardin has cut a swathe through the field of ecology for decades, winning a reputation as a fearless and original thinker. A prominent biologist, ecological philosopher, and keen student of human population control, Hardin now offers the finest summation of his work to date, with an eloquent argument for accepting the limits of the earth's resources--and the hard choices we must make to live within them. In Living Within Limits, Hardin focuses on the neglected problem of overpopulation, making a forceful case for dramatically changing the way we live in and manage our world. Our world itself, he writes, is in the dilemma of the lifeboat: it can only hold a certain number of people before it sinks--not everyone can be saved. The old idea of progress and limitless growth misses the point that the earth (and each part of it) has a limited carrying capacity; sentimentality should not cloud our ability to take necessary steps to limit population. But Hardin refutes the notion that goodwill and voluntary restraints will be enough. Instead, nations where population is growing must suffer the consequences alone. Too often, he writes, we operate on the faulty principle of shared costs matched with private profits. In Hardin's famous essay, "The Tragedy of the Commons," he showed how a village common pasture suffers from overgrazing because each villager puts as many cattle on it as possible--since the costs of grazing are shared by everyone, but the profits go to the individual. The metaphor applies to global ecology, he argues, making a powerful case for closed borders and an end to immigration from poor nations to rich ones. "The production of human beings is the result of very localized human actions; corrective action must be local....Globalizing the 'population problem' would only ensure that it would never be solved." Hardin does not shrink from the startling implications of his argument, as he criticizes the shipment of food to overpopulated regions and asserts that coercion in population control is inevitable. But he also proposes a free flow of information across boundaries, to allow each state to help itself. "The time-honored practice of pollute and move on is no longer acceptable," Hardin tells us. We now fill the globe, and we have no where else to go. In this powerful book, one of our leading ecological philosophers points out the hard choices we must make--and the solutions we have been afraid to consider.
    Asia was probably the biggest economic sensation of the post-war decades. The breathtaking success of Japan was followed by a remarkable rise of "four tigers", then ASEAN founder states and then China. The Asian miracle became a commonly accepted definition of this success. In the late 1970s and especially 80s it became clear that the balance of power in the world had changed. Politicians, businessmen, scholars began to talk about "the new Asia Pacific age" and Asian economic model, different from and, maybe, even superior to Western capitalism. However, in 1997-98 the Asian economic crisis came and made the region a sick man. Six years before that Japan, the regional powerhouse entered more than a decade-long period of stagnation. The miracle was over. However, the crisis was overcome within a surprisingly short period of time. Naturally, the question arises: What now? What is going on in the region after the miracle and after the crisis? What is today's face of Asian capitalism and how should we view its performance?

    Readers interested in regional developments will find a lot of literature about miracle decades and crisis years. However, few analysts have addressed the challenging questions addressed in this book.

    The authors vividly show that Asian capitalism is undergoing a radical structural transformation. These changes are directly affecting its key institutions: governments, companies, labor relations, etc. As a result Asian economic systems are becoming much closer to the Western-style, especially Anglo-Saxon capitalism, though the region retains some important specific features, especially regarding business culture.

    This book is a must for business people worldwide, for all those who study the region in colleges and business schools, for people engaged in various international activities and, finally, for all those who want learn more about our world at the dawn of the new century.
    In 1999, when Napster made music available free online, the music industry found itself in a fight for its life. A decade later, the most important and misunderstood story—and the one with the greatest implications for both music lovers and media companies—is how the music industry has failed to remake itself. In Fortune’s Fool, Fred Goodman, the author of The Mansion on the Hill, shows how this happened by presenting the singular history of Edgar M. Bronfman Jr., the controversial heir to Seagram’s, who, after dismantling his family’s empire and fortune, made a high-stakes gamble to remake both the music industry and his own reputation.

    Napster had successfully blown the industry off its commercial foundations because all that the old school label heads knew how to do was record and market hits. So when Bronfman took over the Warner Music Group in 2004, his challenge was to create a new kind of record executive.

