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  1. Video content

    Video caption: Georgia climbers who risk their lives for Christmas trees

    In the Republic of Georgia, workers harvest the seeds of Nordmann firs for export to Europe.

  2. Video content

    Video caption: The refugees feeding a nation

    How did French Guiana come to rely on its Hmong citizens for food?

  3. Deal for Gibraltar not yet done

    Image caption: The Rock relies on close economic ties with Spain

    Away from all the drama of the Brexit trade deal the UK has also been negotiating future arrangements for Gibraltar, a UK territory, with Spain.

    About 15,000 workers come and go daily across the Spain-Gibraltar border. The Rock’s population is about 34,000 and 96% of Gibraltarians voted Remain in the EU referendum.

    Gibraltar Chief Minister Fabian Picardo has told the BBC he’s aiming to get Schengen terms for Gibraltar, to safeguard free movement of people to and from Spain.

    Most EU states are in the passport-free Schengen zone, but the UK has never been in it.

    If Gibraltar also joined it, EU citizens arriving from Spain or another Schengen country would avoid passport checks, while arrivals from the UK would have to go through passport control, as is already the case.

    “The terms for mobility between us and UK would remain exactly the same as they are now,” said Mr Picardo. Anyone arriving from outside Schengen would have to show their passports, he added. “The arrangement is NOT about the nationality of the person arriving, but their point of departure.”

    “If we can, we want to finalise this before the end of the year,” he said, but added: “It’s not easy”.