Ron Filipkowski


Attorney, Marine, Triathlete, Historian. Former Federal Prosecutor & Repub; now Defense Attorney & Democrat. General Counsel for the Woke Mob.

Vrijeme pridruživanja: kolovoz 2020.


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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    8. pro 2020.

    My resignation letter to Governor Desantis.

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  2. prije 41 minutu

    Notorious Proud Boy Adam Kiefer called out of the counter-protesters away from the melee to take him on one-on-one. It didn’t go well for Adam. From

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  3. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 10 sati

    This is unbelievable. Last week, GOP front runner v. Gavin Newsom, Larry Elder, saw his support with MAGAs nosedive after he said that Biden won the 2020 election “fair and square.” Today, he says he has changed his mind and “wants a mulligan” on his answer.

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  4. prije 4 sata

    Additional footage of clashes near LA City Hall from . (Strong language)

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  5. prije 5 sati

    Proud Boys / Anti-vaccine / Recall Newsom people clashed with counter-protestors today near LA City Hall. (Strong language warning).

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  6. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 10 sati

    Peering through blood-red slits for eyes, nose clearly wrecked, Junior is crying that the media picked on him all the time but leaves Hunter Biden alone.

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  7. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 11 sati

    New pro-militia report trending on MAGA social media says that militia groups have more than doubled since 2008 to over 500, and there is a “growing alliance with law enforcement,” since they “recruit heavily from law enforcement and former military.”

  8. prije 8 sati

    With many TX Democratic State Reps avoiding Austin so they can’t be detained, the House Sgt at Arms has now deputized law enforcement throughout the state. This authorizes any of them to search for, detain, and transport legislators to Austin by force.

  9. prije 8 sati

    All this despite the fact that, in a new ‘exclusive interview,’ Trump says that he told his kids “from the day they were old enough to speak, I said, ‘no drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes.’”

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  10. prije 10 sati

    Here is his clip from a few days ago, where he said the exact opposite. Just like Dan Crenshaw and others are learning, it’s increasingly clear that to survive a GOP primary, you are forced to embrace the Big Lie, whether you believe it or not.

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  11. prije 10 sati

    This is unbelievable. Last week, GOP front runner v. Gavin Newsom, Larry Elder, saw his support with MAGAs nosedive after he said that Biden won the 2020 election “fair and square.” Today, he says he has changed his mind and “wants a mulligan” on his answer.

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  12. prije 10 sati

    Peering through blood-red slits for eyes, nose clearly wrecked, Junior is crying that the media picked on him all the time but leaves Hunter Biden alone.

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  13. prije 11 sati

    Correction after additional research. The man in the video is Carlos Zapata.

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  14. prije 11 sati

    New pro-militia report trending on MAGA social media says that militia groups have more than doubled since 2008 to over 500, and there is a “growing alliance with law enforcement,” since they “recruit heavily from law enforcement and former military.”

  15. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    13. kol

    Some of them are our friends. Some our siblings. Some our parents. Some just co-workers or neighbors. But fundamentally, we are not the same. Because, there is nothing in a single one of our cells than would inspire us to do anything like this.

  16. prije 12 sati

    My dedicated team monitors right wing shows, podcast, rallies, events and social media pages every day. We also go their events, blend in, and film them. We are especially concerned with the growing threat to local govt agencies. Consider following to stay informed.

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  17. prije 13 sati

    Carlos Piccata, who says he is a combat vet, to the Shasta, CA county commission: “It’s not going to be peaceful much longer. We’re building, we’re organizing. You won’t stop us when the time comes. This is a warning for what’s coming. There’s a million people just like me.”

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  18. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    13. kol

    Two parents were arrested at Walden Grove (AZ) High School today after they went inside and demanded to talk to the Principal and repeatedly refused to leave. They insisted that their daughter be allowed to attend school despite a contact-tracing quarantine.

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  19. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    13. kol

    With a major covid outbreak in Austin, TX, two local restaurants announced they were going to require proof of vaccine. They were just forced to reverse the policy after the TX Alcoholic Beverage Commission threatened to pull their liquor licenses.

  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    13. kol

    While I was at the hospital protest, a 70 year old Dr. Stephen Guffanti was being helped out by two people. He was a covid patient who checked himself out of the hospital ‘Against Medical Advice.’ He told protesters he was put in restraints for 4 hours, then allowed to leave.

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  21. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    13. kol

    BREAKING: Ron Desantis just canceled his fundraising trip to Las Vegas this weekend. Apparently, someone with half a brain and a modicum of political instincts figured out that him being filmed in Vegas raising money right now was a bad look.


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