If you have concerns about how to keep your cashroom running during the current situation, you may want to consider outsourcing the work during this period. This will give you the opportunity to use the government's Furlough scheme for your cashroom staff while maintaining a finance and cashiering function that could enable your business to operate during the next few uncertain months.

Legal cashier services providers The Cashroom and Kirklands are offering services on a flexible basis with fees based on the actual activity carried out. For more information please contact:

David Calder on [email protected] or call 07876 236 578


Graham Gibson on [email protected] or call 01738 500 764

If you need more information about how the furlough scheme works, have a look at our accountancy partner AAB's overview of this. 

Covid-19 business support

Information on business support available for our members during the Covid-19 outbreak