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GRI reporting & performance data

GRI reporting & performance data

A framework for our ESG reporting

Environmental, social and governance reporting enables us to achieve greater transparency about our performance on a variety of issues. It acts as a complement to our financial reporting, providing our stakeholders with a more holistic view of our future financial performance. We use the Global Reporting Initiative as the framework for our sustainability performance reporting.

Global Reporting Initiative: the standard on transparency

At Airbus, we voluntarily report on environmental, social and governance issues using the Global Reporting Initiative standards as a tool to disclose our sustainability data with transparency. This data has been externally audited since 2010.

In addition, we have been a signatory of the UN Global Compact since 2003. This voluntary initiative helps us to align our corporate strategy and business operations with the UN Global Compact's "Ten Principles" relating to human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.

You can find links to information disclosure associated with each of the UN Global Compact principles in the box below. The Airbus Annual Report also serves as our UN Global Compact “Communication on Progress” report. 

Our GRI index

The Global Reporting Initiative is the most widely adopted global sustainability reporting standard. We began taking the GRI standard into account in 2003 to better understand our impact on environmental, social and governance issues.

Below is our GRI index, which indicates to what extent we take certain GRI indicators into account and where each indicator can be identified. For some indicators, we also refer to our Registration Document in the Airbus Annual Report. The non-financial information can be found in the chapter 1.2, pages 50-76.

This table, whose aspects are material for Airbus and our stakeholders, follows the GRI Standards Guidelines, in accordance with the “core” option.

GRI Content Index

GRI Standard
Related content
External References: SDGs, UN Global Compact 
GRI 102: General Disclosures 2019
Organizational Profile 
Name of the organization Airbus  
102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services  Get to know Airbus.  
Learn more about the Company key elements in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 24-29.  
Discover Airbus' activities and products in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 27-47.  
Find out more in the Company's Overview in the Annual Report 2019, pages 1-20  
Explore Airbus Commercial's activities and products on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 29-37.  
Explore Airbus Helicopters' activities and products on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 38-41.  
Find out more about  Airbus Defence's activities and products on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 41-48.  
Explore Airbus Space's activities and products on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 41-48.  
102-3 Location of headquarters

Discover Airbus' operational headquarters in Toulouse.

Find more about Airbus' legal site in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 102.  
102-4 Location of operations Explore Airbus' global presence.  
Explore Airbus Commercial's operations, engineering, customer services and production locations in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 29 and 34 to 37.  
Discover Airbus Helicopters' global presence.  
Explore Airbus Defence & Space operations' locations in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 46.  
102-5 Ownership and legal form 

See Airbus' legal form in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 102.

Find more about Airbus' shareholding structure in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 112.  
102-6 Markets served

Discover Airbus' markets

Find out more about Airbus' markets and customers in the Universal Registration Document 2019: pages 30-37 for Commercial; page 39 for Helicopters and pages 42-44 for Defence & Space.  
102-7 Scale of the organization

See Airbus Total number of employees on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 68-69.


Discover the organisation of Airbus’ businesses in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 27-28.

Explore Airbus' products and services sold and delivered in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 27-47.
See Airbus' Consolidated Financial Statements on pages 6 to 11 of the Financial Statements 2019.
Explore Commercial orders & deliveries 
Find out more about Airbus Helicopters' orders & deliveries
Find the financial results & annual reports
102-8 Information on employees and other workers See Airbus Total number of employees on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 68-69.

UNGC Principle 6


102-9 Supply chain

Learn more about procurement at Airbus in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 64-65.

UNGC Ten Principles

SDG 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16 and 17

Find out more about our suppliers
See some of our main suppliers
Find out about Airbus' Helicopters agreed suppliers
102-10 Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain

Find out more about changes in the composition of Airbus Board of Directors and top management in the in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 124-126 and 139-140.

