You must have a valid Diploma to be able to apply for an entrance certificate. An entrance certificate is required in order for you to commence a traineeship.

Diploma validity has changed

Changes have been made to the Admission as Solicitor (Scotland) regulations, which took effect on 1 November 2019.

The Diploma is now valid for five years from 1 January the year after its award. You must start a traineeship within this period. For instance, if you are awarded the Diploma in June 2020 it is valid until 1 January 2026 and you must start a traineeship before that date.

This also affects Diplomas that were awarded prior to the new regulations coming into force.

If your Diploma predates 2015 we would urge you to contact us at [email protected]

Apply to extend your Diploma validity

I already have a username and password

If you already have login details for our website, you can sign in and go straight to the extension application form.

I don't have a username or password

We'll need some extra details from you to create an account with us before filling out the Diploma validity extension application form.