    Goodman finds the source of the crisis in the dissolution of the old Warner Music Group, the brilliant conglomerate of Atlantic, Elektra, and Warner Bros. Records. He shows how Doug Morris, the head of Atlantic Records, rose through the ranks and rode the CD bonanza of the 1990s to enormous corporate and personal profit before becoming embroiled in an ego-driven corporate turf war, and how all of Warner’s record executives were blindsided when AOL/Time-Warner announced in 2003 that it wanted nothing more to do with the record industry. When the music group was finally sold to Bronfman, it was a ghost of itself.

    Bronfman built an aggressive, streamlined team headed by Lyor Cohen, whose relentless ambition and discipline had helped build Def Jam Records. They instituted a series of daring initiatives intended to give customers legitimate online music choices and took market share from Warner’s competitors. But despite these efforts, illegal downloads still outnumber legitimate ones 19–1.

    Most of the talk of a new world of music and media has proven empty; despite the success of iTunes, even wildly popular sites like YouTube and MySpace have not found a way to make money with music. Instead, Warner and the other labels are diversifying and forcing young artists to give them a cut of their income from touring, publishing, and merchandising. Meanwhile, the average downloader isn’t even meeting forward-thinking musicians halfway. Each time a young band finds a following through music websites, it’s a unique story; no formula has emerged. If one does, Warner is probably in a better position than anyone to exploit it. But at the end of the day, If is the one-word verdict on Bronfman’s big bet.
    ☆78 Percent of Workers are Living From Paycheck-to Paycheck★

    We spend one-third or more of our days at work. Work defines us as people, when we aren't happy at work, other areas of our life will suffer. Yet close to more than 80 percent of workers say they don't feel satisfied with their job.

    This is a serious matter if we look at it from a long-term perspective. It’s understandable that it takes courage to leave a job and its security. For a lot of people, we need that paycheck to sustain our living. But when an individual is in a job that lacks growth and is fostering complacency, there is a lack of worth, we’ll feel innate that our value is not as high as we would like.

    “This can make us feel trapped.”

    Working/doing something you don't like or enjoy can feel like a waste of your precious time, but if we have a plan and know how to have money working for you. It would be a total game changer.

    In this book, we’ll take a closer look at exactly where you are financially and how you can quickly get to financial independence from where you are currently.

    LEARN:: How Money Can Work You

    You will Discover..

           -  What It Means to Not Follow The Rat

           -  How to not Living Paycheck to Paycheck

           -  Why Knowing Your Strengths are Important

           -  How to Apply Killing Two Birds with One Stone

           -   The Truth about Generating Assets

           -   The Key to True Financial Freedom


    DISCOVER:: Different Strategies For Everyone

    It is important to realize that money is a tool that can help you to achieve your goals. Knowing how money works are just as important as having a healthy body, but the truth is that most schools don’t teach financial literacy, and as a result, many people do not make economically rational decisions on their finances.


    This book is for you if…


    ✔   Don’t want to live Paycheck to Paycheck

    ✔   Hate your job, but you need the money

    ✔   Value your time more than materialistic things

    ✔   Want to retire early

    ✔   Don’t want to stress about money

    If one of those applies to you, perhaps you have found the right book. This book is essential for you to break through the rat race and to achieve financial freedom, so you can do whatever you want without money having to factor into your decisions.


    Are You Ready to Make a Change?

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    Take Advantage Of The Virtually Limitless Profit Potential Of Online Trading In The Stock Market

    "Stock Trading for Beginners" is specifically designed for those who have never traded stock before or those who have not traded stock successfully and would like to trade successfully. Inside you will find useful information whether your goal is trading as a hobby or part-time for some extra income or if you decide to live the successful trading lifestyle and trade for a living.

    "Stock Trading for Beginners" does not recommend, endorse, or encourage any short-term, get-rich-quick thinking or actions. The objective of "Stock Trading for Beginners" is to help to prepare you for successful stock trading. To be successful in stock trading you need to follow a proven set of rules designed to give you the greatest probability of success. Success in stock trading is not nearly as complex as you may have thought. In fact, some of the simplest stock trading systems are some of the most profitable.

    In This Book You Will Learn About:

    How Money Is Made and Lost In Stock Trading? – There are a number of clear, easy-to-understand examples that walk you through the process in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step fashion. You'll not only see examples of winning trades, but examples of losing trades as well.

    Stock Price Charts –  You will learn about the basics of the most widely used types of stock charts such as bar charts and candlestick charts.

