Our  Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) initiative was launched in 2008. This process and the paperwork used has been reviewed and revised to take into account the Equality Act 2010.

This initiative ensured that all functions of the Society were rigorously assessed in 2008, and that all further developments in our work have been and continue to be properly assessed.

We believe that rigorous impact assessment, and accompanying involvement, helps the Society to develop high quality and robust policies and procedures while ensuring we meet our obligation under the Equality Act to comply with the 'general duty' in relation to its public functions and other specific functions. The general duty requires the Society to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination; advance equality; and foster good relations across the range of protected characteristics.

The paperwork the Society uses in conducting EIAs includes:

In developing our process and paperwork, a benchmarking exercise was undertaken to examine possible models for impact assessment and to examine guidance offered by the Commission for Racial Equality, the Disability Rights Commission, and the Equal Opportunities Commission (now merged as the EHRC). It also drew together models from the public and private sector to identify best practice.

Each area of the Society has appointed EIA leads, who co-ordinate the EIA work within their area. To ensure the work progresses appropriately, the head of diversity is available to assist and guide staff though the process.

For more information please contact [email protected]