Committee on Children

The Committee on Children shall have cognizance of all matters relating to children.



  Committee Membership   

 Print List

 Print List

District Position Name  Website Party
103 Co-Chair Linehan, Liz D
S22 Co-Chair Moore, Marilyn V. D
102 Vice Chair Comey, Robin E. D
055 Ranking Member Green, Robin R
S03 Vice Chair Anwar, Saud D
S21 Ranking Member Kelly, Kevin C. R
050 Member Boyd, Patrick S. D
074 Member Cummings, Stephanie E. R
016 Member Hampton, John K. D
027 Member Turco, Gary A. D
053 Member Wilson Pheanious, Pat D
051 Member Hayes, Rick L. R
101 Member Kokoruda, Noreen S. R
S12 Member Cohen, Christine D


Committee on Children
  • State Capitol Building, Room 011
  • Hartford, CT 06106
  •   (860) 240-0370
  •   Public Hearing Testimony
  •   Privacy Notice – Important 
  •   Privacy Notice – Important 
  • Public Hearing Testimony and Other Written Submissions

    Please be aware that all submitted testimony is public record. Depending upon the information you supply, this may reveal some or all of the following: Email address, physical address, phone number, name, age, and other personal information. Mail and FAX submissions are scanned and linked on the Connecticut General Assembly website.

    This information would also be available to be found using internet search engines.

  •    Committee Calendar

Related Information and Forums

  Reports, Briefings & Updates  

  Breifings and Updates  

  Informational Hearing on the State's Religious Exemption  

  December 19, 2018 CT Kids Report Card Leadership Committee Meeting  

  Informational Forum regarding investigations of Albert J. Solnit Children's Center  

  Informational Forum on Homeschooling and Communication  

  Informational Forum on Alternative Treatments for Opioid Addiction  

  February 23, 2017 Committee Meeting Handouts  

  February 14, 2017 Committee Meeting Handouts  

  January 26, 2017 Committee Meeting Handouts  

  Committee on Children & Public Health Committee Forum Re Lead Screening in Children  

  February 9, 2016 Committee Meeting Handouts  

  February 4, 2016 Committee Meeting Handouts  

  Committee on Children’s Progress Report Meeting on the Connecticut Juvenile Training School (CJTS) and Pueblo Unit Strategic Action Plan  

  Informational Forum on the July 31, 2014 Child Fatality Report  

  Appropriations Committee and Committee on Children - Report on PA 13-178 Implementation Plan  

  Public Act 13-178 Implementation  

  Informational Forum on Child Fatality  

 July 31, 2014

  Reach Out and Read  

  Committee on Children, Education Committee, Human Services Committee Joint Informational Forum RE Waterbury Truancy Clinic  

  Toxic Chemicals and Children's Health Public Forum, Fairfield University  

  Joint Informational Hearing on Mandated Reporters of Child Abuse  

  Invitational Forum on Animal Cruelty  

  Informational Forum on Autism  

  Joint Informational Forum on Grandparents Rights to Visit Grandchildren  

  Human Services and Select Committee on Children Joint Forums on the Department of Children and Families