    Stock Trading Indicators –  You learn what stock trading indicators are as well as see several easy-to-follow, easy-to-understand, full-color illustrated examples. You'll also learn the incredible power and flexibility that indicators give you and how they can be used to your advantage.

    Also Included:

    Stock Market Technical Analysis Basics – Successful stock traders look for those opportunities that have the greatest probability for profitability. These traders analyze the stock market to find the best possible opportunities for profit. The basics of technical analysis are covered as it is and will continue to be one of the most effective and popular types of stock market analysis.

    An Introduction to Stock Trading Systems – Successful traders use their analysis techniques to develop effective, profitable stock trading systems. This basic introduction has a number of easy-to-follow examples as well as stock charts showing both the entry and exit points of example trades. You'll also learn the basic components that every trading system must have as well as see examples of both indicator-based and price action trading systems.

    Risk Control  – Contrary to what you might have heard there is no such thing as wealth without risk. In fact, it is the lack of the control of risk that is one of the leading causes of failure for new stock traders. Successful stock traders understand the extreme importance of controlling your risk. Included are a number of clear cut examples of risk control complete with charts.

    ....and much more

    This Book Is Fully Illustrated

    This fully illustrated stock trading book includes full-color images of stock charts, indicators, uptrends, downtrends, winning trades, losing trades, trading system entry and exit points, equity curves, and more.

    You Can Read this book on your PC, Mac, Tablet, and even your SmartPhone!

    Download this book and start to improve your stock trading today!

    In this essential handbook—a blend of Rich Dad, Poor Dad and The Happiness Project—the co-host of the wildly popular InvestED podcast shares her yearlong journey learning to invest, as taught to her by her father, investor and bestselling author Phil Town.

    Growing up, the words finance, savings, and portfolio made Danielle Town’s eyes glaze over, and the thought of stocks and financial statements shut down her brain. The daughter of a successful investor and bestselling financial author of Rule #1, Phil Town, she spent most of her adult life avoiding investing—until she realized that her time-consuming career as lawyer was making her feel anything but in control of her life or her money. Determined to regain her freedom, vote for her values with her money, and deal with her fear of the unpredictable stock market, she turned to her father, Phil, to help her take charge of her life and her future through Warren Buffett-style value investing. Over the course of a year, Danielle went from avoiding everything to do with the financial industrial complex to knowing exactly how and when to invest in wonderful companies.

    In Invested, Danielle shows you how to do the same: how to take command of your own life and finances by choosing companies with missions that match your values, using the same gold standard strategies that have catapulted Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger to the top of the Forbes 400. Avoiding complex math and obsolete financial models, she turns her father’s investing knowledge into twelve easy-to understand lessons.

    In each chapter, Danielle examines the investment strategies she mastered as her increasing know-how deepens the trust between her and her father. Throughout, she streamlines the process of making wise financial decisions and shows you just how easy—and profitable—investing can be.

    Capturing a warm, charming, and down-to-earth give and take between a headstrong daughter and her mostly patient dad, Invested makes the complex world of investing simple, straightforward, and approachable, and will help you formulate your own investment plan—and foster the confidence to put it into action.

    You've just discovered the book that will change your life and how you see the world forever. It exposes the real methods people use to control others. By the end of this book, your eyes will have been opened and you will understand more than you ever expected.

    People will bow to your will, rely on you to show them the way and unknowingly follow your every whim. You can take what you want when you want and where you want. Nothing will be able to stand in your way!

    This book walks you through the most powerful dark psychology techniques ever created. You will learn advanced techniques for persuasion, NLP, CBT, social manipulation, subliminal messaging, psychological warfare, body language, and deception. Can you handle that kind of power?

    This book will launch you into command of every situation and allow you to control every person you meet. It will teach you how to protect your allies and annihilate your enemies. You will become an unstoppable force of order and control in this mad world.

    These methods are no trivial matter. Many have died or otherwise suffered at the hands of people discovering them. The world is a darker and scarier place because of the presence of this knowledge.

    Even if you don't plan to dominate the world and rule with an iron fist, the techniques within this book will serve you well. They will reveal the plots and ploys your enemies will use to try and take you out, giving you the chance to react before it's too late.

