In the course of advising your clients, you may recognise specific areas of their affairs where they might benefit from specialist wealth advice.

Estate planning

Having worked hard to create their wealth, it is only natural that some of your clients want to preserve it for future family generations by passing it on.  It is important that planning takes place as early as possible and in harmony with arrangements made by other private client advisers. The later a client leaves such decisions the more limited their options will be. Considerations at this time may also include investments, pensions, property, businesses and life assurance.  

Retirement planning

Retirement means different things to different people, but as clients move away from full-time employment or their business interests, making sure they have a sustainable level of incomes is key to a long and happy retirement. Ensuring your clients have sufficient savings to fund their dream retirement requires planning ahead. From pre-retirement planning, to forecasting and advice at and in retirement, specialist wealth management expertise can make all the difference.

Later life care planning

People are living longer today than ever before, and while this is good news for us all, it does increase the likelihood that your clients will need to fund some form of later life care for themselves and / or their parents or other relatives. Having expert support to help review assets and plan their finances in an empathetic manner is becoming increasingly important.

The value of investments can fall and you may get back less than you invested.