Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee

The Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee has cognizance of all matters relating to (A) the Board of Regents for Higher Education and the Office of Higher Education, and (B) public and independent institutions of higher education, private occupational schools, post‑secondary education, job training institutions and programs, apprenticeship training programs and adult job training programs offered to the public by any state agency or funded in whole or in part by the state.



  Committee Membership   

 Print List

 Print List

District Position Name  Website Party
S26 Co-Chair Haskell, Will http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/haskell D
059 Ranking Member Hall, Carol http://www.cthousegop.com/Hall/ R
S28 Ranking Member Hwang, Tony http://www.ctsenaterepublicans.com/home-Hwang R
027 Vice Chair Turco, Gary A. http://www.housedems.ct.gov/turco D
S29 Vice Chair Flexer, Mae http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/Flexer D
008 Member Ackert, Tim http://www.cthousegop.com/Ackert/ R
151 Member Arora, Harry http://www.cthousegop.com/arora R
078 Member Betts, Whit http://www.cthousegop.com/Betts/ R
013 Member Doucette, Jason http://housedems.ct.gov/doucette D
055 Member Green, Robin http://www.cthousegop.com/Green/ R
054 Member Haddad, Gregory http://www.housedems.ct.gov/haddad D
S14 Member Maroney, James J. http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/maroney D
085 Member Mushinsky, Mary M. http://www.housedems.ct.gov/Mushinsky D
104 Member Rochelle, Kara http://www.housedems.ct.gov/rochelle D
025 Member Sanchez, Robert http://www.housedems.ct.gov/Sanchez D
144 Member Simmons, Caroline http://www.housedems.ct.gov/Simmons D
S05 Member Slap, Derek http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/slap D
048 Member Smith, Brian T. http://www.housedems.ct.gov/smith D
112 Member Sredzinski, J.P. http://www.cthousegop.com/Sredzinski/ R
126 Member Stallworth, Charlie L. http://www.housedems.ct.gov/stallworth D
141 Member Wood, Terrie E. http://www.cthousegop.com/Wood/ R
079 Member Ziogas, Christopher http://www.housedems.ct.gov/Ziogas D


Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee
  • Legislative Office Building, Room 1800
  • Hartford, CT 06106
  • Clerk: Jeanie B. Phillips
  •   (860) 240‑0280
  •   (860) 240‑8833
  •   Public Hearing Testimony
  •   Privacy Notice – Important 
  •   Privacy Notice – Important 
  • Public Hearing Testimony and Other Written Submissions

    Please be aware that all submitted testimony is public record. Depending upon the information you supply, this may reveal some or all of the following: Email address, physical address, phone number, name, age, and other personal information. Mail and FAX submissions are scanned and linked on the Connecticut General Assembly website.

    This information would also be available to be found using internet search engines.

  •    Committee Calendar

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