    I share this knowledge in the hopes that it will protect others from it. Once a person can identify the methods of control, they can work to overcome them. You can make the world better or continue the dark legacy of our past, the choice is yours.

    So consider your choices and understand that others have this power as well. The game of life is long and the rules are complex. Don't let others take advantage of you any longer.

    Learn how to control people and bend them to your will, willingly or not. Seize the power all great leader possess for yourself today. After all, you deserve to win!

    Not your average consumer.Pork dorks. Craftsters. American Girl fans. Despite their different tastes, these eclectic diehards have a lot in common: they’re obsessed about a specific brand, product, or category. They pursue their passions with fervor, and they’re extremely knowledgeable about the things they love. They aren’t average consumers—they’re superconsumers.

    Although small in number, superconsumers can have an outsized impact on a company’s bottom line. Representing 10% of total consumers, they can drive between 30% to 70% of sales, and they’re usually willing to spend considerably more than the average consumer. And because they’re so engaged and passionate, they can offer invaluable advice to managers looking to improve their products, change their business models, energize their cultures, and attract new customers.

    In Superconsumers, growth strategy expert Eddie Yoon lays out a simple but extremely effective framework that has helped companies of all types and sizes achieve more sustainable growth: he’ll show you how to find, listen to, and engage with your most passionate and profitable consumers, and then tailor your decisions to meet their wants and needs. Along the way, he’ll let you into the minds and homes of superconsumers of all kinds, revealing what makes them tick and why they’re willing to spend so much more than other consumers.

    Rich with data and case studies of companies that have implemented superconsumer strategies with great success, Superconsumers is a fun, practical, and inspiring guide for anyone interested in making their best customers even better.
    In this pioneering guide, two business authorities introduce the new discipline of Service Design and reveal why trying new strategies for pleasing customers isn’t enough to differentiate your business—it needs to be designed for service from the ground up.

    Woo, Wow, and Win reveals the importance of designing your company around service, and offers clear, practical strategies based on the idea that the design of services is markedly different than manufacturing. Bestselling authors and business experts Thomas A. Stewart and Patricia O’Connell contend that most companies, both digital and brick-and-mortar, B2B or B2C; are not designed for service—to provide an experience that matches a customer’s expectations with every interaction and serves the company’s needs. When customers have more choices than ever before, study after study reveals that it’s the experience that makes the difference. To provide great experiences that keep customers coming back, businesses must design their services with as much care as their products.

    Service Design is proactive—it is about delivering on your promise to customers in accordance with your strategy, not about acceding to customer dictates. Woo, Wow, and Win teaches you how to create "Ahhh" moments when the customer makes a positive judgment, and to avoid Ow" moments—when you lose a sale or worse, customer trust.

    Whether you’re giving a haircut, selling life insurance, or managing an office building, your customer is as much a part of your business as your employees are. Together, you and customers create a bank of trust; fueled by knowledge of each other’s skills and preferences. This is Customer Capital, the authors explain, and it is jointly owned. But it’s up to you to manage it profitably.

    Innovative yet grounded in real world examples, Woo, Wow, and Win is the key strategy for winning customers—and keeping them.

    Award-winning speaker and business consultant Joey Coleman teaches audiences and companies all over the world how to turn a one-time purchaser into a lifelong customer.

    Coleman's theory of building customer loyalty isn't about focusing on marketing or closing the sale: It's about the First 100 Days® after the sale and the interactions the customer experiences.

    While new customers experience joy, euphoria, and excitement, these feelings quickly shift to fear, doubt, and uncertainty as buyer's remorse sets in. Across all industries, somewhere between 20%-70% of newly acquired customers will stop doing business with a company with the first 100 days of being a new customer because they feel neglected in the early stages of customer onboarding.

    In Never Lose a Customer Again, Coleman offers a philosophy and methodology for dramatically increasing customer retention and as a result, the bottom line. He identifies eight distinct emotional phases customers go through in the 100 days following a purchase. From an impulse buy at Starbucks to the thoughtful purchase of a first house, all customers have the potential to experience the eight phases of the customer journey. If you can understand and anticipate the customers' emotions, you can apply a myriad of tools and techniques -- in-person, email, phone, mail, video, and presents -- to cement a long and valuable relationship.