See the Statement of Comprehensive income and changed in Equity in the Financial Statements 2019, pages 7-11.
Change of Investments in Subsidiaries in the Financial Statements 2019, page 98-99.
Find out more about Changes in Accounting Policies and Disclosures in the Financial Statements 2019, page 18-19.
See the changes in issued share capital, in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 111.
Find out about Changes in Total Equity, Liquidity and Capital Resources in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 93-97.
See changes in shareholding, in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 116.
Find out significant changes, in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 173.
102-11 Precautionary Principle Approach

Explore the Entreprise Risk Management on and in the Registration Document 2019, pages 147-148.

Discover the Environmental Management at Airbus on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 55-56  
Explore the supply chain risk management and the Vigilance plan in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 65-67.  
Find out more about the Vigilance Plan in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 52-53.  
102-12 External initiatives

UN Global Compact

UN GC Ten Principles

SDG 16

International Forum on Business Ethical Conduct
UN Women Empowerment Principles signed by CEO Guillaume Faury
UN Women Empowerment Principles signed by CEO AD Dirk Hoke
The Global Deal
The Environmental Partnership on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 55-56.
See subscription to external initiatives.
See Airbus Helicopters certifications
Diversity and inclusion agreement UK  
FX Global Code
ITAKA Initiative Towards sustAinable Kerosene for Aviation
Responsible Business Alliance's Responsible Minerals Initiative
Find out more about Airbus' partnerships to tackle Climate Change, such as Clean Sky and SESAR.
Learn about the Urban Air Mobility Initiative of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC).
Discover other initiatives of partnership at Airbus.
102-13 Membership of associations
Find out more about Airbus' memberships in Europe.

UN GC Ten Principles

SDG 16

The Conference Board
World Economic Forum
Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing
Initiative Chefsache
102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker
See Guillaume Faury's statement about Airbus engagement for sustainability on UN GC Ten Principles
Read more about Resilience and Responsibility on Guillaume Faury, Airbus CEO's interview, in the Annual Report 2019, pages 12-13.  
Ethics and Integrity
102-16 Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior

Find out more about Airbus' Values and how they were defined.


UN GC Principle 10

Learn more about Airbus' Principles, our Values and how we live our Principles.
Learn more about Airbus' standards, and norms of behavior in the Universal Registration Document 2019.
See Airbus' Code of Conduct
See Airbus' Supplier Code of Conduct.
102-18 Governance structure

Explore Airbus' Corporate Governance on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 124-146.

UN GC Ten Principles
Discover how we are managed at Airbus.
Stakeholder Engagement
102-40 List of stakeholder groups
Discover our stakeholders, on page 50 of the Universal Registration Document 2019 and on  
102-41 Collective bargaining agreements Discover the approach for Labour Relations' management in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 70-71, and read our International Framework Agreement

UN GC Principle 3


Identifying and selecting stakeholders
Discover our stakeholders, on page 50 of the Universal Registration Document 2019 and on SDG 16
Approach to stakeholder engagement
Key topics and concerns raised

Find out more about Material topics for Airbus, on page 48 of the Universal Registration Document 2019 and on

Reporting Practice
Entities included in the consolidated financial statements
Find more about the consolidated entities on page 20 of the Financial Statements 2019.  
102-46 Defining report content and topic Boundaries

See the material topics identification process of Airbus on page 51 of the Universal Registration Document 2019 and on

Find out more about sustainability framework at Airbus in the Annual Report 2019, pages 14-15.

102-47 List of material topics
102-48 Restatements of information See detail of baseline recalculated for Environmental Performance data and other figures on pages 28, 57-58, 84-85, 87 and 89-93 of the Universal Registration Document 2019 and on page 11 of the Financial Statements 2019.  
102-49 Changes in reporting See changes in reporting period for Trainings on page 69 of the Universal Registration Document 2019.  
102-50 Reporting period The Universal Registration Document 2019 extends from 1st of January 2019 to 31st December 2019.  
102-51 Date of most recent report 20 March 2020  
102-52 Reporting cycle Annual  
102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report Check on [email protected]    
102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option.  
102-56 External assurance Find the full Independent Assurance Report from Ernst&Young.  

