Michael Krepon

Co-Founder, The Stimson Center


With gratitude and pride I present Stimson’s latest South Asia Program book, Investigating Crises: South Asia’s Lessons, Evolving Dynamics, and Trajectories. This volume builds on three decades of Stimson research and writing on the threat of conflict in South Asia. Within these ten chapters, authors from China, India, Pakistan, and the United States offer analysis based on their personal experiences and scholarship. We anticipate Investigating Crises will prove useful to policymakers, strategic analysts, and students of the region’s troubled dynamics.

A durable peace appears distant two decades after India and Pakistan’s 1998 nuclear tests. These tests were supposed to lay the groundwork for deterrence-based stability on the subcontinent. Pakistan and India are not out of the woods – far from it. Future crises lie ahead. The essays in this volume offer fresh analysis on nuclear dangers and crisis dynamics. Our authors consider how crises are triggered, the role played by the media, organizational pathologies of the intelligence and national security establishments, and the severity of “nuclear-tinged” crises.

Stimson could not do this meaningful work without the support of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and the National Nuclear Security Administration. As ever, we are in their debt.


Michael Krepon

Event: The Past and Future of South Asian Crises

JANUARY 11, 2018 | 8:30 AM

VIDEO: Opening Remarks 
Brian Finlay, President & CEO, Stimson Center

VIDEO: Keynote Address 
Congressman Ami Bera, Vice Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee

VIDEO: Panel 1: Lessons Learned and Future Risks? Reflections from the Subcontinent
Ambassador Riaz Khan, former Foreign Secretary, Pakistan
Ambassador Shyam Saran, former Foreign Secretary, India
Polly Nayak, Independent Consultant
Sameer Lalwani, Senior Associate & Co-Director, South Asia Program, Stimson Center

VIDEO: Panel 2: How Do We Anticipate and Manage Crises? Approaches by Third Parties
Ambassador Richard Verma, former U.S. Ambassador to India
Yun Sun, Senior Associate, East Asia Program, Stimson Center
Moeed Yusuf, Associate Vice President, Asia Center, United States Institute of Peace
Hannah Haegeland, Research Analyst, South Asia Program, Stimson Center

Media Coverage of Investigating Crises

Other Stimson work on crisis management: