Latest Law Society News

Statement of solidarity in support of lawyers in Myanmar

We have joined with the law societies of Northern Ireland and Ireland to issue a joint statement of solidarity in support of lawyers in Myanmar being threatened for working to uphold the rule of law.

LGBT+ History Month: Equality for all under the law

In a statement to mark the end of LGBT+ History Month, Law Society President, Amanda Millar confirms the Society's principles for equality for all under the law and our belief in the worth, value and inclusion of all trans people in the legal profession and wider society.

Latest Legal News

LSEW President steps down over discipline hearing

David Greene contests charge but wishes to avoid "distraction"

Don't curb human rights, ministers and Commission argue

Scottish Government and Human Rights Commission release review responses

Latest Blogs & Opinion

Adapting to studying at home and how to make the most of it

Second year law student, Bethany Chisolm, shares her experience of adapting to studying from home and explains what she's doing to make the best of the situation

LGBT+ History Month: My trans journey

To mark the conclusion of LGBT+ History Month 2021, Amanda Millar, current President of the Law Society of Scotland, and the first openly LGBT+ person to hold the role, reflects on her own trans awareness journey.

Upcoming events

Brexit: Law, Jurisdiction and Enforceability from January 2021

Join us in March 2021 for a timely update on the practical implication of the end of the Transition Period; to understand what has changed for your clients; and the things to keep in mind.

Wellbeing roundtable for law students

We're hosting this event to hear from law students, as an open forum to understand how your experiences during study have impacted your wellbeing. Perhaps more than ever during the coronavirus pandemic, mental health and wellbeing have been discussed widely and we want to take this opportunity to hear from the future of our profession.