GRI Content Index II - Material Topics

GRI Standard
Related content
UN Global Compact
1: Responsible Company: 1.a: Aviation and Product Safety; 1.b: Environment; 1.c: Responsible Defence and Space Products
1.a: Aviation and Product Safety




Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

The management approach and its components

Evaluation of the management approach

Safety and Security is one of Airbus key enablers, see page 25 of the Universal Registration Document 2019.

UNGC Principle 8,

SDG 8, SDG9, SDG12, SDG17

See the chapter on Aviation and Product Safety of the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 53-54.
See Airbus' Code of Conduct.
Learn about Safety First at Airbus. 
Find more about Safety and Helicopters.
See "A statistical analysis of commercial aviation accidents 1958-2017".



Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories

Marketing and labeling

Discover how safety is supported through Customers' services and operations in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 59. SDG12, SDG16
Discover Safety at Airbus.
Explore Airbus' support & services.
Read about Airbus Helicopters' focus on Product Safety in the  Universal Registration Document 2019, page 38-41.
Find out more about customer support services for Airbus Defence.
1.c: Environment




Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

The management approach and its components

Evaluation of the management approach

Find out more information about Airbus' approach to Environment on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 55-62

SDG8, SDG 9, SDG 12, SDG 13,

SDG 17

UN GC Principles 7, 8 and 9

Environment is one of Airbus' key enablers, see page 25 of the Universal Registration Document 2019.
See Airbus' Code of Conduct
See Airbus' Supplier Code of Conduct.
Read about the Company-wide approach to environmental stewardship in "Environment matters for the future of aerospace".
Discover Airbus' products for a healthier environment and supporting environmental topics on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 61-62.
Explore how Airbus' understands innovation as a contribution to a more sustainable world.
Find out about how Airbus’ technology helps to reduce deforestation on and in page 61 of the Universal Registration Document 2019.
See how Airbus engineers contribute to bring sustainable aviation to reality. 
Learn more about how 3D- printing technology supports decarbonisation.
See how Airbus products can fight against maritime pollution.  
See Airbus' scores for CDP questionnaire.
Find out more about Trishna Satelite monitoring Climate Change. 
Read about the environmental impact of Airbus products, the future aircraft and new technologies on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 56-60.


Energy consumption within the Organization See the environmental performance data on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 58.

SDG8, SDG 12, SDG13

UN GC Principles 7 and 8

Discover Airbus' approach to minimize our manufacturing footprint on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 55-60.
See CDP website for the score to the climate change questionnaire.
 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption Find out more about the environmental impact on Airbus' Industrial operations and of Airbus products in operations in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 55-60.

SDG 12, SDG13

UN GC Principles 8 and 9

See the environmental performance data on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 58.
Discover Airbus' approach to minimize our manufacturing footprint. 
302-5 Reduction in energy requirements of products and services Find out more about Airbus' product responsibility and the future aircraft.

SDG8, SDG 12, SDG13

UN GC Principles 8 and 9

Water discharge
Water consumption 
Find out more about water initiatives and objectives in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 56-58.

SDG 12, SDG13

UN GC Principles 7 and 8 

Discover the approach to minimize our manufacturing footprint








Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions

Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions

GHG emissions intensity

Reduction of GHG emissions 

Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions

See the environmental performance data on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 58.


SDG 9 and 13

UN GC Principles 7, 8 and 9 

Find more information in the Environment chapter of the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 55-60.
Find out more about Decarbonisation at Airbus.

Discover the lifecycle approach to improve environmental performance. 

Find out more about Technology and Innovation at Airbus in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 26-27.
CDP questionnaire (Climate change) . 
Waste by type and disposal method 

Find out more about waste initiatives and objectives in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 56-58.

SDG 12, SDG13

UNGC Principle 8

See the environmental performance data on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 58.
1.d: Responsible Defence and Space Products




Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

The management approach and its components

Evaluation of the management approach

Find out more on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 60-62.

SDG 9, SDG13, SDG 16, SDG 17

UNGC Principle 1, 2, 7, 8, 9

Find Defence and Space products' contributions for a More Secure World on, here and here, and  in the Universal Registration Document, pages 60-61.

See how Airbus’ technology helps to reduce deforestation on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 61.

Discover how Airbus products are used for Agriculture Satellite Monitoring:

Verdehere and here,




See how Airbus’ technology helps to reduce deforestation on and in page 61 of the Universal Registration Document 2019.
Discover how Airbus' products support environmental issues on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 60-62.
Discover four ways to clean up space.
2: Responsible Business: 2.a: Ethical Business Practices; 2.b: Responsible Suppliers;
2.a: Ethical Business Practices




Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

The management approach and its components

Evaluation of the management approach

Discover Airbus' approach to Ethical Business Practices on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 62-63.

UNGC Principle 10, SDG 8,

SDG 16, SDG 17

Ethics and Compliance is one of Airbus key enablers, see pages 25-26 of the Universal Registration Document 2019.
See Airbus' Code of Conduct.
See Airbus' Supplier Code of Conduct.
Read about the Ethics and Compliance Committee at Airbus in page 141 of the Universal Registration Document 2019.
Learn about the steps that Airbus is taking to improve compliance.
205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption Discover the E&C programme and the key risks management in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 62-63. UNGC 10 SDG 8, SDG 16
Read about legal risks and business-related risks, in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 12-17.
Read more about suppliers base risk mapping and Airbus' Vigilance Plan in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 65-66 and 52-53.
Find out more about Airbus' approach to Ethics & Compliance and risk areas.
See Airbus Anti-Corruption Policy.
205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures Learn more about E&Cs awareness and trainings at Airbus on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019,  pages 52-5362-63 and 67. UNGC 10 SDG 8, SDG 16
205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken Learn more about Compliance at Airbus and steps taken to ensure business integrity on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 18-19 and 47-49. UNGC 10 SDG 8, SDG 16
2.b: Responsible Suppliers




Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

The management approach and its components

Evaluation of the management approach

Find out more information on the chapter on Responsible Suppliers of the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 64-68.

UNGC PRinciples 1, 2, 34, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

SDG 4, SDG5, SDG8, SDG9, SDG12, SDG13, SDG16, SDG17

See Airbus' Supplier Code of Conduct.
See Airbus' Code of Conduct.
Find out more about Airbus' Approach to Responsible and Sustainable Supply Chain at
Discover Airbus' approach to Human Rights on and in the Universal Registration Document, page 71
See Airbus' Responsible Mineral Policy.
Find Airbus Modern Slavery Statement.
Find out relevant information for Airbus' Suppliers (Airbus' standards, requirements, regulation etc).



New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria

Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken

See the Supplier Code of Conduct SDG 5, SDG 8, SDG 12, SDG 16
Find out more about Supply Base Risk Mapping at Airbus and actions taken to reduce negative impact in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 65-68.




Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken

Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents  of child labor

Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced  or compulsory labor

Find out more about Supply Base Risk Mapping at Airbus and actions taken in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 65-68 SDG 8, SDG 16, SDG 17
Read the UK Modern Slavery Statement 2019 and discover Airbus' approach to Human Rights
204-1  Proportion of spending on local suppliers See Airbus’s global sourcing footprint in the world in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 64-65.  
Learn more about Airbus' Economics Impact in the UK, in the Oxford Economics Report
3: Responsible Employer:  3.a: Human Capital Management, 3.b: Labour Relations and Human Rights; 3.c: Health & Safety; 3.d: Inclusion & Diversity; 3.e: Community Engagement
3.a: Human Capital Management      3.b: Labour Relations and Human Rights




Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

The management approach and its components

Evaluation of the management approach  

Explore the Chapters on Human Capital Management, Labour Relations and Human Rights in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 68-71.

SDG 4, SDG 5, SDG 8, SDG 17

UNGC Principles 1, 2, 3, 5, 5 and 6

"Our people" is one of Airbus' key enablers, see page 26 of the Universal Registration Document 2019.
See Airbus' Code of Conduct.
See Airbus' Supplier Code of Conduct.
Find more information on Human Rights matters on and in page 71 of the Universal Registration Document 2019.
Read the Global Workforce Forecast Book.
See Airbus' statement on Modern Slavery for year ended 31 December 2019.
Find out more about working at Airbus.
See how the International Framework Agreement is in agreement with International Standards.
Learn about Airbus engagement with the Global Deal Initiative in page 70 of the Universal Registration Document 2019.
Learn more about training opportunities at Airbus.
Find out more about Human rights risks in the Univerdal Registration Document 2019, page 21.
Discover Airbus' Employer awards.
New employee hires & employee turnover

See Airbus' newcomers and  employee turnover rate on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 68-69.

SDG 4, SDG 5, SDG 8

Principle 6

401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees Discover Airbus Employee Share Ownership Plan on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 159.  
Read more about the employee Sucess Sharing and Incentive Plans in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 163-168.
Find out more about pension commitments at Airbus in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 12.
Read about the UK Gender Neutral Family Leave Policies in pag. 70 of the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 70.
Find more about Airbus' initiatives on careers path and competences development in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 70-71
Find out more about careers at Airbus.




Average hours of training per year per employee

Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs

Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews

Read more about training and mobility at Airbus in Registration Document 2019, page 69 and in here and here.

SDG 4, SDG 5, SDG 8

UN GC Principle 6

201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans Read more about Provisions for Retirement Plans in Financial Statements 2019 , pages 48-53
407-1 Freedom of Association & Collective bargain
Find out more about Airbus' engagement with Social Dialogue in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 70-71.

SDG 4, SDG 5, SDG 8,

SDG 16, SDG 17

UN GC Principle 6

Learn about Airbus engagement with the Global Deal Initiative in page 70 of the Universal Registration Document 2019.
Find out more about the suppliers' management in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 66.
See Airbus' Code of Conduct and Airbus' Supplier Code of Conduct.
Employee training on human rights policies or procedures

Find out more about the Human Rights trainings in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 52-53, 67 and 71.

SDG 4, SDG 5, SDG 8, SDG 16, SDG 17

UN GC Principles 1, 2, 3, and 6

3.c: Health & Safety




Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

The management approach and its components

Evaluation of the management approach 

Learn more about Health & Safety at Airbus at and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 72-74.

SDG 8, SDG 12, SDG 13, SDG 16

UN GC  Principles 7 and 8

Health & Safety is one of Airbus' key enablers, see page 26 of Registration Document 2019.
See Airbus' Code of Conduct and Airbus' Supplier Code of Conduct.
Find out more about Health & Safety risks in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 21.
Read about Airbus Vigilance Plan in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 52-53.
Find out more information about H&S in the Supply Chain in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 65-67.
Read about Airbus' focus on H&S, following Covid-19 Crisis in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 76-77.
Read about H&S consideration as a collective component for 2020 Remuneration Policy in page 156 of the Universal Registration Document 2019.








Occupational H&S management system

Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation

Occupational health services

Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational H&S

Worker training on occupational H&S

Prevention and mitigation of occupational H&S impacts directly linked by business relationships

Read about H&S Risk management and REACH at Airbus and in the Supply Chain, in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 65-66 and 72-73.  
Find out more about H&S Risks in the Registration Document 2019, page 21.
Discover H&S trainings and initiatives at Airbus in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 72-73.
Read about Employees’ health programmes in page 73 of the Universal Registration Document 2019.
3.d: Inclusion & Diversity




Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

The management approach and its components

Evaluation of the management approach

Learn more about Inclusion & Diversity at Airbus on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 74-75.

SDG 4, SDG 5, SDG 8,

SDG 16, SDG 17

UN GC Principle 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Inclusion and Diversity is one of Airbus' key enablers, see page 26 of the Universal Registration Document 2019.
Find more information about Inclusion and Diversity on
See Airbus Code of Conduct.
Read the Global Workforce Forecast Book.
Read the UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2019.
Read the France Gender Pay Gap Statement 2019.
Discover the Balance for Business platform.
Find out more about partnerships to promote applications from people with disabilities, such as Atout pour tousHandisup or Handi Pro Conseil in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 74.
Promoting Disability Friendly Companies, in the Universal Registration Document 2019, page 67.
405-1 Diversity of governance bodies & employees

Find out more about Board of Directors and employees diversity in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 74-75.

SDG 5, SDG 8

UN GC Principle 6

Find out more about The Board of Directors and Executive Commitee composition on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 124-146.
Read more about Airbus promoting gender diversity within its Board of Directors in page 147 of the Universal Registration Document 2019.
3.e: Community Engagement




Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

The management approach and its components

Evaluation of the management approach

Find out more about Airbus' Community Impact on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 75-76

SDG 4, SDG 5, SDG 8, SDG 9, SDG12, SDG13, SDG 16, SDG 17

UN GC Principles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and  10



Discover Airbus' Foundation on and in the Universal Registration Document 2019, pages 75-76.
Find out more about Airbus' approach to the Sustainable Development Goals
Education driving progress
Find out more about the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI).
Discover the Balance for Business platform.
Read about the Impact of procurement on local communities in the Universal Registration Document, pages 65-68.
Read about Airbus Economic Impact In UK (Report and factsheet)
Read more about Sustainability framework at Airbus in the Annual Report 2019, pages 14-15.



Infrastructure investments and services supported

Significant indirect economic impacts

Read more about Economic and Social Impacts of Aviation in ATAG's report "Aviation Benefits Report 2019".
201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed Find more on the Financial Statement 2019  

Environmental performance

We believe innovation is key to driving a sustainable business. The table below shows how we are tracking our performance against key environmental indicators to continue improving in this area.

  GRI Standards KPI Unit 2019 2018 2017
ENERGY 302-1 Total energy consumption (excluded electricity generated by CHP on site for own use)*
4,054,849 4,006,108** 4,098,475
Energy consumption from stationary sources*
1,359,018 1,304,338** 1,357,724
Energy consumption from mobile sources*
1,112,573 1,094,851** 1,206,689
Total electricity consumption, heat & steam consumption excluding CGP for own use* MWh 1,583,258 1,606,919** 1,534,062
Of which purchased electricity from renewable sources (REC) MWh 101,612    
Generated electricity from CHP on-site for own use* MWh 187,846 190,287** 190,127
305-1 Total Scope 1 + Scope 2 COemissions* tonnes CO 927,529 959,825** 1,013,101
Total direct COemissions (Scope 1)* tonnes CO 569,838 553,887** 591,002
305-2 Total indirect COemissions (Scope 2)* tonnes CO 357,691 405,938** 422,099
305-3 Indirect COemissions Business Travel (Scope 3)* tonnes CO 109,403 111,666 n/a
Indirect COemissions Oversize Transportation*** (Scope 3) tonnes CO 198,526 185,500 n/a
305-7 Total VOC emissions****  * tonnes 1,535 1,553** 1,565
Total SOx emissions tonnes 15 17 15
Total NOx emissions tonnes 280 323** 314
303-5 Total water consumption* m3 3,987,289 3,647,950** 4,011,897
303-4 Total water discharge m3 3,740,566 3,338,712** 3,416,506
306-2 Total waste production, excluding exceptional waste* tonnes 99,280 98,631** 105,839
Material recovery rate* % 54.0% 57.8% 58.5%
Energy recovery rate % 21.2% 20.7% 20.6%
EMS certification



Number of sites with ISO 14 001 /EMAS certification***** vs total number of covered by environmental reporting unit 62/80 60/71 61
Workforce effectively covered by reporting over workforce subject to reporting according to the environmental guidelines****** % 94% 89% 90%

* 2019 data audited by Ernst & Young et Associés. 2019 data covers 92% of total group employees.