    Coleman's system is presented through research and case studies showing how best-in-class companies create remarkable customer experiences at each step in the customer lifecycle.

    In the "Acclimate" stage, customers need you to hold their hand and over-explain how to use your product or service. They're often too embarrassed to admit they're confused. Take a cue from Canadian software company PolicyMedical and their challenge of getting non-technical users to undergo a complex installation and implementation process. They turned a series of project spreadsheets and installation manuals into a beautiful puzzle customers could assemble after completing each milestone.

    In the "Adopt" stage, customers should be welcomed to the highest tier of tribal membership with both public and private recognitions. For instance, Sephora's VIB Rogue member welcome gift provides a metallic membership card (private recognition) and a members-only shade of lipstick (for public display).

    In the final stage, "Advocate," loyal customers and raving fans are primed to provide powerful referrals. That's how elite entrepreneurial event MastermindTalks continues to sell-out their conference year after year - with zero dollars spent on marketing. By surprising their loyal fans with amazing referral bonuses (an all-expenses paid safari?!) they guarantee their community will keep providing perfect referrals.

    Drawing on nearly two decades of consulting and keynoting, Coleman provides strategies and systems to increase customer loyalty. Applicable to companies in any industry and of any size (whether measured in employee count, revenue, or total number of customers), implementing his methods regularly leads to an increase in profits of 25-100%.

    Working with well-known clients like Hyatt Hotels, Zappos, and NASA, as well as mom-and-pop shops and solo entrepreneurs around the world, Coleman's customer retention system has produced incredible results in dozens of industries.

    His approach to creating remarkable customer experiences requires minimal financial investment and will be fun for owners, employees, and teams to implement. This book is required reading for business owners, CEOs, and managers - as well as sales and marketing teams, account managers, and customer service representatives looking for easy to implement action steps that result in lasting change, increased profits, and lifelong customer retention.
    You think you have a winning strategy. But do you?

    Executives are bombarded with bestselling ideas and best practices for achieving competitive advantage, but many of these ideas and practices contradict each other. Should you aim to be big or fast? Should you create a blue ocean, be adaptive, play to win—or forget about a sustainable competitive advantage altogether? In a business environment that is changing faster and becoming more uncertain and complex almost by the day, it’s never been more important—or more difficult—to choose the right approach to strategy.

    In this book, The Boston Consulting Group’s Martin Reeves, Knut Haanæs, and Janmejaya Sinha offer a proven method to determine the strategy approach that is best for your company. They start by helping you assess your business environment—how unpredictable it is, how much power you have to change it, and how harsh it is—a critical component of getting strategy right. They show how existing strategy approaches sort into five categories—Be Big, Be Fast, Be First, Be the Orchestrator, or simply Be Viable—depending on the extent of predictability, malleability, and harshness. In-depth explanations of each of these approaches will provide critical insight to help you match your approach to strategy to your environment, determine when and how to execute each one, and avoid a potentially fatal mismatch.

    Addressing your most pressing strategic challenges, you’ll be able to answer questions such as:

    • What replaces planning when the annual cycle is obsolete?
    • When can we—and when should we—shape the game to our advantage?
    • How do we simultaneously implement different strategic approaches for different business units?
    • How do we manage the inherent contradictions in formulating and executing different strategies across multiple businesses and geographies?

    Until now, no book brings it all together and offers a practical tool for understanding which strategic approach to apply. Get started today.
    The USA Today bestseller by the star sales speaker and author of The Sales Blog that reveals how all salespeople can attain huge sales success through strategies backed by extensive research and experience.
    Anthony Iannarino never set out to become a salesman, let alone a sales manager, speaker, coach, or writer of the most prominent blog about the art and science of great selling. He fell into his profession by accident, as a day job while pursuing rock-and-roll stardom.
    Once he realized he'd never become the next Mick Jagger, Iannarino turned his focus to a question that's been debated for at least a century: Why are a small number of salespeople in any field hugely successful, while the rest get mediocre results at best? 
    The answer is simple: it’s not about the market, the product, or the competition—it’s all about the seller. And consequently, any salesperson can sell more and better, all the time.
    Over twenty-five years, Iannarino has boiled down everything he's learned and tested into one convenient book that explains what all successful sellers, regardless of industry or organization, share: a mind-set of powerful beliefs and a skill-set of key actions, including...
    ·Self-discipline: How to keep your commitments to yourself and others.
    ·Accountability: How to own the outcomes you sell.
    ·Competitiveness: How to embrace competition rather than let it intimidate you.
    ·Resourcefulness: How to blend your imagination, experience, and knowledge into unique solutions.
    ·Storytelling: How to create deeper relationships by presenting a story in which the client is the hero and you're their guide.
    ·Diagnosing: How to look below the surface to figure out someone else's real challenges and needs.

