Our equality and diversity strategy provides:

  • a statement of commitment by our president
  • an introduction to the strategy and what it means for the Society and the profession
  • details of the standards and responsibilities we need to meet
  • an overview of the organisation
  • an overview of the legislation and codes
  • information on how we will publish results of work and further information
  • our strategic equality and diversity objectives for the period 2014 to 2017
  • a report on what we achieved during the period of the last strategy 2011 to 2014
  • an action plan for implementing our objectives during 2014 to 2017
  • information on our equality impact assessments

This latest strategy was approved by the Society's Council in November 2014 and published in Janauary 2015.

The Strategy is informed by a range of research and involvement work, including commissioned interviews with solicitors and with equality bodies.

Until 2007, the Society issued specific annual reports on its work in implementing the strategy. Since then, this has been incorporated into the Society's annual reports.

Copies of our previous strategies can be made available by request: contact the Head of Diversity at  [email protected]


The equality standards

10 equality standards providing a framework for success for our members in developing equality and inclusion within their organisations

Equality and diversity guides

Supporting our members to comply with their legal duties and to excel as employers and service providers.

Parents in the profession

Guides for solicitors and others working in legal services who are about to embark on or return from a period of maternity, shared parental or adoption leave and their line managers.