** 2018 baseline has been recalculated to integrate changes in accounting methodology (emission factors & exclusion of close loop water consumption in Donauwörth).

Electricity Emission factors updated according to IEA 2018 v1.01 for 2019 data and IEA 2017 v1.03 for 2018 data.

Sites A220 FAL in Mirabel, Canada, Satair Copenhagen, Ashburn & Miami, AH Oxford, ATR Francazal, are included in 2019 according to reporting rules.

*** Oversize emissions cover transport of large and non standards shipments. Values cover aircraft commercial activities and are estimated.

**** 2019 VOC emissions data is estimated and 2018 data actualised. The accurate 2019 data will be consolidated and available during March 2019.

***** Number of sites covered by the environmental reporting which are certified ISO 14001.

****** Airbus environmental reporting guidelines include sites worldwide with a workforce on-site higher or equal to 50 employees. Note that only 100% consolidated entities are taken into account to calculate this 50 employee threshold. Coverage varies from 92% to 93% for waste, water, heat & refrigerants indicators.

Social performance

We aim to achieve continuous improvement in gender parity, employee engagement, and inclusion and diversity throughout Airbus. The data below outlines how we are tracking our performance against several relevant social indicators.

Employees by Business Segment 31 December 2019 31 December 2018 31 December 2017 31 December 2016
Airbus  80,985 80,924 74,542
Airbus Helicopters 20,024 19,745 20,161
Airbus Defence and Space 33,922 33,002 32,171
Airbus former HQ* 0 0 2,568
Airbus Total 134,931 133,671 129,442

* Airbus includes population of Airbus former HQ since 01.01.2018. 
Perimeter: Airbus, full consolidated companies (including subsidaries) 

Employees by geographic area 31 December 2019 31 December 2018 31 December 2017 31 December 2016
France 49,143 48,144 47,865
Germany 45,638 45,387 44,214
Spain 12,637 13,684 13,177
UK 11,109 11,214 11,304
US 3,151 2,489 2,707
Other Countries 13,253 12,753 10,175
Airbus Total 134,931 133,671 129,442

Perimeter: Airbus, full consolidated companies (including subsidaries) 

% Part time employees 31 December 2019 31 December 2018 31 December 2017 31 December 2016
Airbus Total 4.46% 4.2% 4.2%

Perimeter: Airbus, full consolidated companies (including subsidaries) 

Active Workforce by contract type 31 December 2019 31 December 2018 31 December 2017 31 December 2016
Unlimited contract 130,591 130,131 126,534
Limited contract > 3 months 4,340 3,540 2,908

Perimeter: Airbus, full consolidated companies (including subsidaries) 

  31 December 2019 31 December 2018 31 December 2017 31 December 2016
Women in Active Workforce 18.0%  17.7%
17.5% 17.2%
Women in Management Positions 13.1%  12.6%
12.4% 11.4%
Employee Turnover Rate 4.4% 4.9%
4.0% 3.6%
Total number of Training Hours* > 1,500,000 > 1,700,000 * 2,320,508
Total number of Training Participants* * * * 214,819
Number of Classroom Training**
129,296 >114,000***
161,419*** -
Number of Digital Learning**
397,938 248,448***
193,200*** -

* Change of reporting in 2017, no numbers reported for 2017. Reporting period in 2019: from 1st Oct 2018 to 30th Sept 2019
** New reporting scope since 2017. 51.7% digital learning in the 2017 learning plan (Active Workforce from fully-consolidated entities at 31 December 2017).
*** These figures include training sessions provided by Airbus, including to externals, to employees in subsidiaries, and to employees that have since left Airbus.

Independent Assurance Report

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