    Once you learn Iannarino's core strategies, picking up the specific tactics for your product and customers will be that much easier. Whether you sell to big companies, small companies, or individual consumers, this is the book you'll turn to again and again for proven wisdom, strategies, and tips that really work.
     Did you know the internet is responsible for making more millionaires than any other medium in history?

    Building a solid online business that generates revenue for you can be extremely lucrative, if it’s done correctly. In fact, there are so many different ways to earn income online and you have the freedom to create your business around those options that suit you best.

    Perhaps the biggest benefit to generating an income online is that you have the freedom to create multiple streams of income from your efforts

    If you’re serious, it’s also possible to grow your online income to the point where it totally replaces the income you get from your day job.

    The opportunities outlined in this book give you some insight into some highly effective ways to generate real income streams

    Are you ready to get started? Let’s go…

    Other Books:- 

    *Bitcoin and Digital Currency for Beginners: The Basic Little Guide 
    *Investing in Gold and Silver Bullion - The Ultimate Safe Haven Investments 
    *Nigerian Stock Market Investment: 2 Books with Bonus Content 
    *The Dividend Millionaire: Investing for Income and Winning in the Stock Market 
    *Economic Crisis: Surviving Global Currency Collapse - Safeguard Your Financial Future with Silver and Gold 
    *Passionate about Stock Investing: The Quick Guide to Investing in the Stock Market 
    *Guide to Investing in the Nigerian Stock Market 
    *Building Wealth with Dividend Stocks in the Nigerian Stock Market (Dividends - Stocks Secret Weapon) 
    *Precious Metals Investing For Beginners: The Quick Guide to Platinum and Palladium 
    *Child Millionaire: Stock Market Investing for Beginners - How to Build Wealth the Smart Way for Your Child - The Basic Little Guide 

    * Taming the Tongue: The Power of Spoken Words

    The revolutionary guide that challenged businesses around the world to stop selling to their buyers and start answering their questions to get results; revised and updated to address new technology, trends, the continuous evolution of the digital consumer, and much more

    In today’s digital age, the traditional sales funnel—marketing at the top, sales in the middle, customer service at the bottom—is no longer effective. To be successful, businesses must obsess over the questions, concerns, and problems their buyers have, and address them as honestly and as thoroughly as possible. Every day, buyers turn to search engines to ask billions of questions. Having the answers they need can attract thousands of potential buyers to your company—but only if your content strategy puts your answers at the top of those search results. It’s a simple and powerful equation that produces growth and success: They Ask, You Answer.

    Using these principles, author Marcus Sheridan led his struggling pool company from the bleak depths of the housing crash of 2008 to become one of the largest pool installers in the United States. Discover how his proven strategy can work for your business and master the principles of inbound and content marketing that have empowered thousands of companies to achieve exceptional growth.

    They Ask, You Answer is a straightforward guide filled with practical tactics and insights for transforming your marketing strategy. This new edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect the evolution of content marketing and the increasing demands of today’s internet-savvy buyers. New chapters explore the impact of technology, conversational marketing, the essential elements every business website should possess, the rise of video, and new stories from companies that have achieved remarkable results with They Ask, You Answer.

    Upon reading this book, you will know:

    How to build trust with buyers through content and video. How to turn your web presence into a magnet for qualified buyers. What works and what doesn’t through new case studies, featuring real-world results from companies that have embraced these principles. Why you need to think of your business as a media company, instead of relying on more traditional (and ineffective) ways of advertising and marketing. How to achieve buy-in at your company and truly embrace a culture of content and video. How to transform your current customer base into loyal brand advocates for your company.

    They Ask, You Answer is a must-have resource for companies that want a fresh approach to marketing and sales that is proven to generate more traffic, leads, and sales.

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