Ron Filipkowski


Attorney, Marine, Triathlete, Historian, World Traveler, Chef. Former AUSA and Republican now Democrat. Political comedy, commentary, theatre and horror.

Đã tham gia tháng 8 năm 2020


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  1. Tweet đã ghim
    8 thg 12, 2020

    My resignation letter to Governor Desantis.

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  2. 1 giờ trước

    Dick Durbin destroys Ted Cruz for being Ted Cruz. This is what Democratic Senators need to do more of.

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  3. 1 giờ trước

    Covid Relief Bill passes with straight 50-49 party-line vote.

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  4. 2 giờ trước

    This is Donald Trump essentially trying to put the Republican Party out of business by choking off their fundraising so he can grift. This swindle is going to do more damage to the GOP than anything else he could do right now.

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  5. 2 giờ trước

    This is incredibly important and super hilarious. He won’t let the GOP even use his name or photo in fundraising letters. But they have to bow and scrape to him. He wants all Republican donor money from now on to go straight into his pocket.

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  6. 3 giờ trước

    Pastor Stewart Allen-Clark tells congregation that women need to work harder to look good for men. “I’m not saying every woman can be the epic trophy wife of all time like Melania Trump. Most women can’t be trophy wives, but you know ... maybe you’re a participation trophy.”

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  7. 3 giờ trước

    This interactive chart, showing the top tax rates steadily coming down over the past 40 years, to the point where we basically have a flat tax system today.

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  8. 5 giờ trước

    Why do I feel like everyone in West Virginia is going to end up getting a $7,500 stimulus check?

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  9. 6 giờ trước

    Former Trump State Department appointee Federico Klein, who had a top secret clearance, complained to a Judge yesterday that he isn’t getting enough sleep in jail. He is charged in the insurrection with beating an officer with a stolen riot shield.

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  10. 6 giờ trước

    In the 20th hour of debate, the Senate is now voting on a Republican amendment to add new abortion restrictions. To the Covid Relief Bill. And they complain Democrats put too many things in the bill that have nothing to do covid.

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  11. 6 giờ trước

    I’m sending this out to college kids all over America to try and keep them from coming here during Spring Break and flooding our beach towns with maskless super spreader events. Hope it works. If you know any, please forward!

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  12. 15 giờ trước

    Group of MAGA protesters today marched in NYC towards Times Square with a giant, “Trump 2024” flag. Things went about how you would expect.

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  13. 15 giờ trước

    Former astronaut Joan Higginbotham is considering run for open NC Senate seat. She is a Democrat.

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  14. 15 giờ trước

    I don’t know why, but the more I think about this I get the feeling that Josh Hawley is about to vote against this Covid Relief Bill.

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  15. 16 giờ trước

    Correction, “days before” the insurrection.

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  16. 16 giờ trước

    Deere’s statement about why Tarrio was in the White House didn’t match up with what Tarrio said.

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  17. 16 giờ trước

    This new story is making me think about this old story. Tarrio, spotted in the WH by reporters two weeks before, wasn’t at the insurrection because he was arrested the day before in DC, but his second-in-command was.

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  18. 16 giờ trước

    BREAKING. NY Times reports FBI source that a call was placed by a member of the Proud Boys to an official inside the Trump WH during the insurrection. They reportedly know who the parties are but not revealing yet.

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  19. 17 giờ trước

    Insurrectionist Shane Jenkins 2021 Republican Party

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  20. 17 giờ trước

    Insurrectionist who smashed Capitol window with crowbar was arrested today in Houston. He was identified by twitter detectives. From KPRC2 News, Houston.

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  21. 18 giờ trước

    Please do not refer to this as the ‘George Floyd’ trial. It’s the Derek Chauvin trial. George Floyd is not on trial, although the defense is going to do their best to make it seem that way.

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